by davsf » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:51 pm
Thanks for that info. Both cardiologists have told me the only way to determine blockage was with a hearth cath - the new CTA (computed tomograpy angiogram) will show a course level of blockage if there is NO CALCIFICATION present - otherwise, it shows only a high contrast artery indicating calcification, and a heart cath must be done to accurately measure the blockage.
The degree of blockage is so important, because, irregardless of other factors, if the blood supply is substantially restricted in any the 3 main coronary arteries (right main, left ascending, and circumflex), then you must address this or else risk a heart attack.
From responses to my earlier post about reversing plaque/calcification, it seems there is only a couple of university studies, using rats, where they actually demonstrated a reversal of plaque (using vitamin k2), and a reversal of calcification, using IP6 as a chelating agent.
My cardiologist also told me the only studies he was aware of that showed a reversal of either plaque or calcification were isolated studies using rats. He wasn't much impressed, as, these studies forced rapid plaque buildup and rapid calcification, followed by the reversing agents, and it is probably that the sudden, forced onset of plaque/calcification is different from a case where a person accumulates plaque/calcification over a period of years. He didn't think these studies provided anything conclusive, or even promising.
The studies about vitamin C showed it to arrest any further plaque/calcification worsening, but, I didn't find any study yet that demonstrated a reversal in blockage/calcification using massive doses of vitamin C alone.
In any event, since I was not bad enough to merit a stint, I am pursuing the full treatment, including 20 grams of the vitamin C mix (my bowel tolerance), along with the vitamin k2, vitamin d3, IP6, Vitamin E,
and other supplements to boot. I also completely eliminated ALL DAIRY and red meat from my diet, which I am convinced provided the building blocks for both plaque AND calcification in my coronary arteries.
I intend to check my blockage/calcification in 2 years (sooner, if possible) using both the CTA first, and, followed by another heart cath. I will post here (if this site is still up) what the results are. I am not expecting any reversal (that would be too good to be true), but, I am at least hoping the current level will not be worsened.
Thanks again for the info about the 2 Carols.