Hi All/Owen/Jonwen
I am the originator of this thread and I thought I would update you with my current situation and I would really welcome any thoughts and advice.
I started the Pauling Therapy April 2014 having been on 80 mg Atorvastatin from October 2010.(date of my second bypass operation.)
I started getting chest pain again May 2016.
I have a small hiatal hernia and an incisional hernia and was 'Hoping' that this was the cause of the pain on exertion.
I was moved to a heart specialist after it was determined that it was not the cause.
After an angiogram it was determined that my LIMA graft was excellent and my Circumflex graft was also patent but my Right artery graft was fully blocked as well as my native Right Coronary artery.
I declined another bypass operation as I just could not go through it again.
I instead have had 4 stents placed in my RCA vein graft as the specialist found the native RCA difficult to 'get at'.
The operation was very traumatic as the 'sedation' was very poorly executed as in non-existent.
My current regime:
20 g Vitamin C (liposamol c )
10 g Lysine throughout the day
4 g Proline throughout the day
9 g Argnine (slow release)
75 mg Aspirin
75 mg Plavax (anti clot )
Vit B multi
My doctor has of course told me that I have to be on 80 mg of statins as this is the only way that everything will stay 'open'.
I am feeling quite depressed at the moment over this recurrent situation as I am still only 53 and the fact the operation was very traumatic and did not need to be.
I would welcome any thoughts/advice form anyone especially from Owen and Jonwen.
Thankyou kindly