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Ascorbate Wizard
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Long Time HeartTechnology User

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:56 pm

I am a long-time user of your Heart Technology product. I have a strong family history of sudden cardiac death from all men on my father\'s side (4 uncles, father, grandfather, and a cousin all between 48 and 61 years of age). My question is this--I\'m taking Lipitor--have been for some time--it gives me some peace of mind, but recent info is very conflicting on whether antioxidants are hurting effects of lipitor, or whether I put my complete trust in the 8 to 10 grams of vitamin c plus other supplements I take daily. My cholesterol scores have been great (most recent one about 10 months ago)while taking your product and lipitor. Do I continue with the statin, or get off of it?? Please help--Steve Ayers

I personally wouldn't take a statin drug unless for some reason I thought taking a highly potent plant-derived poison made sense. I don't believe in any of the so-called science the pharmcos have amassed to support sales.

Your doctor will vehemently disagree, but I believe the "research" he believes is heavily biased by the $7 - 20 billion made on statin drugs every year. (I think I once computed that this is enough to purchase 40 major sport teams every year.)

First, if you do take the statin - then you should be taking at least 200 mg CoQ10 daily - with meals. Else you risk the eventual loss of major organs.

We have long discussions about the VALUE of cholesterol at our forum, (HERE)vitamincfoundation.org/forum --> Heart Disease

Cholesterol can be a symptom of a disease process, but unless you have a genetic defect, artificially lowering cholesterol with a drug (treating the symptom) is probably dangerous because you are defeating the body's natural detoxification and healing process.

At least you are also taking vitamin C, so you are at treating the underlying cause of the elevated cholesterol too.

You do want your cholesterol low (especially Lp(a)) but the natural way - from good health free of heart disease.

Can you double the amount of vitamin C without diarrhea? With your family history, that is what I would do.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Post by Dolev » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:02 am

I don't believe in any of the so-called science the pharmcos have amassed to support sales.

I spent some time studying the statin research and what some statistitians had to say about the research. In every case, there are flaws in the way the study was done or interpreted. For example, in one study with rather positive results, one third of the participants were excluded in the preliminary period because of negative reactions. In others, relative risk statistics were somewhat impressive, but not when compared to absolute risk and number needed to treat, not to mention the costs and the side affects. In conclusion, as far as I could ascertain, there is no evidence that statins help women of any age, or elderly men (actually, in the elderly high cholesterol is healthy), or any men that are given the drug for primary treatment, in other words without recognized heart disease or angina pectoris. So the only ones that the studies (even with their flawed interpretations) helped were men under about 60 yrs old with previous heart conditions, not just high cholesterol.

Ascorbate Wizard
Ascorbate Wizard
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Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:12 am

Please define "helped" in the men of which you speak :?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:52 am

So the only ones that the studies (even with their flawed interpretations) helped were men under about 60 yrs old with previous heart conditions, not just high cholesterol.

Dolev, how much HELP did statins do for men under 60 yo with previous heart conditions?????????

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