The MM book will put Foundation out of business, e.g. Cats Claw

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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The MM book will put Foundation out of business, e.g. Cats Claw

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:52 pm

This anecdote caused me to purchase a supply of Cats Claw. MM credits it powers as unsurpassed by modern antibiotics, and tells us that pathogens cannot become resistant to cats claw. This herb is positioned as a primary anti-pathogen, including anti-viral.

For his next trick...

My son's fiancee has been ill with bronchitis for over a week. She was given antibiotics, to no avail, and she was taking livon's Lypo-C, but probably only a packet or two per day. My son was able to hold it off for a week, but succumbed and could not go to work - yesterday, Monday.

I had him read the section on Cats Claw in MM's LIFE-CHANGING FOODS, and he went to a health food store and bought some yesterday. Today his fiancee felt well enough to go back to work, and my son feels better (fine) on only 2 pills !? (The dosage was 2 pills, 3 times daily).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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