As I wrote it, it became clear that no one, no scientist, no doctor can defend Pauling for the simple reason there hasn't been a single study run to test the therapy in the dosages he recommended, and there may never be because of the Upper Tolerable Limit. It is their perfect defense
So this book is the only way - through 10 years of incredible case studies, of people using their real names, really unbelievable, to get the word out that Pauling was in fact right in the science.
So long as the indefensible "Tolerable Upper Limit" exists, Pauling won't be officially vindicated. You need a study or two for that.
But the time will come, hopefully sooner rather than later.
So does that mean we get a piece of the action?
The answer is definitely YES, but I don't like mixing this with the Foundation, so I'm not going to publish this information publiclly.
If you have an interest in using this knowledge to "get some of the action" then send me a Private Message and I'll tell you how. But yes, depending on the upcoming fight it may be easy and a remarkably smart thing for every member of this forum to do, at least those in the USA.