Taking PT for years, regressing

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:09 pm

Thought I'd update on what I've been doing with my teeth since my last post. Two weeks ago I had my infected tooth pulled and the socket filled with cement in preparation for an implant. I may not have an implant put back in if I can get along without it because of the cost. It's on the lower right side in the back. It feels like it's pretty well healed up now and doesn't seem to affect my ability to chew food.

I told the dentist about Thomas Levy's Toxic Tooth book and he was pretty interested in it. He wrote down the name and author and said he'd like to read it. He also said he didn't like root canals either because the tooth was so porous and difficult to seal. I didn't have the book at the time I had the tooth pulled but received it a few days later.

I'm not done reading it but decided from what I have read that I need to have the root canal removed. It's in an upper tooth and further forward than the one I had pulled. It's going to cost about $3000 to have it removed and replaced with an implant. On page 237-8 of "The Toxic Tooth" book it says an implant is always preferable to a root canal and if properly placed should have no discernible negative impact on general health. They also need to be kept very clean.

I'm still reading the book but stopped at the dentists office and made an appointment to have my root canal tooth pulled in about ten days. The dentist wasn't there and his receptionist didn't know if he'd ordered Levy's book yet. I had her write down the name and authors and she said she'd inquire about it and let me know if he'd ordered it.

It costs a lot to have root canals removed and I'm glad I only have one. If it extends my life though it's worth it to me so I'm going for it. I do have quite a few fillings and I don't know what they are made of so I suppose that will be the next thing that I'll have to study on and deal with.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:42 am

Frank51. Thank you for the report, and I suspect a lot of your medical problems will diminish with the root canal out and the amalgams removed (assuming you don't have "cavitations" - pockets of infection in your jaw bone.

Where do you live? There is a wonderful dentist in Illinois who is a close friend of Dr. Levy with experience removing root canals. As you point out, the procedures aren't inexpensive, but I would think you would want a dentist with some experience.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:44 am

Owen~ thanks for taking the time to reply and pointing me towards the book "Toxic Tooth".

I am wondering about the cavitations too after reading about them. I had my wisdom teeth pulled quite a few years ago and I wonder if I could have infection there too. I'm still taking 40 grams of ascorbic acid in a twenty four hour period. It's not causing me to have diarrhea and that has me wondering if I could have more infection in places other than the tooth that was pulled.

I have quite a few fillings but I don't know if they are mercury amalgams. I'll have to inquire about that. When my dentist has been doing fillings he uses the term fugi when he's doing it and I'm not sure what that is. I'll have to do more searches on the internet and reading.

I live in western South Dakota and Illinois is quite a ways from where I live. I was a classmate in high school with my regular dentist and he referred me to a dentist in Rapid City to have my infected tooth removed and getting an implant. The dentist there specializes in extractions, implants and dentures.

I'm 64 and I feel good most of the time. I've been walking on a treadmill 45 minutes a day with my heart rate at 120. I'm starting to do that twice a day now and feel good so far. I"m generally active the rest of the day too. I don't know if there are any blood tests that can be done to tell whether you have infections or not and if they are reliable. Seems like I've read in that book that infections don't always show up with testing.

If I were closer to Illinois I'd probably have your dentist do my dental work but it's to far to travel and the work I do keeps me close to my home.

Thank you for your input on my dental problems. I appreciate it and the book you recommended has been very helpful in making the decisions that I need to with my teeth.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:35 am

Richard K Bernstein, MD, in his book DIABETES SOLUTION (pg 374) wrote that he noticed elevated blood sugar when there was dental toxicity, (and I suppose this might be related to elevated cortisol that would be produced in response to the infection.) You might check this book out of your library, and look at the index for "dental toxicity."

Anyway, in his experience, the elevated blood sugar sometimes requires up to a year to decline AFTER the dental work. (He makes some antibiotic recommendations).

The TrueTest glucose monitor is cheap, accurate and might help you monitor the dental infections.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:56 pm

Thought I'd update here again. I had the tooth with the root canal extracted and there didn't appear to be any infection but it was infected when the root canal was done so I'm sure there was bacteria in it. It had a gold crown on it so I kept it for the gold :-). I'll have an implant done some time later on after everything is healed up.

The dentist said my jaw had healed well from the earlier extraction of an infected tooth. I asked him to check the xrays and mri for cavitations from the wisdom teeth I'd had extracted years ago. He said those sockets appeared to be solid bone now. I've put pressure on them and there is no tenderness or pain so I assume they are alright.

It's about a hundred miles to town for me to a library that would probably have a copy of Dr. Bernsteins book and I found one on line for about 9 dollars so I ordered it. Just got it this afternoon and have started looking through it. I also got one of the True Test glucose monitors the day I had my tooth extracted.

I read page 374 as you suggested and looked up the other places dental toxicity is mentioned. He suggests putting crushed Ice and water in your mouth for thirty seconds to see if it makes any of your teeth hurt. Any that do hurt are suspect of being infected and should be checked by a dentist. I did that and none of mine hurt.

In reading how to measure blood sugar on page 85 he says "Note: Do not expect accurate blood sugars (HgbA) if you have been taking more than 250 mg per day of a vitamin C supplement. Readings may be lower that the true values".

I'm still taking from 30 to 40 grams a day of vitamin C.

Owen I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this and what I'd have to do to get an accurate reading on blood sugar. I wonder if I'd have to be off the vitamin C and for how long to get accurate readings.

Thanks for pointing me towards this book and the monitor. I'm looking forward to checking my blood sugar and staying on top of any dental infections. It's always interesting to learn something new.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:59 am

First of all, your report sounds good! So how are you feeling?

I respect Dr. Bernstein as probably the world expert on Diabetes Type 1 and controlling blood sugar, but EVERYTHING he says in that book about vitamin C (and vitamin E) is wrong. I have contacted him about this, because he is more engineer than medical doctor (the MD was an afterthought to try to promote his ideas among the medical establishment.) He is in his 80s, and who am I to question him? I wish medical doctors received accurate information about vitamin C in their medical training, but it doesn't happen that way.

Anyway, from our experiments, the TrueTest meter isn't affected by vitamin C in the blood. Also, the half life of vitamin C is 30 minutes or so, so your fasting blood readings should be highly accurate. And the normal range of vitamin C is zero to 1.5 mg/dl. Glucose is normally around 90 mg/dl. So vitamin C reading is 1 to 2 %, even if the meter is reading vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:07 pm

ofonorow wrote:[b][color=#000080]First of all, your report sounds good! So how are you feeling?

I'm feeling good. I've felt better and have had an increase in energy since I've had these teeth extracted. I don't know if it's because these teeth have been removed or something else. Because the first one I had removed was infected and the root canal one could have been putting toxins in to my blood I'll assume I'm feeling more energy because they're gone and everything seems to be healing up fine. Thanks for asking.

I just did my first blood glucose test and it was 103 mg/dl. It had been three hours since I'd eaten and I took several grams of vitamin c about an hour after eating. I guess that's higher than it should be but I'm not sure about that. I don't know how much higher the readings might be because of the tooth I had that was infected and caused some bone loss before being extracted. It's probably a good thing you've encouraged me to monitor my blood glucose because I may have or be at risk for diabetes. Thanks

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:00 am

I wish my blood glucose was 103 mg/dl 3 hours after eating (but I am missing half my pancreas).

If you have a chance to watch https://thatvitaminmovie.com/ there is an interview with Dr. Thomas Levy, and his message in the interview is that all heart attacks are caused (not only related too) dental toxicity, especially root canals.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:17 pm

ofonorow wrote:I wish my blood glucose was 103 mg/dl 3 hours after eating (but I am missing half my pancreas).

If you have a chance to watch https://thatvitaminmovie.com/ there is an interview with Dr. Thomas Levy, and his message in the interview is that all heart attacks are caused (not only related too) dental toxicity, especially root canals.

I did watch the movie you provided a link to a few nights ago. Thank you. It was good and I think I've been taking all the vitamins they mentioned. I've also tried to follow your recommendations for vitamins in your book. I think I read Bill Sardi said taking omega 3 fish oil helps in absorption of vitamin c. Do you know if it's ok to take the fish oil at the same time as the ascorbic acid?

I had an appt. with my doctor to have my cholesterol checked and also my blood glucose. Glucose was 106 and I was told that's normal and anything over 110 they consider pre diabetes. Their range for normal is 70-110.

My gums seem to be pretty well healed after the tooth extractions and there doesn't seem to be any problems.

Owen, why are you missing half your pancreas?

When I called for an appt. I asked if I could have the VAP test done so I'd know what my Lpa number was. I was told the doctor had to order that but he didn't. They did the regular test but I explained to him when I saw him why I wanted the VAP test. He hadn't ordered one before but he got on his computer while I was sitting there and looked it up. He then ordered one up to be done at the Mayo Clinic. It took about an hour for the nurse to get the information I wanted from them. I had a VAP test done in May of 2015 but there was very little information on Lpa. I was told mine was high. This time there are lots of numbers but I don't know what they all mean so I'll copy them below.

I've been taking 2 grams of niacin (nicotinic acid) a day and my doctor said I could increase that to 4 grams per day since their tests didn't show any
problems from what I had been taking.

Direct Measured Cholesterol Panel

Total LDL ___ 166

LDL ___ 135

LP(a) ___ 23

IDL ___ 9

Total HDL ___ 58

HDL(2)___ 17

HDL(3)___ 41

Total VLDL ___ 14

VLDL(1+2)___ 6.0

VLDL(3)___ 8

Total Cholesterol___ 239

Secondary and Emerging Risk Factors

Triglycerides___ 62

Non-HDL Cholesterol___ 181

Remnant Lipoproteins___ 17

Lp(a)___ 23

LDL Density patterns ___ A = less risk


Apo B___ 117

Apo AI___ 153

Apo B/A ratio___ 0.76 _____ 0.92 = desirable ............ lower ratio indicates lower risk

I'm thinking these numbers are all ok as long as I keep taking the ascorbic acid and lysine. I'm also wondering if the Lp(a) could already have lysine bound to it.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:21 am

Excellent question, whether the Lp(a) could already be bound to lysine and would that affect the mass reading?

Your cholesterol is high - 239 and on optimal vitamin C, it should normalize to 180 mg/dl. This is an indicator that you should be taking more vitamin C.

Your Lp(a) is high - 23 - and the VAP should report that less than 10 is normal. You are doing the correct thing, according to Linus Pauling, by using vitamin C and lysine (and proline?) Lp(a) binding inhibitors. In our experience, if you are taking proline, your Lp(a) should decline as well as your total cholesterol. Remember, cholesterol is your friend, it is part of your bodies defense against toxicity and other "fires". Being elevated is a signal that perhaps you still have some toxicity or infection. (As a little history, according to Dr. Levy in his book UNINFORMED CONSENT co-authored with Hal Huggins, DDS, he, Dr. Levy, then a cardiologist, became interested in vitamin C after noticing that his patients cholesterol declined "like clock work" after they visited Huggins and had their dental toxicity removed. Burying himself in the medical literature he found research showing that cholesterol is part of a primary detoxification mechanism.)

Do you know if it's ok to take the fish oil at the same time as the ascorbic acid?

I have never heard otherwise, but I do remember a phone conversation with Don Davis, PhD, and close associate of Roger J Williams many many moons ago. I asked him what he considered to be the "most important nutrient a person should take." His answer, "Omega/3s". Among other properties, they help keep cell membranes healthy.

I had an appt. with my doctor to have my cholesterol checked and also my blood glucose. Glucose was 106 and I was told that's normal and anything over 110 they consider pre diabetes. Their range for normal is 70-110.

My gums seem to be pretty well healed after the tooth extractions and there doesn't seem to be any problems.

I think you were the one who checked out Richard Bernstein's DIABETES SOLUTION, and if you read more of the book, his ideal blood sugar is 83 mg/dl.

Owen, why are you missing half your pancreas?

The experience was documented here. For some reason they found a "lesion" on my pancreas during a CT scan, and that is something you don't fool around with. None of the biopsies found cancer, and there was no cancer when they performed the surgery to remove the lesion. So basically I went through cancer surgery, but did not have cancer. However, I did find an amazing doctor who had learned how to save the pancreatic tail, which is now separated and attached to my colon. The CT scan was after I had taken a serious fall down cement steps during an ice storm, cracking ribs in my lower back, etc. Johnwen found an old medical text describing the same type of lesions in the pancreas after trauma from car accidents. So that is my story and I'm sticking to it. I believe the anomaly in my pancreas was caused by the terrible fall.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:25 am

I'm happy to hear the lesion on your pancreas was not cancer. I've taken some nasty falls too on ice and it can happen in the blink of an eye.

I'm the one who ordered Richard Bernstein's book and did read that 83 mg/dl were the target. I don't know where I'd have any infection now after having those teeth pulled. I feel good and also seem to have more energy after having them pulled. I do have some fillings in my teeth but I don't know if that would raise my cholesterol level.

My dad had heart disease, my brother had bypass surgery and one of my sisters has blocked arteries but is not a good candidate for bypass surgery. She's started on the paulingthereapy. I'm wondering if having high cholesterol just runs in my family. I do take one and a half grams of proline per day along with six grams of lysine. I hesitated for a while to take the proline because of your words of caution about proline and bypass grafts in your book. No problems with that so far. I'm still taking 30 to 40 grams of vit c per day. I eat red meat, butter eggs and green vegetables and I don't want to quit doing that. I do try to avoid sugar, starchy food and flour. The VAP test did say that 10 was desirable for Lp(a).

Thanks for your information about omega 3 and vitamin c. I couldn't find anything that advises not taking them together either so I'll continue. The chiropractor I've been going to suggests taking 12 grams per day for two to four weeks then backing off to 4 grams per day so I've started doing that. Previously I'd been taking a gram in the morning and one in the evening but he said that's not enough. I've had pain in my neck and back where I was told my ribs may have been dislocated and a nerve pinched during surgery. The pain has lessened since upping the omega 3 but I don't know if it's because of that or something else. This chiropractor sees a friend of mine that had a shoulder operation taking the higher doses of omega 3. My friend says his joint aches and pains went away and his memory improved after taking the higher doses of omega 3.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:56 am

If Bernstein's experience applies in your case, then you still may have an underlying infection simmering that is holding your cholesterol up. Didn't he say that sometimes a year is required for the blood sugar to come down (his signal the body has stopped fighting the infection)?

Keep us posted on your sister's progress too. Thank you.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:25 pm

ofonorow wrote:If Bernstein's experience applies in your case, then you still may have an underlying infection simmering that is holding your cholesterol up. Didn't he say that sometimes a year is required for the blood sugar to come down (his signal the body has stopped fighting the infection)?

On page 374 he says and I quote

" Even after such dental infections have been successfully treated, however, blood sugar elevations frequently continue many months. If blood sugars don't return to your target immediately after treatment, an appropriate antibiotic should be prescribed and continued until blood sugars remain at their preinfection level. Many people require continuation of antibiotics for as long as a year after treatment to prevent further blood sugar increases".

I may need to get a prescription for an anti-biotic for a while and see if that brings my blood sugar down.

On page 464, paragraph two he writes of the connection between elevated blood sugar and elevated cholesterol. He says they tend to rise together and if I do still have some infection in my jaw bone that could be the reason for my elevated blood glucose and elevated cholesterol.

ofonorow wrote:Keep us posted on your sister's progress too. Thank you.

My sister was told that she had developed collaterals because she waited so long to have her symptoms checked. She didn't have a heart attack. I gave her one of your books, some ascorbic acid and some lysine. I also gave her a link to some of the best information on collaterals that I've come across so far. This is a link to the site that shows photos, links and research. http://heartattacknew.com/wp-content/up ... lution.pdf

If the paulingtherapy works for her it should keep her collaterals clear and healthy and she could live a lot of years. I hope the same for me :-).

Thank you for pointing me again to Dr. Bersteins book as I may need to take an antibiotic for a lot longer than I did. If you hadn't mentioned it I'd have missed that.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:53 am

And thank you for that link! For the first time, the idea of "collateral growth" of arteries make some sense! We don't grow new arteries, if I read that right, the effect is from existing smaller arteries expanding to take on a greater role carrying the blood.

This I can believe.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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