How long to do IV-C for

Physician Reference and discussion of the methods, protocols and effects of intravenous vitamin C (versus oral or liposomal).

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How long to do IV-C for

Post by jamesLdavis1 » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:59 pm

How do you know if IV-C is working, and how many weeks you should do it for?
Do some people get worse over several weeks to gradually get better, or should you always feel better the day after an IV-C if it is working.
I had some success early on with IV-C, but recently I get some herxing but the next day I don't feel better, I feel foggy in the head, and my symptoms have seen little to no improvement.
When do you just say "I've given this a try and it's not getting me over the hump, I'm done"?

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Re: How long to do IV-C for

Post by eDOC » Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:33 pm

IVC one needs on a regular basis till is well BUT need to add other drugs to cure the ailment.

To check whether IVC is working can be done only by a clinical examination......there isn't any fixed dose or regimen.

Yes some feel worse before getting better.

Try changing your doc, ask Owen for guidance for any experienced doc in your area.

One says that when the treating doc isn't well experienced or a person loses will power & becomes pessimistic..........
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: How long to do IV-C for

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:41 am

Thanks Edoc - good answer. Without knowing the "ailment" it is hard to say, as in my case, no amount of IV/C could make up for the lack of cortisol from my adrenal glands. (This was a learning experience to say the least.)

As we have pointed out, the type of vitamin C, makes a difference and we recommend the "hot" Cathcart-style sodium-ascorbate drips (as opposed to the "cold" commercial injectibe vitamin C.)

The fellow "Mike" who first noticed and advised us about the difference in vitamin C for injection claims that with the hot sodium-ascorbate, an IV can diagnose what parts of the body are in distress. He says these are the parts that will begin to hurt during the IV. I experienced this myself with an 80 gram sodium ascorbate IV - I used to sleep on my right arm, and my right arm became inflamed during the drip.

Keep in mind that you can augment the IV with 5 packets of Lypo-C - without the needles.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: How long to do IV-C for

Post by jamesLdavis1 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:48 pm

eDOC wrote:IVC one needs on a regular basis till is well BUT need to add other drugs to cure the ailment.

To check whether IVC is working can be done only by a clinical examination......there isn't any fixed dose or regimen.

Yes some feel worse before getting better.

Try changing your doc, ask Owen for guidance for any experienced doc in your area.

One says that when the treating doc isn't well experienced or a person loses will power & becomes pessimistic..........

I have Lyme, RMSF, Cat Scratch Fever, West Nile, Strongyloides and Toxocara

I have taken 10 weeks of IV ceftriaxone, 10 weeks IV doxy, 4 weeks oral doxy, ceftin, and tindamax for Lyme, RMSF, CSF... taken 4 days of ivermectin for strongyloides, and about 5 days of albendazole for toxocara. Also, have done many herbs.

I am only doing Vit-C now, but don't know what else I can really incorporate in that I haven't already tried. Taking some herbs for liver support and some antiviral herbs, but no real meds.

Some days I feel that my symptoms are getting better, some days i feel worse again.

I'm not sure my doc is going to prescribe ceftriaxone again, are you thinking that IV-C would make a treatment like that more effective?

I have been to a lot of docs, and they are kinda stumped... going to Mayo in Minnesota in a few weeks, and will see an acupuncturist/herbalist next week.

Thanks for help.

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Re: How long to do IV-C for

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:47 pm

What I think I know from the writings of and conversations with Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, is that when these diseases are acute, IV/C in large dosages can cure them. But after they become chronic, it becomes much more difficult to eradicate these viruses.

If one or more of your conditions are bacterial, and your white blood count is elevated, I would strongly recommend trying 5 Lypo-C ( at one time - once or twice daily - for at least 10 days, and then have your white blood cell count checked. The remarkable effects of Lypo-C on bacterial infections seems to occur in 10 days.

Not a bad idea to add the Lypo-C protocol in any case.

From speaking with a gentleman who Dr. Levy cured of West Nile - a hyperbaric oxygen chamber was part of the equation. If I had your litany of illnesses I would look into oxygen therapies, at different times than the vitamin C treatments. I have had IV/H202 myself, and it might help.

And it seems prudent to keep up oral vitamin C to bowel tolerance.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: How long to do IV-C for

Post by eDOC » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:13 pm

So true Owen, IVC is very effective in acute phases. A couple of years ago I was approached by the family of teenage girl who happened to suffer from Hep C. It was diagnosed by a mere coincidence while conducting labs for some other non specific symptoms.

Only with 2 X 60gms IVs in a day and she got cured.

The factors that went in her favor according to me were that she was young & came for treatment within 7 days after diagnosis.

When such ailments become chronic IVC alone isn't that effective & need to add other drugs.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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