Non-zero Calcium Score on Pauling Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Ascorbate Wizard
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Non-zero Calcium Score on Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:15 am

Hi Owen,

Been using your Cardio C (great product) since May 2013. as you know i have testimonials with you.

Just took a Calcium Score test and although the sum was 135 i think the details speak to the benefits of using your product. I have attached it for your review should you consider anything else i should consider that i may not already have in my 'stockpile". Please note i have my Doctor and Cardiologist giving me input but i feel i get more from your site ( i speak to Robert monthly lol) than else where. Also use Dr Daniel Cobb who i will be forwarding this to as well.

2 years ago i had my CTA scan showing my LAD blocked 100 percent. Wish i took this Calcium CT back then for reference so will plan to revisit the CTA again for comparisons.. At that time my CTA showed my LAD blocked 100 percent and the two on my right at 50%. So if i'm reading this right and speaking to my doctor today my path is so much better than it was back then with my LMA at 0%.

A few key items i'm taking as well are

Cardio C
Organfi Green Juice (Organics of Ashwagandha, Wheat Grass, Monk Fruit, Maringa, Spirulina, Beet, Mint, Lemon, Tumeric, Chlorella, Coconut water and Matcha Green tea,
HT Combo (Pure Herbs) ordered from Heaven and Herbs.
(Heart Tonic Combination)- Heart herbs which nourish the heart and repair valves, reduce swelling, restore feeble heart action, open congested heart blood vessels very slowly, so that the congestive debris is liquefied and flushed harmlessly from the body. Living heart insurance policy grow your own new heart instead of a transplant. You have a new soft tissue body every four months. Make it a better one. You can make a tremendous difference in a years time with the regular use of Heart Tonic and walking for exercise. NOTE:The Hawthorn Berries in this combination enthusiastically clean out waste nitrites and nitrates from the heart area in their haste to prevent disaster. When this occurs, slight twinges or stings may occasionally be felt around the heart area. There is no cause for alarm, as no actual damage is occurring, only good things. Usually, after about a week, this work is done and the amount taken can be reduced to twice per day, for continued benefit. COMBINATION:Hawthorn Berries, Myrrh, Motherwort. DOSE:(3) Capsules (3) times per day.

Blessed Thistle
OCM (Pure Herbs)
O.C.-M - (Oral Chelation = taken by mouth + to claw out) The importance of keeping arteries and veins free of fats, cholesterol and hardened waste mineral accumulation, can be the difference between a normal life and a substandard existence with reduced activity, life expectancy and or memory problems. Oral chelation is the action of taking herbal cleaners and conditioners, by mouth, to prevent and clean out circulatory congestion. Please note, there need be no fear here of congested bits of debris breaking loose, lodging and causing a problem elsewhere. Herbs are intimately well-programed by the Creator to do their job with only intended effects and without dangerous side effects. They can be used with confidence. Chickweed dissolves fat and promotes flexibility. Flax dissolves cholesterol and a type of fat known as triglycerides (glycerol and stearic, oleic and palmitic fatty acids). Stone Root dissolves stone accumulation anywhere in the body, including heart valves, kidneys and bladder, as well as the circulatory system. The leaves of the two herbs, Ginkgo and Gotu Kola, (there is no caffeine in Gotu Kola; this is a miniature water lily, not the kola nut) nourish the brain and nervous system and keep energy flowing to them. In the process, they also build a strong memory and, in the case of a stroke, reverse the damage. If it is known specifically where the blood vessels are congested, such as the neck or the heart, then an external application can be undertaken to speed the process of cleaning and normalization. Apply Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules (International Unit, i.u., is an international measurement of liquid vitamins) to the area to prevent irritation, then Herbal Adj. to increase circulation (avoid contact with eyes, underarms and private areas as this can produce a temporary but unpleasant burning sensation, although no permanent damage is done), then apply Oil of Cajeput (with the same precaution as Herbal Adj.) to the skin to break up mucus congestion. Finally, saturate a single layer of cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with O.C.- M. Lay this over the area to be chelated. Cover with plastic sandwich wrap and finally, wrap a cloth around the area to keep all in place overnight. The next morning, discard the application, wash the area and allow to dry, then put on a daytime application just as was done for the night. Continue this procedure for the night and day until chelation is completed and all structures are normal. Keeping a good working circulatory system and correcting a congested circulatory system makes good sense and improves the quality of life. COMBINATION:Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Chickweed, Flax, Stone Root. DOSE:40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day and, as given above. For maintenance of the normal circulatory system, take 40 to 80 drops per day. In the case of a stroke, then the addition of Chestnut Leaf at the rate of 40 to 80 drops taken internally, 3 times per day, is a worth-while addition to complete the repair process and dissolve and prevent blood clots. O.C.-M COMES IN CONVENIENT CAPSULES ,

Mega Chel (Natures Sunshine)

No rush on this but thought to ask for your opinion of this even if it's simply to increase the Cardio C from currently 3 scoops per day (Started with 4 scoops per day 2 years ago for the two year period.

Thanks in advance for anything you can advise

Infinite Love & Gratitude.


I am a little unclear on the current blockages, but I do see at least one glaring omission from your list.

Vitamin K.

Most of the interesting vitamin K research has been done by the Japanese after Pauling passed. The first article that brought the value of vitamin K for reducing calcium in soft tissues, and moving it into bones was this Life Extension article. Adding vitamin K to the Pauling therapy reduced the caclium/high blood pressure in the late CEO of Tower Laboratories.

We have a forum topic about adding vitamin K to the standard Pauling therapy

Since then many people have confirmed its value, although it may take up to one year to reverse calcium scores. My wife and I take Super-K from LEF.ORG, and her last calcium score was Zero.

The original testimonial
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

Ascorbate Wizard
Ascorbate Wizard
Posts: 16114
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Re: Non-zero Calcium Score on Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:00 am

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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