I am a 55 year old Caucasian male that was recently on a treatment program for chronic hepatitis c. It was a 24 week course involving the combination of pegylated interferon and ribavirin. After 7 weeks I was taken off the treatment because of some of the nasty side effects. I am being treated at [deleted] clinic at the University of [deleted]. I ended up spending 72 hours in one of the mental health units. I met a nurse there that was interviewing me for part of my release process. I told her that I may have to go back on the treatment somewhere in the future, only they would have to mix in antidepressants too.
She mentioned the Vitamin C Foundation and the book Primal Panacea by Tom Levy. She suggested trying vitamin c treatment first. She had a successful experience with it as a treatment for hepatitis b that she had contracted. And she said she will be using high dosages of vitamin c for life. I would like some information about beginning a vitamin c treatment plan. What products, dosages, length of treatment, etc. After my 4th week of treatment the virus was already undetectable. My genotype is 3A. My liver MRI before treatment showed my liver was pretty much undamaged. No swelling, scarring, or cirrhosis. The only noticeable symptom is a slightly high fat count. I was referred to you by a gentleman from the vitamin c foundation that I spoke with today.
Thank You,
Sorry for your difficulties, and it sounds like you have a great nurse, so I won't publish the name of the hospital! (It is likely that the reason my primary care physician was fired recently was because she ordered intravenous vitamin C for me - at my request. I don't know for sure, but she was fired.)
If I read you correctly, the virus is currently under control, so you are thinking of vitamin C for maintenance? Normally an intravenous vitamin C regimen would be required to accomplish eradication of the virus.
The amount of vitamin C people can take and need differs.
An alternative to IV/C is a true liposomal vitamin C product, such as Lypo-C from LivonLabs.com
Primal Panacea is an excellent overview. The more specific dosage information for hepatitis are in the updated Levy book CURING THE INCURABLE:Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins. LivonBooks.com
Also, any liver problem makes me think glutathione - and livon has an excellent liposomal glutathione - Lypo-GSH.
If it were me, and I could afford it, I would take some regular vitamin C, mostly ascorbic acid, to what is called bowel tolerance. For me that is around 15,000 to 20,000 mg daily. Then I would add 5 packets of Lypo-C at one time, once or twice a day (as these 5 can simulate blood levels after a small IV/C). I would take one Lypo-GSH daily.
Finally, have they checked your vitamin B12 levels? The number one cause of depression in the world is probably a vitamin B12 deficiency that can not be rectified with oral B12. Shots or the new b12 patch.
(My brother's depression was relieved in about 4 hours after starting the patch http://www.b12patch.com/about-b12patch.html