I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Wed May 31, 2017 7:46 am

Just got out of the hospital. Again. Last week, had my pacemaker and one of the leads replaced. Came home, and couldn't get my appetite back, was terribly fatigued, and a few other symptoms that didn't go away. Back to the hospital. I'm on Pauling Therapy. My new cardiologist only smiled condescendingly at me when I told him that (didn't say what it was, just said "a natural program", cause I'm tired of docs telling me how Pauling Therapy has been discredited) and refused statins or any heart meds. My blood pressure is consitently low, but he wants me on a BP pill for beta blockers. I refused that too.

So, they shoot me full of dyes and such, and perform all these tests, one a chemical stress test (which can give false positives), which says I have a blockage. So my cardiologist talks with me about doing an angioplasty and perhaps installing a stent. I tell him I don't want any stents, but finally agree to a stent, but not a medicated one, cause I will not take Plavix for the rest of my life.

I had fallen off my program after Trump got elected. Had gotten very depressed, started smoking again (am quit again now), not taking care of my health, so I was worried I'd gotten a blockage in those months. Was kicking myself for getting off my program.

And two residents come in and start patiently explaining to me why I need about 5 meds when I take none, and I keep telling them I have my own natural program and I'm not taking their meds. They say, "But you're someone who smoked a long time, a former drug addict, you don't get enough physical activity, and your only chance of not dying by stroke or heart attack is to take these meds, blah, blah." And it's true, my lifestyle was a setup for heart disease.

So, the doc does the angioplasty, all prepared to put in a stent, or two or three. Really he thought he was going to find a ton of blockage due to my former lifestyle. But he found zip. No blockage anywhere. I was surprised too, cause last I heard I had a 30 percent blockage in an artery, and it was gone. I was awake during the procedure and could tell he was disappointed and couldn't believe his Big Pharma patsy eyes. Guess it takes more than six months to build up a big blockage (back on my program now).

So, when I'm being discharged, another doc comes in with my discharge papers, and he says they recommend 5 medications for me, including the statins and BP pills. I say why would you want a person who is 70, takes no meds, and has no blockages to suddenly start taking 5 meds with their horrible side effects? He says it's "prophylactic". I say, are you kidding? I told you my natural method is what got me blockage free, and you want to put me on meds? He got out of my room fast.

Not once did any of them say, "Damn, what is this natural method of yours that has rendered a person with your history free of all blockage?" But no, all they could think to say was I still need their meds. Before the procedure, my cardiologist kept telling me that he had 30 years experience in cardiology and he knew what is best for me. I didn't tell him I had 70 years of experience as my mother's (alternative healing pioneer) daughter.

Not sure why I felt so bad last week, but now, I feel a lot better. I just started taking Ascorbic9 from Tower, because I was having trouble with all those pills. Man, that powder makes it so easy to do the program. Thank you!

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 31, 2017 8:32 am

Wonderful report. Thank you. (I'll be adding it to the long list of testimonials... :D )

I love the reports after "surgery", that illustrate the problem is entirely gone. I report abou a similar case of my uncle who was diagnosed with a 70% and 90% occlusion in his neck carotid arteries from an ultrasound. They operated on one side, and scraped out the white plaque and showed it to my aunt and uncle. Then my aunt, knowing what I recommended, put my uncle on 5 pills of vitamin C and lysine per day (but unfortunately 500 mg pills, so half of Linus's recommended therapeutic dosage). No matter, 30 days later when they operated on the other side - they found NOTHING. No plaque to scrape out...
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by Frodo » Wed May 31, 2017 9:31 am

Your report is really delicious. Well done. I've got 4 stents, three of them drugs eluting stents, and I refused the heart meds of BigPharma too. I only took Efient 6 months and 50 mg aspirin. They told me, it's dangerous and a safe guess, that I'll suffer another heart attack. I used PT and I didn't suffer a heart attack. Although my story is incredible. I'm a long distance runner and I was collapsed during a short 10 km run. 10 minutes reanimated. Many guardian angels. Ambulance rushed to the hospital. And I got two angiographies and 4 stents. They told me, I must have another angiography, six weeks later. I had not. But I checked my heart 3 times by echocardiography, and until today it's OK.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Wed May 31, 2017 12:52 pm

Owen, my symptoms were fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, so that made me fear I had a blockage again, especially because I'd been so lax on the program for the past six months. Now I'm finding probiotics cure my nausea, so I think my backslide wrecked my good digestive bacteria. And my inactivity accounts for the shortness of breath, though getting my bottom lead fixed in my pacemaker seems to have been a lot of the problem too. Still a bit weak, but am rebuilding day-by-day with healthy things. I too was really shocked there was no blockage, cause I felt I been so "bad".

Have to see my cardiologist for a followup in a week, and I'm thinking of asking him, because he doesn't believe in "au natural", if he thinks my lack of blockage is a placebo effect? I'll be grinning from ear-to-ear when I say it. But you know what? Even if he asks, I'm thinking of not telling him, because the hospital is connected to a large chain of other hospitals, and I'm afraid if doctors really start using PT, Big Pharma will shut it all down. They already would like to do that.

And Yay! I'm a testimonial now! I'm a writer so, you know, whenever we can get "published" we love it.

Frodo: Glad things are working for you.

Thank ya'll for your responses.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by Alafairsmom » Wed May 31, 2017 2:53 pm

Huge congrats. Way to stand firm! I hope to be outing remarkable improvement myself one day.
Last edited by Alafairsmom on Wed May 31, 2017 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by Joanna45 » Wed May 31, 2017 3:34 pm

Congrats what a wonderful testimony..

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:38 am

my symptoms were fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, so that made me fear I had a blockage again

This sounds suspiciously like you are missing an old friend... The Steroidal Anti-inflammatory "Drug" (the SAID versus NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal...) -

A natural hormone, that has been given the stigma "steroid." Cortisol can be taken in its bio-identical form hydrocortisone (but the real-drug concentrates prednisone and methyl prednisilone also suffice) is the ONLY essential hormone , meaning you cannot live with it. If a body is not making any cortisol, that body dies within 48 hours, and feels like death in 12-24 hours. (From personal experience).

And if you are over age 50, then the chance that your adrenals were or are producing less than your body is demanding goes way up.

The easy part is finding out whether low cortisol is a problem. There are day-long saliva tests that will accurately measure your cortisol production during the day. (It varies, and is why a single blood test is useless.) I discovered via trial an error that at first, I had almost total adrenal/cortisol production failure, but over time I was able to wean myself to about 1/2 the ordinary cortisol output (first as methyl prednisilone). Then I discovered the book SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition, by William Mck Jefferies, MD, and found a doctor to switch me to the bio-identical hydrocortisone. Later a ZRT day-long cortisol saliva test showed that my cortisol was bout 20% below the LOW on their lab - all day long. My bio-identical hormone replacement raises that to the mid-normal, and I feel fine. No pain. No fatigue, and no shortness of breath - which was the primary symptom as the pericardial sac around my heart filled with fluid - apparently these are prime symptoms of deficient cortisol; as is kidney failure, low blood pressure, and a host of other issues that "enough" cortisol corrects. (The teams of specialists didn't recognize the problem, and instead hunted for the phantom infection..)

The hard part is finding an M.D. who will write a long-term prescription, as they have all been brainwashed the cortisol is "the most dangerous drug they prescribe." They know it has short-term uses, but most M.D.'s will not "risk" a long-term prescription (unless you can get them to read the Jefferies book). This misbegotten attitude condemns their patients to a life of pain and suffering.

My life was saved by a young endocrinologist who realized after all my boughts in intensive care, that I was "adrenal insufficient." She didn't accept the saliva test, but she didn't need it to prescribe cortisol-replacement therapy.

We may never live in a world were bio-identical hormones will all be available without prescription. But one can dream.

We are publishing the Volume 2 of the Pauling-therapy handbook, THE GREAT SUPPRESSION, and I am working on the Cortisol chapter now. The first several Chapters will be available for free, and while there is some website maintenance, you should be able to read them at http://VitaminCCures.com

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:05 am

They did several scans on me, including a CAT, and inadvertently discovered a cyst on an ovary and a cyst on an adrenal. My friend had and ovarian cyst, and she's sending me the info on what she took that dissolved it in a month (she's mostly au natural). We're thinking that will probably dissolve both cysts. The doctors didn't seem too concerned about them.

The website is down for maintenance, and I've bookmarked it to check later.

My new primary doc seems pretty good. My two new cardiologists (one is pacemaker specific) were both shocked I took no meds. When I met my new primary care doc, he asked if I was taking any meds, and when I said "no" he said "Good!" So that's hopeful. We just had an intro meet, and I have my first appointment with him June 9. He wanted to wait till after my procedures. He's young and energetic. Sometimes when they're young, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed, they are more curious than the older ones whose ideas have hardened like arteries with no access to Vitamin C.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:09 am

Oh, I read the Holy Mother of God chapter 1 from that site last week. Not sure how I found it. Maybe you mentioned it in some other thread I saw. So maddening! But how can you name a website Vitamin C Cures? Won't that have the FDA jumping into your boxer shorts?

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by Frodo » Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:51 am

What do you take to dissolve your syst? I've a great cyst on my left kidney. But it doesn't make problems.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:48 am

What do you take to dissolve your syst? I've a great cyst on my left kidney. But it doesn't make problems.

Will post it when my friend sends the info.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by MillieNeon » Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:19 am

For the cyst, my friend wrote:

i took about 20 a dY broke it up 2x. Also took 3 drops of lugols iodine in small room temp glass of water with it. Colonics and enemas crucial or you are just adding more crap as the combo described dissolves the cyst. NOT laxatives.

Actually closer to 25 per day. VitalzymX Professional Strength Vitalzym Hybrid from World Nutrition is what you want. Small waxy things. Very easy to swallow. You need one month's supply. You can get at Better Health international supplements in Florida for much cheaper. Delivery is free I think inside U.S.

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Re: I've got a Pauling Therapy tale to tell that's delicious!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:12 am

MillieNeon wrote:Oh, I read the Holy Mother of God chapter 1 from that site last week. Not sure how I found it. Maybe you mentioned it in some other thread I saw. So maddening! But how can you name a website Vitamin C Cures? Won't that have the FDA jumping into your boxer shorts?

Good question. Well, we are naming a series of books VITAMIN C CURES - something. (If they want to make a Federal case out of the name of the books, at least it will sell more of our books :D ) I'm getting to old to give a %!$# about what the FDA might do.

The first book in the series will be a renamed Practicing Medicine without a License ?

VITAMIN C CURES: Heart Disease

The book was published in what, 2006? Eleven years ago. Just getting a new name :D

We are in discussions with Drs, Levy and Hickey to incorporate some of their existing books into the series.

It would be really neat if Dr. Paul Marik wrote a book on the Sepsis cure :) ... As his work has broken through the mass media damn that has been erected around these cures.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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