First post on this forum, I came here after stumbling across the research about Vitamin C and Lysine have positive effects on heart disease, which for me means it improves cardiovascular function. I have hyper-tension.
I was taking Zocor and after 6mos started having sever leg pain and weakness, thought maybe I had MS or some other disease. It seems that many statins also deplete CQ10 a very important coenzyme for muscle activity that has been linked to a increase in ALS like symptoms. My guess is the drug companies already know this and are hidding it from the DR's.
My DR was surprised that I had problems . He said a few of his patients had similar problems.
SO I started at 2000 mgm's of C and 1500 of Lysine a day and if I tolerate that dose I will try to titrate up the C to around 4000.
I seem to feel better too.
PS anyone taking statins may at any time have cq10 depletion leading to ALS like symptoms that can lead to permanent dissability. This has been well doccumented in Europe .