Reverscing calcification

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Reverscing calcification

Post by davsf » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:22 pm

I recently had a CTA (computed tomograpy angiogram) and the cardiologist reports that I have a high degree of calcification with numbers between 40 - 60 (I don't know that that means).

He also said that I might have 70% blockage in the vessel on top of the heart, and wants to do a catheter angiogram (going through the groin), at which time he may install a baloon or a stint.

I started using ascobic acid, l-lysine, l-proline, vitamin E and magnesium a little over a month ago. I started out with 7 grams ascorbic acid per day, and i am now using 12 grams per day, with an appropriate ratio of l-lysine and l-proline.

I wonder if this ascorbic acid regime (powder form, taken orally, 4 times per day) will have any effect on the calcification already detected by the CTA? The doctor said that the detection of high levels of calcium does not necessarily indicate blockage, but, that it usually does (to be confirmed or denied by a cathater-based angiogram).

If they install a baloon or stint, will that mitigate against any healing effect the ascorbic acid regime might have in the region opened up by the baloon or stint?

I have been eating a good diet for7 years, and exercising regularly, so, I am quite suprised by this report. I am 66, quite thin, and I wasn't expecting to hear that my arteries show a presence of so much calcium.

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Dolev » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:30 pm


Perhaps the most important nutrient in reversing arterial calcification is vitamin K2 in, particularly in the form of menaquinone-7. If you have questions after researching the subject, ask here. A good place to start is

Ralph Lotz
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vitamin D may help too

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:44 am

Millions of American Men at Undue Risk for a Heart Attack
a problem remedied by 3000 units of supplemental vitamin D per day
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

Seymore Spectacles

Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:43 am

I would consider utilizing the vitamin D and K2 (as mentioned above) and, at a separate time, taking IP6 (a natural chelator). Another nutrient that I'd emphasize is magnesium. All of these would be in addition to the basic Pauling suggestions for heart disease.

IP6 and Calcification: ... t=Abstract

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:47 am

Thanks for pointing out the IP-6 connection. I have been getting lax in my IP-6 supplementation, so I looked at some related links to the one that you posted. It is truly remarkable stuff. I usually have been taking 1 or 2 teaspoons of Source Naturals IP-6 powder dissolved in water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Bill Sardi recommends that when using IP-6 to take it at least an hour away from either ascorbic acid or citric acid.
More IP-6 links: ... rom=pubmed
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush


Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by davsf » Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:20 pm

I have ordered Vitamin K2, Vitamin D, and IP6. But from what I have read, these items inhibit the formation of new calcium deposits. I haven't seen any studies yet that report siginificant reduction of already existing calcium deposits (in the coronary arteries). I suppose they will insert a "baloon" or "stint", and this is supposed to compress the calcuim deposits against the artery wall, and keep the artery open for blood flow. But will that mean the calcuim deposits covered by the stint will be there forever? This is very worrisome.

Is it possible that these calcium deposits could have built up in 7 years, during which time i practiced good diet, regular exercise, and maintaining optimal weight? I had a catheter angiogram 7 years ago and was told my heart was fine. I am very stunned to find out now, a mere 7 years later, that I have a probable 70% blockage in the top coronary artery. I just don't understand it. i wish I could find a real study that showed the reversal of already calcified arteries - I need some hope!


Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by davsf » Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:28 pm

Thanks, Dolev. If I read the article write, they were talking about vitamin K, along with matrix gla protein (MGP) - right? I searched but couldn't find a source for MGP anywhere. By the way, how would one go about figuring a good dosage of vitamin K2 so as to begin calcification reversal?

I am groping around here in the dark and I don't think my cardiologist will have anything to so about any of this except to put in a stint. I thought I had it all under control by eating a Jack Lalane type diet and exercising vigorously and regularly, and keeping myself thin. I am very confused about all this. To have been so ill-informed all these years - a real bumer.

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Ralph Lotz » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:42 am

Stints are expensive bandaids.
Restinosis can be expected within 5 years.

You may find this helpful:

The dosage for reversal has not been established, but a good guess might be 100 - 200 micorgrams per day of MK-7.

Other causal factors need to be investigated such as chronic inflammation (CRP), homocysteine and insulin resistance.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

Seymore Spectacles

Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:38 am

I'm not sure if it's a good product, or not, but I'm using a higher dosage K2 product. It contains 200 mcg of K2 per soft gel. I hope it's doing me some good. ... none-7-MK7


Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by davsf » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:16 pm

I had a disappointing session with the cardiologist - I am switching to one recommended by my PCP.

The cardiologist (from India), had the results of the computed tomographic angiongram, and, he said that the presence of calcification in the left main coronary artery (between the aorta and where it splits) prevented the machine from being able to measure the amount of blockage, if any.
He said that calcifiction USUALLY means blockage, but not always. He suggested the the course level of calcification shown could possibley indicate 70% blockage, but, then again, there may not be any blockage at all. My overall calcium score (AGATSTON) was lower than average, but, due to the important location of the bright calcification area (the left main coronary artery), he recommended an angiogram by catheterization as soon as possible (within a week or two). But he wouldn't let me take the pictures he was showing me for a 2nd opinion - that worried me.

So I contacted my PCP and he recommended the leading cardiologist in this area and I'll be consulting with him shortly.

I suspect that the new cardiologist will go ahead and perform an angiogram by cathetrization, and, if enough blockage is revealed, he will install either a baloon or stint as needed. Even though this will only be a temporary "fix", it will at least buy me some time during which I'll follow the Vitamin k2/IP6 regime along with my current 12 grams/per day of vitamin C, and 2000 units of Vitamin E. I suspect something is wrong because i get so badly out of breath from any kind of strenious exertion.

I'll post more after I find out more.

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:50 am


Your routine, as described in the first post, along with the addition of vitamin K, should be sufficient to help you reverse any blockages, if any, that you may currently have. I would consider postponing any angiogram for as long as possible, lest you risk the stent insertion with no way to take it out.

Here are some more thoughts. 12 g vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) is a good amount, but if your bowel tolerance is higher, even 12 grams may not be enough. See to help you determine what the optimal amount of vitamin C as ascorbic acid is right for you. (The anecdotal evidence is becoming stronger that there is a difference between ascorbic acid and other forms of vitamin C, with respect to chronic scurvy (aka CVD). As Dr. Cathcart stated/theorized, ascorbic acid is probably twice as effective as any salt (e.g. sodium ascorbate).

There would be no harm, and might possibly be a high value, in also taking a strong vitamin K supplement with vitamin K1, such as Life Extensions Super-K, which from memory contains 6 mg vitamin K. This would be in addition to K2. (In Japan, they give 40 mg of vitamin K to women with osteopororsis - according to Life Extension.) There is considerable evidence that vitamin K can/will reverse the calcifications in soft tissues. However, unlike the "soft" white plaques, we learn from the Dr. Sydney Bush CardioRetinometry observations that calcifications may take over a year to reverse (and in the Bush observations, from high vitamin C alone.)

And you haven't mentioned whether they put you on any drugs, you should know that the "rat poisons" (e.g. heparin, wafarin/coumadin) will cause rapid calcification of soft tissues.

Reviewing the following MEDLINE abstracts illustrates the point, as well as the fact that these "rat poison" induced calcifications in lab rats can be reversed with vitamin K. ... id=9743228

Other factors to consider are your blood sugar (you should keep it as low as possible), dental work and toxicity, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by Ralph Lotz » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:39 am

I don't think that you listed the amount of lysine that you are using.
Make sure that it is at least 6 grams.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush


Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by davsf » Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:59 pm

I just got back from my heart cath and they did not put a stint nor baloon in me. The nurses said that the cardiologist indicated my calcification was not quite bad enough yet. I will be consulting with the cardiologist next week, but, for now, I am just sore from catheter puncture in my groin. I have to take it easy physically for a few days.

I wonder if all the vitamin C (et al) I have been taking could have had any effect? The earlier calcium scan indicated far more calcification than the heart cath. It has only been a couple of weeks, but, I have been taking my own bowel tolerance max level of 15 grams of vit c (along with about 18 grams of lysine, and several of the other suppliments suggested here - vit D3, vit K2, ip6, etc.) I can't believe this short time period made any difference, more likely the calcium scan was just not very accurate and erred on the high side.

Even though there were several coronary locations that exhibited calcification, none were greater than 50% blockage, and, the overall blood flow was 70%, which is considered normal.

In addition to the likely statin drugs to be prescribed (I'm just guessing here, but it is probably a good guess), I intend to continue with an agressive use of suppliments in hopes of reversing the existing blockage and calcification.

This is but another "testimonial". but I'll keep posting so anyone interested can follow what happens from here.

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Re: Reverscing calcification

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:07 am

but, I have been taking my own bowel tolerance max level of 15 grams of vit c (along with about 18 grams of lysine, and several of the other suppliments suggested here - vit D3, vit K2, ip6, etc.) I can't believe this short time period made any difference

Good news. I'm glad they didn't implant a stent! I wonder, was 18 gram of lysine a mistake, or are you really taking that much?

One case like this is an anecdote. Scores become important. We have hundreds over the years, and these results have the underpinning of the Pauling/Rath unified theory.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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