Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by davsf » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:25 am

Dr Ofonorow appeared on Jeff Rense ( radio the other night with two testimonials by two ladies named Carol. I was confused because one of the ladies said she had been told she had over 80% blockage before starting the Pauline regime, and then, 6 months later she was told she had no blockage. I hadn't thought they could do heart caths so soon, and, I wondered whether the diagnosis was based on an estimate from some other procedure. Could you find out what method was used before and after to determine the actual blockage? I was told by my cardiologist that the only way to get an accurate reliable reading of your coronary artery blockage was via cardiovascular angiogram using a catheter ("heart cath").

Please elaborate on these two testimonials and the method used to make the determination as to the percent of blockage in their coronary arteries.

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Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:15 am

I hope to have a link up soon, so people that missed the show can listen. The first Carol is Carol Smith, the Carol whose testimonial is the first one in the book Practicing Medicine Without A License. I have been intimately involved with her case.

I had never spoken with the second Carol, from Hawaii, although I had heard about her from co-author Sally Jewell. I'll ask Sally to respond to this query, but my guess is ultrasound. If you have seen any modern emergency room these days, you can literally see the inside of beating hearts, almost looks like an MRI. Or, it may have been another angiogram. Stay tuned.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)


Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by davsf » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:25 am

Was the first Carol's (Carol Smith) blockage (before and after) determined by a heart cath? Both times? That is what I am confused about, and she didn't say during the show what method was used.

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Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:55 pm

davsf wrote:Was the first Carol's (Carol Smith) blockage (before and after) determined by a heart cath? Both times? That is what I am confused about, and she didn't say during the show what method was used.

I hope the link to the Rense show becomes available soon, because the first Carol (Smith) didn't mention blockage, only the reduction in pain. Her objective evidence were before/after EKGs which we have posted at
http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... arolsmith/

Her story is of feeling "cured" in 3 weeks (after 5 years of incurable pain under the care of cardiology, 2 heart attacks, etc) then having another heart attack after stopping the Pauling therapy (6 to 9 months after thinking she was completely cured). Staying on the therapy for years, but then for economic reasons, stopping again, and again, some 6-9 months later, another replapse. This time she had to have a medicated stent put in, which the "old" Pauling-therapy regimen didn't fix. Constant pain. Then she increased her dosage, using more Tower Ascorsine-9 and Unique-E, and finally even overcame the major problems introduced by the medicated stents. Her testimonials can all be read at the link.

Now, it is true that Carol Smith was diagnosed with 90% blockages, and she was told her heart "regrew" new arteries around the blockages (because they could measure higher blood flow) but her evidence is pain, ability to do anything and the EKGs.

Ill check these dates but I think this is the picture:

1995 - 2001 Cardiology 2 heart attacks, constant angina
2001 - 2002 Pauling Therapy Pain stopped after 3 weeks, and no
pain until after stopping PT in Sep 2002
2002 - 2003 Cardiology 3rd Heart Attack/Very Bad Ekgs/ Told to
make out her will. All this 6-9 months
after stopping PT.
2003-2006 Pauling Therapy EKGs return to NORMAL after 3 months. Pain gone.
Feels completely cured until she stops PT in 2006
mostly for economic reasons
2006-2007 Cardiology Medicated Stent implanted, pain not corrected on
ordinary PT dosages.... No $$$$, etc.
2008 Pauling THerapy Back to perfect health, even with DES

The other Carol claimed she was told her blockages were "gone" and I have a query in to find out how that was determined. She also mentioned that her "enlarged" heart returned to normal. She still suffers atrial fibrillation.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)


Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by davsf » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:51 pm

Thanks for that info. Both cardiologists have told me the only way to determine blockage was with a hearth cath - the new CTA (computed tomograpy angiogram) will show a course level of blockage if there is NO CALCIFICATION present - otherwise, it shows only a high contrast artery indicating calcification, and a heart cath must be done to accurately measure the blockage.

The degree of blockage is so important, because, irregardless of other factors, if the blood supply is substantially restricted in any the 3 main coronary arteries (right main, left ascending, and circumflex), then you must address this or else risk a heart attack.

From responses to my earlier post about reversing plaque/calcification, it seems there is only a couple of university studies, using rats, where they actually demonstrated a reversal of plaque (using vitamin k2), and a reversal of calcification, using IP6 as a chelating agent.
My cardiologist also told me the only studies he was aware of that showed a reversal of either plaque or calcification were isolated studies using rats. He wasn't much impressed, as, these studies forced rapid plaque buildup and rapid calcification, followed by the reversing agents, and it is probably that the sudden, forced onset of plaque/calcification is different from a case where a person accumulates plaque/calcification over a period of years. He didn't think these studies provided anything conclusive, or even promising.

The studies about vitamin C showed it to arrest any further plaque/calcification worsening, but, I didn't find any study yet that demonstrated a reversal in blockage/calcification using massive doses of vitamin C alone.

In any event, since I was not bad enough to merit a stint, I am pursuing the full treatment, including 20 grams of the vitamin C mix (my bowel tolerance), along with the vitamin k2, vitamin d3, IP6, Vitamin E,
and other supplements to boot. I also completely eliminated ALL DAIRY and red meat from my diet, which I am convinced provided the building blocks for both plaque AND calcification in my coronary arteries.

I intend to check my blockage/calcification in 2 years (sooner, if possible) using both the CTA first, and, followed by another heart cath. I will post here (if this site is still up) what the results are. I am not expecting any reversal (that would be too good to be true), but, I am at least hoping the current level will not be worsened.

Thanks again for the info about the 2 Carols.

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Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:41 am

From responses to my earlier post about reversing plaque/calcification, it seems there is only a couple of university studies, using rats, where they actually demonstrated a reversal of plaque (using vitamin k2), and a reversal of calcification, using IP6 as a chelating agent.

Any animal study with "rats" or any animal other than guinea pigs or high level primates is useless because these creatures a) make vitamin C 24/7 and b) do not suffer the same style lesions as species who can't make the vitamin. Willis in the early 1950s did some of the earliest, if not the earliest studies, on guinea pigs. These studies showed complete prevention and even reversal. He then went to humans and invented a clever way to take x-ray photos of the plaques, and was able to demonstrate reversals on a low dosage of only vitamin C. All documented in Practicing Medicine Without A License.

My cardiologist also told me the only studies he was aware of that showed a reversal of either plaque or calcification were isolated studies using rats. He wasn't much impressed, as, these studies forced rapid plaque buildup and rapid calcification, followed by the reversing agents, and it is probably that the sudden, forced onset of plaque/calcification is different from a case where a person accumulates plaque/calcification over a period of years. He didn't think these studies provided anything conclusive, or even promising.

Your cardiologist has never heard of Willis, and has been taught that "old" studies are questionable. You cannot get a study favorable to vitamin C, (which almost by definition would be harmful to pharmaceuticals) published in a recognized medical journal, and this isn't for a lack of trying. It is a fact, that even Pauling himself commented on back in the 1980s. And if anything, it has gotten worse.

An important upcoming breakthrough in this regard is Bush CardioRetinometry, (although they won't publish his papers and the UK "national health service" is giving him "pysch evals" for saying that he can see the plaques reverse in the microscopic retinal arteries.)

If you haven't heard about Cardioretinometry, here is a good overview written by Bill Sardi:

The beauty of CardioRetinometry is that it is not only non-invasive, but there is no radiation, and the technique can be used to measure the buildup and reversal of plaques as they respond to various treatments. According to Bush there are soft atheromas, white plaques that can quickly form and dissolve, almost entirely depending on nutrient intake, especially vitamin C. Then there are the hard calcified plaques that do not respond so quickly, but Bush has noticed that over the course of about a year, even these hard plaques can be resolved on a "proper" vitamin C diet.

Bush believes he is witnessing the deposits of cholesterol shoring up the arterial wall EXACTLY as described by cardiologist Thomas Levy in his recent book STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER. For example, Bush says that when people begin taking vitamin C the arteries actually widen (because the weak arteries are being "squashed" by the IOP (Intraocular Pressure inside the eye) As they become stronger, they become wider.

I know that an automated method of analyzing the retinal images is under development. It will be a combination of an image analyzing program (something like facial analysis or retinal "finger printing") with aspects of artficial intelligence (expert systems). When this new scoring system emerges, and is tested, every optometrist in the world will be able to measure atherosclerosis in an objective way, but of course medicine will fight this advance tooth and nail (that is, until the discover that cholesterol drugs can reduce the cholesterol deposits in the eys!?!)

So we see that just because there is less plaque, it does not imply better health. The arteries are using the plaques (according to Pauling) as surrogates for the lack of collagen caused by a lack of vitamin C. You must have less plaque and the arteries must also widen - implying more collagen - if the treatment is successfull.

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:12 am

This from Carol 2. The answer is 2 nuclear stress tests...

Hi Owen,

In answer to some questions on your forum on how I found out that my heart was clear from plaque.:::: I had a Nuclear Stress test late in 2006 that showed my heart in real distress. The pictures that the test recorded, showed that my heart's arteries were nearly completely darkened in by plaque. This means that the arteries were all clogged, i.e., getting very little oxygen. My doctor said that I needed a bypass or a stent and must start on statin drugs immediately. I turned it all down.

Needless to say he was really worried. I was very sick...couldn't walk far or fast, out of breath, blue feet...I felt like I was dying. Sooooo I started taking the Linus Pauling cure that I had been reading about... smile...

I started feeling better within the first week. Each time I went to see my cardiologist he would comment on how well I was doing. My EKG's were even getting better. Then I took another Nuclear Stress test in late 2007, which showed my heart to be clear of plaque.

My doctor drew a picture of before and after for me. My feet went from blue in 2006 to skin color in 2007... My cardiologist said he no longer recommends a bypass or statin drugs. I have new energy...and a new life. A few months later in 2008, I had an echo cardiogram performed which showed my heart had gone back to normal size and that my valves were working perfectly. Previous to 2006 it had been enlarged. And that's the simple truth. My doctor is still amazed. I'm still working on the AFIB. You can put this on your forum... I need to register...

Carol 2
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Recent appearance on Jeff Rense

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:36 am

mms:// ... 08_hr2.wma

This is the link to hear the show...
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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