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Post by Lemonaid » Mon May 02, 2022 10:03 am

I haven't posted here in years but I did want to discuss this topic.

The Atmospheric Electric Circuit holds the Earth at Negative Charge. This means it has a limitless supply of free electrons.

Read about the Atmospheric Electric Circuit in this Richard Feynman Cal Tech University Lecture here:

When you are in physical contact with the earth without insulators, immediately, your surface charge goes to Ground. The electrons slowly migrate through the skin at point of contact and through the gas exchange in the lungs (the upper respiratory tract is on the outside of the body so the Red Blood Cells take on the Ground Charge during the exchange and separate, more negative charge and repel. The phenomena is known as Zeta Potential).

For instance, if you have arthritis in the hands all you need to do is apply ground to the palm of the hand and arthritis will be eliminated in under 30 minutes. If you sleep with a carbon pillow case and carbon sleep mat plugged into ground (ground circuit) arthritis and inflammation in general will go away. Your sleep will greatly improve as the body calibrates with the change in voltage of the Earth that happens during the day regulating cortisol.

I've been a huge vitamin C advocate for years but three years ago I discovered the natural way to unlimited free electrons. My life has improved as well as anyone in my orbit who has followed my advice. I had to eliminate my Aunt's arthritic hand pain in less than 30 minutes for her to accept it but now she is permanently arthritis free (as long as she Grounds at night, issues will resurface if you stop Grounding).

Any kind of electrical device does not work correctly. Tennant is trying to make money from something that is FREE.

Many, many Earthing/Grounding studies can be found here:

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Re: Dr. Jerry Tennant, M D ~ Voltage Is The Key To Health! How To Cure Anything! Part 1 of 2

Post by Blargus » Tue May 03, 2022 12:42 pm

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Re: Dr. Jerry Tennant, M D ~ Voltage Is The Key To Health! How To Cure Anything! Part 1 of 2

Post by Lemonaid » Tue May 03, 2022 1:20 pm

The "Umbrella Effect", which is the EMF repel force, happens as you become an extension of the Earth's electric field.

The magnitude of the repel force is inverse to the frequency. Around about 100 thousand Hz the repel effect is gone.

So it works extremely well for household 60 Hz electric and you can measure this with an auto-ranging voltmeter set on A/C Volts. Plug one lead into ground and hold the other lead. Then touch ground or a grounded device and the measured induced body charge will drop atleast 90% and typically more with a solid ground. For instance, because the romax bundle is at waist height in the walls... you can expect maybe 4 volts or so induced body charge at the headboard... if you are grounded it will drop to millivolts (usually single digit).

So yeah, doesn't work on Wi-Fi or 5G as frequency is much to high. EMFs are not a problem for people until they get very high... maybe 20 volts or so and then they can tax the adrenals. The benefit to Earthing is stabilizing the body electrically (to equalize with the negative Earth charge) and regulate body systems such as cortisol (for starters).

The Umbrella Effect is a good way to test your Earthing products (along with simple resistance testing, should be 100KOhm which is the safety built into the cords... ESD industry uses 1 Mega Ohm but this does not give the same health effects as the resistance is too high).

Anyway, Earthing is CORE to human health and there is no question of that in my mind at this point.

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Re: Dr. Jerry Tennant, M D ~ Voltage Is The Key To Health! How To Cure Anything! Part 1 of 2

Post by pamojja » Wed May 04, 2022 3:56 am

Lemonaid wrote:For instance, if you have arthritis in the hands all you need to do is apply ground to the palm of the hand and arthritis will be eliminated in under 30 minutes. ...

I've been a huge vitamin C advocate for years but three years ago I discovered the natural way to unlimited free electrons. My life has improved as well as anyone in my orbit who has followed my advice. I had to eliminate my Aunt's arthritic hand pain in less than 30 minutes for her to accept it but now she is permanently arthritis free (as long as she Grounds at night, issues will resurface if you stop Grounding).

Thanks for your experience. And I agree that being earthed helps a lot in certain conditions.

But I would be careful not to promise too much,.Also ascorbic acid with some conditions might simply need more than thought. How to maximise that with something like earthing?

Arthritis I have absolutely no experience with. But at one point long before I started Vitamin C had a very painful pus-festering excema on both feed-soles. For an Indian Visa-extension got a diagnosis of plantar pustolar psoriasis in Dharamshala. First tryed alupathic, next ayurvedic and tibetan medicine, and last a homeopath. Nothing really helped. Also sleeping on a mud-bed, being bare-foot on my heels (the only space on my soles without pus) all day long - 24 hrs a day - didn't help. Took in total 8 months un till it healed as much, as being able to wear sandals again.

So if it helped within 30 minutes cases of arthritis doesn't mean other inflammatory conditions will be eased as well, if at all. 'Unlimited' electrons for 8 months 24 hours a day didn't.

In retrospect, as so often for example with diarheaa or fevers too, it appears my 8-month pus-purge was only a way of my body to get rid of something. It only really ceased once I restored my mouth by pulling all but 12 remaining teeth (the only not affected by chalk-teeth since childhood, and heavy tetracycline treatment as newborn).

Nethertheless, being earthed, sunbathed and swimming also assisted my supplements in my recovery from a walking-disabilty from PAD (~80% stenosis at abdominal aorta) 5 years ago. Only 1 year after corona, and not being able to go for a 6 weeks vacation to a South Indian beach in the deepest winter (been ther for 8 years in succsesion; with in comparison least earthing at home), for the first time slight intermittent claudication pains came back.

First week every day sunbathing (and earthing) that spring ceased it again. This second winter after corona (without being able to go to the beach), I used solely 900 Watt of Infrared-light about half hour a day, and surprisingly also kept the slight pains away (in comparison, got in average 4 hours full-body sun exposure on the Indian beach, and almost 24 hours earthing a day).

So yes, earthing is definitely a good addition to other life-style intervention. But in my case with many chronic conditions (PAD, COPD, T2D, ME/CFS symptoms..) only in addition to in average 25 g/d of ascorbic acid... sunlight...

Not a miracle cure.

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Re: Dr. Jerry Tennant, M D ~ Voltage Is The Key To Health! How To Cure Anything! Part 1 of 2

Post by Lemonaid » Wed May 04, 2022 8:47 am

I didn't say it was a miracle cure. It is CORE to health.

The puss issue is a detox issue and Earthing would accelerate it as it does for Lyme Disease causing a mass die-off issue (for example).

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Re: Dr. Jerry Tennant, M D ~ Voltage Is The Key To Health! How To Cure Anything! Part 1 of 2

Post by Lemonaid » Wed May 04, 2022 1:31 pm

Tennant is selling an electrical device. Not the same thing. The only way to Earth is to be in connection with the *Actual Earth* and it's unlimited electron supply, creating one equipotential voltage between you and the Earth.

Whether you believe in evolution or design. It's the voltage our bodies NEED TO BE to operate correctly.

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Re: Grounding!

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:44 pm

The rest of this grounding topic discussion (originally split from a Tennant Topic) is here

The Medical Medium science agrees with Dr. Tennant and recognizes the importance of grounding per the following

Life Changing Foods, Burdock Root, pg 232

When the liver is filled with "pathogens", the liver loses its grounding, negative charge -- because these pathogens operate on a positive charge that drains the organ.. For more on the concept of positive and negative charge see section on garlic...

Fifty times more grounding than any other root vegetable Burdock Root reestablished the liver's grounding mechanism, which in turn strengthens and revitalizes the liver, so it can put off pathogens.

From the garlic section, pg 194

Not to be mistaken for negative, unfavorable energy, this negative charge is a good thing:; it's our source of grounding. Unproductive bacteria, worms and other parasites, fungi, and viruses all run on a positive charge. When they take hold in our systems, they drain our batteries, and we lose our grounding. Then along comes garlic, which has anti-pathogenic properties that are positively fights like.. . Because beneficial bacteria in our guts and other microorganisms that benefit us are negatively charged and grounded, garlic doesn't wipe them out.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Grounding!

Post by confused1 » Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:31 am

Don't know how I missed this topic, but I just recently discovered grounding. Been sleeping on a grounded sheet for about two weeks now. I'm sleeping like a rock, vivid dreams I can recall upon awakening and substantially less pain from a torn labrum a year ago. My wife says I'm snoring less as well. My house is old and the electric is not grounded, so I ran a metal pole deep in the ground and ran a wire into my bedroom window and attached to the grounding sheet. Wasn't sure if it was actually grounded but I think so for this reason- I always build up static electricity in the winter and get shocked every time I touch something grounded. The grounding sheet is embedded with silver fibers and when I touched it, two huge sparks came from each of my hands.
Grounding shoes are next!

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