Over a year now.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:39 pm

Well I now have a pacemaker installed. I feel pretty good but looking back on my heart rates now realize I was missing heart beats. I had a dramatic passing out and hit something here at home early am before hitting the deck. Luckily no damage. After seeing what they called heart block and my crazy readings, next day a pacemaker was installed. Very good medical care and I was home in two days. Slight infection but all cleared up now and I'm starting to do my walks again. First thing I did on arriving home was to take my Vit.C and Lysine mixture, felt great. The elixir of Life. So hopefully for me that is my turn over for sometime and I can get myself back to normality. Life is good and still the adventure. Take care. nineboy. :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by tjohnson_nb » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:02 am

Glad you are allright, hope the pacemaker helps :)
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:59 pm

Well, Thank you and yes I am all right. I don't really feel any different except dizzy spells are gone and heartbeats feel normal. I've had some great sleeps lately and feel somewhat at peace. Continuing on with my Pauling Therapy as usual and am taking 5 grams early morning and 2 other 4 grams later throughout the day. Seems to be working for me, so still on track and will keep reporting in. Take care. nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:21 pm

Hi All,Yes decided to drop by and let you know I am still doing just fine. I must admit my bowl tolerance has dropped to under 10 grams. Sometimes 8 grams or 6 grams and yesterday only 4 grams and I was running. So my body seems to be happy with my vitamin C content. This morning I'm about to take 3 grams and the slowly take it from there. I was taking 4 grams three times a day but if I was out, I might only take 6 or 8 grams. Pauling is right it is easy to keep up and I don't like not having my Vit. C. When in hospital for a few days I felt my eyes bothered me without it.
Just had my first dose 3 grams of Vit.C, 2 grams of lysine, 1 gram of proline and my d3 vit. and half a multivitamin. Easy to do and no ill effects with my other meds I'm on. Now they are trying to get me to restart my statin. I have said no as I feel everything is going well. They even suggest that one a week could help and it is my cardiologist asking and he knows me very well. So not sure what to do.
I am still dancing twice a week quite vigorous at times and though not quite up to my usual speed but not too bad for my age. No angina when walking and exercising at gym etc. I did wake up one night feeling like it might be angina but not sure if I ate something or what. So I keep trying to get myself in shape and being able for a big event coming up. I have to watch my back and also calf muscle pulls from dancing, keep at bay. So I walk a lot and do stretches and pelvic tilts to keep everything running on a even keel. Pacemaker gives no problems and I don't really feel it coming on. I know it's only doing 15 per cent and I do the rest so that's good. No passing out, heart rate normal and on the whole I feel great.
I must mention I still take 25 mg metoprolol three times a day and feel it is important to do it this way. Two times a day at 50 mg. simply knocked the stuffing out of me. Right now I feel it helps me with no effect on what else I take.
I did have an interesting evening with a Dr. Clifford Jones lecture here who does Med.C here in Canada. It's not often you hear such views being stressed that you can agree with. Still not sure of his formula but admire him standing up for Linus Pauling and his therapy. So life is good and I continue on taking my Vitamin CCCCCC. :D :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:34 am

Thank you for the report.

Re: Bowel Tolerance - sounds like you have been getting healthier, but do not make the mistake many others have made: Assuming that because they feel so good, that they are cured, and stop taking Pauling's protocol. Sounds like you have found a good maintenance dose. Please check in from time to time and let us know how it is going.

What is the rationale for wanting to put you on a statin??? Do you know your total cholesterol number these days?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:58 pm

Hi Owen, Just had to look again at my Live Longer and Feel Better book and Do not miss a single Day and I don't. It's something I do after getting up.You are right I seem to have found a balance of what I need with medication and Vitamins. I guess everyone is different and I used to believe in taking Fiber but have switched to vitamin C and keep myself very regular with it. I do feel better and am getting back to be more like my old self.
On the statin issue the feeling is my Scottish blood needs some help. No I am still waiting for someone to send me to get my Cholesterol checked. Personally I feel that my C intake is helping me in this regard but I would like to know how I am doing. I will need a Dr's visit soon and will see then what I can do. I don't tend to worry about it though mind you. Occasionally my beta blocker runs out of steam in the morning and I know what it is. So I take my tablet and things settle down fairly quick. My pacemaker I don't really feel but I do feel so much better at the start of this year than I did last year. So I will keep up my regime and am trying to be like my mother and get to 95. So there are some good genes in my family, mostly from the female side. Thanks for all the info and I do try to keep up on my reading in books and on the net. Anyway take care. Nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:38 am

Nineboy, I think you are correct that necessary and sufficient vitamin C has been correcting your cholesterol levels - naturally, if you will.

But I cannot resist commenting on only living to 95!

We are on the cusp of being able to make our cells immortal, so they won't die simply because they have divided too many times. Lots of people have become interested in lengthening their DNA's telomeres through telomerase activation, but I want to always take the opportunity to point out, while this road may lead to rejuvenation effects (as has been shown in various experiments) you cannot ignore our genetic defects, especially one of the most serious - GULO. The people who can and will live the longest will combine telomerase activation with high dose vitamin C
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:46 pm

Hi There, Thought I would drop in and let you know my bowel tolerance is still low. My body seems happy with my Vit C. Yesterday 2 rushes to toilet, after 2 grams and then later when I took 3 grams. Sometimes catches me at awkward times. So my top grams are between 6 or 8 grams. Both my shoulders ache more now, hurt like H--- not sure what is happening. Arthritis maybe. Kinda wonder if it could be metoprolol causing it. I'm still off statins and no visit to Dr. yet. With angina gone I don't feel the need and Pacemaker check is not to next year now. I will have to get my yearly check up soon though. I know some of my dancing has to be less vigorus, Pauling did say to exercise but not overdo it. I am so improved this year and on the whole feel pretty good. I continue my Pauling therapy and find it easy to keep to. Regards Nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:27 am

Thanks again for the report, although this is a red flag..
Both my shoulders ache more now, hurt like H--- not sure what is happening. Arthritis maybe

Pains like this appeared just before my 2, 10-day stints in intensive care!

If your doctor will not order an all-day saliva cortisol test, then I believe you can order it yourself from ZRT Labs.

You can order it from Amazon.

In my case, it was ordered "after the fact" and showed that my cortisol was about 20% below the LOW range most of the day. If this is the same with you, you run into problem #2. Finding a doc who will supply you with a prescription. If you in Illinois, I can help.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by soflsun » Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:31 am


Why were you in intensive care due to cortisol?

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:54 pm

Wow! Owen, I have been planning to go to the doctor and now you've given me a reason. I do need my yearly physical and was going to mention my sore shoulders. I do have moments of great energy but at times seem exhausted. Not one for slowing down either. Always lead from the front as they say. So something to look out for and I'm glad I mentioned it here. I sleep well and can't remember the last time I had angina so feel blessed with that. I will let you know how I get on.
Mind you this has been my best year for a long time and I do work away at my Pauling Therapy. Hopefully keeping my stents clear. Maybe lucky they are just metal stents. Thanks as always for info. Regards nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Bxgpsy » Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:27 pm

Is it true all people with 99-100% blockages don't benefit from PT? Is there any data on that available?

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:32 pm

Hi not sure I'm the one to answer this. I think it's true it might not help a 100% blockage but will benefit the rest of your arteries. If the vitamin C, lysine and proline can pass through it is known to help. For me I'd try it. I believe in it and after nine stents decided to give it a go. Enough was enough and I am making data as I go along. If I make 95 or 100 I'll let you know. Take care. Nineboy. :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:49 pm

Hi Owen, I have got my date for yearly checkup later this month. I did some reading on corsitol and have started a few things. I love tea and have started drinking my green tea again plus some chamomile tea at night. Also I'm doing some relaxation exercises I've known for years called Auto genetics. Works for me and I'm doing them more often. Trying to go to bed a bit earlier and sleeping well. I'll talk to my doctor and discuss saliva tests and he is easy to discuss things with. Thanks for information and believe it or not I feel a bit better. Just been reading Johnwen in the forum and I didn't know VitaminC effected cortisol levels. I'm learning all the time. Shoulders still aching a bit but I do feel better. Regards. nineboy. :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:32 am

Except nineboy that you have been under extraordinary stress with your heart condition, which is very likely to lead to adrenal exhaustion that no amount of vitamin C will be able to correct. It isn't a bad idea to try to improve your adrenal function, as some people whose adrenals aren't working because they haven't enough vitamin C may be able to obtain benefit. But that probably isn't the situation in your case, and if you are starting to get low adrenal output - the only remedy may be natural bio-identical cortisol replacement therapy. And don't expect an MD to be "up" on this knowledge.

Is it true all people with 99-100% blockages don't benefit from PT? Is there any data on that available?

Over the years, we have tried to understand why Linus Pauling's lysine/vitamin C therapy, which works over 90% of the time, sometimes failed. People had reported 100% blockages, and it seemed logical that without blood flow, the Lp(a) binding inhibitors wouldn't be able to dissolve the plaques on the arterial walls. But there are no experiments to confirm or deny this supposition. And as nine-boy said so well, the therapy will still benefit the rest of the arteries in your body.


Why were you in intensive care due to cortisol?

When the problem first hit I (and 10 specialists) all thought it was some kind of infection. I subsequently learned that Cortisol is the only essential hormone in that, a person cannot live more than 24 hours without making cortisol. (Did any one ever tell you that before?) Without cortisol - there is pain, as it is the Steroidal AntiIinflammatory, and without it tissues inflame. So if your adrenal output is low, all sorts of bad things happen. If you are alive, you know your adrenals are making some. I got out of the hospital to try IV/C - no relief (without cortisol in the IV!). I finally found William Mck Jefferies book SAFE USES OF CORTISOL (3rd Edition) which explained everything.

But the direct answer to this question are in these two archived form topics


Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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