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Medical Medium: Children with ADHD/Autism Are Fortunate..

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:02 am
by ofonorow
Insert swear-word here... Maybe I went off the deep end recommending people read Anothony William.. What !?!? Autism and ADHD in kids (under the age of 18) is a blessing in disguise? The making of a new, better human race? WHAT? WHAT?!!? insert another swear-word here.

My heart sank yesterday, when I got to the section in Medical Medium on ADHD/Autism, which begins with the statements (hard to get them off kindle exactly) that this mental condition is a blessing for these children..... by the end of the section, I UNDERSTOOD. If this knowledge isn't from where it says it comes from - a divine source sitting next to God (it isn't coming from we earthlings), then we might as well be already dead to ignore it.

Even my loyal brother has started to think I might be relapsing (after my mesh induced hydrocortisone "insanity" last year). Sorry bro

Anyway, if I seem overly enthusiastic, even duped, let us consider what we learn from Drs. Hickey and Roberts in their masterpiece TARNISHED GOLD. Consider the white swan parable and scientific proof. If the scientific hypothesis to test is that all swans are white, then no matter how many white swans are observed, there is no number large enough to prove the hypothesis. If you see a million white swans, the P (proof value) is quite high that all swans are white, but it is not proof.

However, only one black swan, the negative of the hypothesis, is required to disprove.

If you keep an open mind, all we need is one example of wrong information, or tenant of the new MEDICL MEDIUM knowledge, in order to prove it a hoax. So read with skepticism and please find anything in the new knowledge that is wrong. (Then my fun is over and enthusiasm quelled.)

This discussion began:

I will say that I have had to unlearn quite a bit lately, perhaps less than most having relied heavily on the genius of Pauling, but I didn't have to unlearn the CAUSE of autism/ADHD - heavy metal toxicity, mostly from mercury and aluminum.