Retired MD reports his own Lp(a) results on PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Retired MD reports his own Lp(a) results on PT

Post by ofonorow » Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:10 am


Thought you would be interested to know that my Lp(a) as of 9/23/11 was 2 mg/d l.

In 8/25/10 after several months of Tower Ascorsine, 2 scoops Ascorsine twice daily, Lp(a) was 3 mg/d l. I continued this regimen until January 2011 when my carotid ultrasound showed significant improvement. Since then 1 scoop twice daily until 3 weeks ago when I reduced it to 1 scoop daily, which I will continue until I repeat my Lp(a) in another 4 months along with a repeat carotid ultrasound. It will be interesting to see if this lower dose of C and Lysine continues to be associated with low Lp(a) and clean(er) carotids. A more or less controlled study!

Still, mainline doctors don't seem interested in discussing with me the implications of utilizing Ascorsine in the treatment of atherosclerosis. One of the reasons given "you don't really know which ingredient is responsible for whatever results you might get". I gather purists would rather not know that a commercial product is effective in controlling plaque buildup and possibly reversing disease if they are unable to definitively identify the one or two or ?more substances that are responsible.

I've felt for some time that a study of the effects just C and Lysine on atherosclerotic lesions and Lp(a) would be very informative and might persuade others to take another, less biased, look at the previous studies of Rath, Pauling, et al.

George V. G., MD

For anyone out there willing to conduct their own "office" study - we have about 50 jars of "reworked" Cardio-C we can offer at no charge for such a study.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Retired MD reports his own Lp(a) results on PT

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:33 am

More from this retired doc

Thought you'd be interested in a followup. I don't have the final reports
from the most recent Ultrasound (today) but preliminary report shows the
same amount of minimal plaque as one year ago. I had the first US in July
2010 which showed minimal plaque at the bifurcation (internal/external).
After 6 months of Ascorsine 9 repeat US showed less plaque, but not
complete resolution. The plaque is described as soft, which can be both
good and bad news. Soft plaques are the ones that have been associated with
increased risks of stroke, but they also should be more amenable to
complete resolution with increased dosages of C, Lysine,and Proline??

I should point out that my Lp(a) levels have stayed basically the same - in
the 2-3 mg/dl range. After my first US in July 2010 and after discussing
doses with you I began taking 2 scoops twice daily of Ascorsine 9. I
continued this until September 2011 when I reduced the dose to 1 scoop
twice daily. The first of January I reduced dose to 1 scoop per day. My
last Lp(a) on 1/13/2012 was 3 mg/dl. So there should still be enough C,
Proline, and Lysine around for the proper exchanges to take place in the
carotid vessels - but apparently not, if the US is truly reporting plaque,
which I have no reason to doubt. Rath's study in1996 showed that the newer
plaques, presumably without extensive calcification, did show at least
partial resolution within 12 months.

After discussing my findings with my vascular surgeon he (and i) thought
it would be of value to further test the Rath/Pauling theory by increasing
dosages of ascorbate and the amino acids and repeat the US in 6 months. If
I increase C it will have to be with the liposomal C as more than 6000
mg/day creates bowel problems. Your thoughts and especially on dosages.
This treatment plan should give us a reasonably good idea of how long it
takes to show US evidence of decreased plaque size - although the plaques
are not thought to be of clinical significance as far as flow is concerned
but might be considered significant, as i mentioned before as re: their
being "soft".

George Van G.

I think soft plaque are generally good news, as in my experience
they can be cleared in 30 days, whereas calcified plaques require
vitamin K (probably K2) daily, and perhaps a year or more.

THe Lp(a) sounds good - low.

I am guessing that your bowel limit (of 6000 mg) means that your
absorption limit is below your metabolic requirements. I like
your doc's idea and think that adding Lypo-C to your 6000 daily
vitamin C makes sense, and I too would be interested in the result
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Retired MD reports his own Lp(a) results on PT

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:35 am

Thanks for the Email. I will let you know the results of the "research".

I also wanted you to know that I had not forgotten about your offer to supply C, Lysine, and Proline for a clinical study, that I thought surely I would be able to arrange with one of my colleagues! So far a complete dead end. No one I've communicated with seems interested (because ? of the possibility of incurring criticism from the powers that be) in beginning a clinical study that would deviate from the "accepted standards of care" criteria. I continue to look for a clinician who is willing to risk a clinical trial such as the one we have discussed in the past.

I hope you are still working on or have finished your 2nd Volume to Practicing Medicine Without a License. The first Volume I still re-read regularly and it still is incredulous that no one has thought it worthwhile ( as you note in 2008) to investigate the effects of high dose C with Lysine on atherosclerosis!

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Retired MD reports his own Lp(a) results on PT

Post by VanCanada » Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:07 pm

...and it still is incredulous that no one has thought it worthwhile ( as you note in 2008) to investigate the effects of high dose C with Lysine on atherosclerosis![/b]

I think few brave souls find it worthwhile to risk a whole world of hurt being dumped on them from confronting those making billions of dollars from our present disease-care system - namely Big Pharma, A.M.A., hospitals, insurance companies, equipment manufacturers, (did I mention Crestor and Big Pharma?) and so on.

Be well.


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