The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Post by sharonstar » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:33 pm

For the past 3 years I have written and reported about carotid blockage. Since taking the vitamin C and lysine there was an ultrasound that showed some improvement but I don't think they have gotten any worse. To refresh memories in Oct 2008 My blood pressure increased dramaticaly, medications were changed a lot, new ones added and finally after 4-5 months the blood pressure stabilized on one medication. During this time my family doctor sent me to a cardiologist who ordered a CTA. The CTA showed a 70% or greater blockage of the LAD(also called the widow maker) and also 2 other blockages of probable 40 %. That was in March of 2009. Due to the illness and death of my mother and husband the cardiac cath was postponed twice and I just had it done this past Friday. I was sure that I would come out of the hospital with a stent or a bypass. You can imagine my surprise and delight when the cardiologist said the vessels were clear and I have the film to verify it. So I am wondering this. Are the CTA's that accurate? Or are the continued vitamin c, lysine, proline and other supplements really working which I believe they are. In the past year I have added vitamin D3 5000 IU, unique E, and the vitamin k2, 2 TBSP Carlson's fish oil to an already good supplement regime. This was truly good news as I have a very remarkable family history of heart disease. I don't have a carotid ultrasound until August but I expect a good report from that as well. My cardiologist did give me a prescription for a beta blocker(metoprolol ER) which I have not been taking because my blood pressure stays good and pulse rate stays in the 60's and 70's.

I just wanted to share this because I really do believe that the vitamin c and lysine in particular have helped me avoid surgery.And probably the K2 has played a part also.




Post by VanCanada » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:33 pm

Congratulations! :D :) :wink: :lol:

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Post by Dolev » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:06 pm

Wonderful and thank you! These reports are very important to us.

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Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:23 am

Wonderful. Are your original posts already gone? I'd like to string the entire history together, because I knew you had doubts.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by jknosplr » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:03 am

In my search for the proof, my cardiologist informed me that the Cath Lab is the de-facto standard in diagnostics of blockages in the arteries. The CT scan is only 90% accurate, the Cath is 100% there nothing left to the imagination when you have this procedure done. The other two procedures as far as I have heard are maybe 80% accurate at the most i.e echo cardiogram or nuclear cardiogram. Perhaps you may post the before and after clips as I had done in a previous post. I for one would sure like to see them. A definite well done is in order



Post by godsilove » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:56 pm

Congratulations on your encouraging test results, Sharon.

sharonstar wrote:. So I am wondering this. Are the CTA's that accurate?

According to this study, 16-slice CTA has a fairly high false-positive rate. Conversely, the false-negative rate is quite low. This means the test can more accurately tell you if you don't have coronary disease, but due to artifacts, it is less accurate in telling you if you do have it.

64-slice CTA may be more accurate, but there is still a fairly high false-positive rate.

Ralph Lotz
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Post by Ralph Lotz » Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:41 am

My cardiologist did give me a prescription for a beta blocker(metoprolol ER)

Your blood pressure is ok? Then for what purpose were they prescribed?

Don't get this prescription filled unless you would like to expose yourself to these possible side effects:
Vivid and bizarre dreams, hallucinations, sleep disturbance and psychosis; problems with concentration, memory, energy, and anxiety.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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Post by sharonstar » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:43 am

Thanks, Ralph. I was hoping you would comment on the metoprolol. The cardiologist said it was good for the heart. Knowing that exercise keeps my heart rate lower and knowing that you don't stop a beta blocker abruptly I voiced my concern. He said it was such a small dose at 25 mg and that I should take it unless the pulse rate went under 50. Of course I didn't get it filled. Honestly I think I will stay away from doctors as much as possible in the future. I do appreciate that they are there when we really need them but it amazes me that they are so unwilling to learn about vitamin and nutrition. Instead prescriptions are handed out.




Post by J.Lilinoe » Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:47 pm

Yay, that is truly good news! :D

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Post by sharonstar » Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:51 am

Thanks everyone. I feel better every day. I guess I am not the best patient in listening to my doctors because one of them suggested that I cut the vitamin c from 18 grams to 9 and the lysine from 6 grams to 3 and there is no way that I would do that. This is the same doctor that told me to check out the Linus Pauling web site. My body tells me I am on the right track. As a matter of fact the numbness that I used to always feel in my legs is gone. I don't know if that is reversal or the fact that the blood pressure has normalized and/or the exercise and losing weight. Probably all of it.

Owen, I really wasn't a doubter. In fact from the beginning that I learned aout this protocol I immediately worked to get myself off the lipitor. Guess slow and steady does win the race although I am happy for those that do see quicker reversal.


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