Bypass recommended, Pauling Therapy seems to work

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Bypass recommended, Pauling Therapy seems to work

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:31 am

Dear Owen, I was diagnoised with coronary disease in Oct of last year however I had been complianing of shoulder pain for three years prior to this. An angiogram was done and a triple bypass was recomended I was put on a number of drugs Zoccor tomnomin Asprin, I have one blocked artery and three narrowing arteri es according to the specialists in Australia.

I really didnt like the idea of being operated on and the more I studied the prcedure the more I disliked it however I was assured it was 99% sucessful .

On the 14th December last year I discovered the Pauling Treatment and imediatly went on 7000mg Of vit C per day and about 3000mg of lisine and proline and I noticed a definite improvement in my health my shoulder pain reduced and I am now able to do more physical work however On odd ocasions I still get some pain so I am probably not out of t
he woods yet I have reduced my vit C to 500 every four hours and 500 lisine the same I would like your opinion On my treatment and how long do you think it will take to unblock my arteries. I have stopped taking Zoccor but still take the other two drugs My blood pressure is down to 130/90 on the last check in January.

Looking forward to your coments <
Kind reguards sp;
L B Australia

You have been on the Pauling therapy for 2 months, and have good success, but for some reason, you now have reduced your dosages? A new book is about to be published with the major lesson being just because you feel better is no reason to stop what got you there. Using better grammar, I hope.

Your vitamin C of 7000 isn't bad, but if you are like me and require 18,000 then 7000 is less than half of what you need daily for the best of health. Do you know your C tolerance is? (Les, who we haven't heard from in a while here at the forum, requires 60,000 mg of vitamin C daily!)

The lysine is probably okay, but I might add another 1000 mg for six months or so.

Are you taking CoQ10 (start around 400 mg) and Magnesium (400 mg but depends on the form, more or less)?

So I would go to C tolerance and make sure you are getting CoQ10, Magnesium, and for that matter, good Omega/3s, etc.

Basically, the Protocol.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Bypass recommended, Pauling Therapy seems to work

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:16 am

I agree with Owen.
However, why not spend another 7 cents a day and invest in some D3 (cholcalciferol).
It has been estimated by that over 1 billion people are vitamin D deficient.

Low blood levels of vitamin D linked to heart attacks and strokes
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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