Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote (Cortisol!)

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:46 am

More of the saga - and I would really appreciate your thoughts johnwen because some world class expert specialists (medical doctors) are stumped! I went back to intensive care around Sep 29 with the same symptoms, muscle pains in the back of the neck at the base of the brain when quickly spread to the shoulders, and then to the chest/lungs. Not wanting to risk the fluid build-up around the heart, I went immediately to the emergency room this time without waiting 3 weeks as I did when this first began. (The good news is that no pericardium fluid build-up this time, and the cardiologists always say my heart is strong, healthy, not the issue, etc.)

This time a world-renown pulmonary specialist did a "bronchoscopy?" (worked through my mouth and scraped and washed my lungs). Could not culture anything. He said as soon as he saw my lungs - exceptionally healthy, he was confused.

So the pulmonary experts think this is rhematological - auto immune - but the rheumatogists disagree and think it must be an infection. Infectious diseases don't have a clue. Nothing cultures.

I agreed to some IV steroids in the hospital, and they did make my breathing normal and I was able to leave the hospital for the IV/C treatments - which I wanted to rule out a weird virus. I feel great on the IV/C and wish I could have them daily! And the only effect of my Rife machine treatment two days ago was to create a massive Cold Virus? I finally filled with mucous, sore throat, hacking cough, Or that is the way it presents now? Something is weird in river city.

So I am thinking about when I lived in Tucson Arizona (going to the University of Arizona for my MS Computer Science degree) and our dogs had ticks, and I often was bitten by ticks. This was the early 1980s, and coincidentally, about the time I began taking massive megadoses of vitamin C. I suppose I could have Lyme or some variant, and my massive vitamin C intake has been controlling the symptoms - until now.

I started working with a woman I met at the IV/C clinic last week, and she has Lyme and has told me about the "live cell" testing that can be done to confirm it, but she has another diagnosis: Myasthenia gravis (

If you remember I had this Puffy right eye and johnwen thought about the viruses at 10,000 ft. Well, if that eye was "drooping" which is more accurate, that is the hallmark of Myasthenia Gravis. I haven't studied up on it yet, but I do notice that according to wkie a lot of MG patients wind up on ventilators.

So I am controlling things on a daily basis with 5 Lypo-C and 8 1 gm ascorbic acid pills very often! And I can't wait for my Saturday 3rd 100 g IV - I am hoping to make it more potent/stronger by having the doctor mix our sodium ascorbate a la Cathcart, rather than using the commercial products. He is worried about sterility, but Cathcart wasn't - said the stock solution is bacteriacidal.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by w6nrw » Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:17 am

Lots of 'valley fever' in AZ. Most often in animals--sure made
my beagle sick . . . also a nephew--and it took the medics a
long time to determine that was his problem.

At the time I lived in Tucson. Also got my MS in EE there a
number of years B4 U

Best of luck . . .
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:22 am

That is a thought - valley fever - thank you. However, without spoiling Suzanne Somer's KNOCKOUT, I learned from her book that valley fever can have a very distinctive CT-Scan signature. I don't have that signature. But I will add VF to the list of ideas to discuss with my docs.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:49 am


This sounds interesting! Except to you! I know GONE is what your looking for!

First some questions??
Did they do a TSH,t3,t4,t8 test on you? (Blood draw test) if they did were the results abnormal at all?
8 1 gm ascorbic acid pills very often

Are these commerical brand or VC stuffed Caps(home made)

Rife machine treatment two days ago was to create a massive Cold Virus?

This puts a different spin on things. How long did these effects last after they started or are they still there??

In the mean time stick with the IV/C even thou it don't feel your making progress. YOU ARE!
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:51 am


This sounds interesting! Except to you! I know GONE is what your looking for!

First some questions??
Did they do a TSH,t3,t4,t8 test on you? (Blood draw test) if they did were the results abnormal at all?

Thanks for taking an interest johnwen! And I am currently craving the C IV!

I now have an email channel with my primary care doc and asked her the above question and will get back to you. (Yesterday, I brought her info on the m. gravis and lyme and valley fever - and they hadn't done a Lyme test, but did so yesterday. They had done the fungal tests, and all came back negative.)

The 8 grams are tablets I happen to have gotten at Sams Club - I am on a vitamin C drink now all day too. 5 Lypo either once or twice per day..
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:58 am

This is just a gut feeling but drop the TABLETS and make yourself some AA caps and use them to achive your 8Gr. Figure 1 cap at 1Gr. actually it'll come out about 973 Mg. close enough!

Sam' club tablets are a product of Columbia need I say More???

Also check your Supps. and see if your getting at least 99Mg. (3% RDA) potassium per day from them. If not look into getting some. I prefer the Aspartate form over the other forms.

After you find out about the T's (TSH, T3 etc.) We'll ask your Doc if they did Any ACHR Antibody tests or a antitristriational antibody test. If they didn't do the T's I doubt they checked this.

Also another Question where you born in a Chicago area hospital?? This is actually a important question because of some misgivings that occured in the 40's and 50's on new borns in these hospitals back then.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:04 am

Yes, I was born in Garfield Park - now west side of Chicago - in 1954. My mother had at least two miscarriages before me - one full term - and that is why she was given DES. (A surgeon asked about DES after my earlier colon surgery around 2006 - my small intestines were all "tangled" and the doc had to untangle them. I felt much better after that surgery and my C bowel tolerance went down.)

I emailed the doc the question and might find out later today.

I do not take a potassium supplement (I am eating a banana as I write this - does that count?) but I will start. (I am open to anything at this point)

Tablets are not usually a big part of my C regimen - only when I am trying to simulate IV blood levels, e.g., when I feel a cold coming on, but your point is well taken. (I was just trying to illustrate how much C I have to take to control whatever is going on.)

p.s.. to an earlier question from Johnwen I missed..

During this entire episode starting in late June/early July - no fluid in the lungs. No cough, etc.
Then I got the idea to dust off and try my Rife machine a few days ago - and bamb - I get this terrible cold the next day? So either a coincidence, or maybe the steriods knocked my immune system out enough for the cold to take hold?

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by gofanu » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:53 am

"Towards the end of 2003 I started getting the classic signs of 'angina', which, over the next six weeks, rapidly progressed into 'unstable angina', a textbook case involving an accelerating or "crescendo" pattern of chest and back pain that lasted longer than ordinary 'angina'. This was accompanied by acute breathlessness, especially after even moderate exertion or a small carbohydrate meal. The fact that the medical profession did not know the cause of 'angina' infuriated me, because everything on the planet is caused by something else. "

Ring any bells? More later.


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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:16 pm

Johnwen - they had run the "T" tests - all normal.

Lyme titers came back negative

She is going to check whether they ran the ACHR Antibody test.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:59 pm

So far so good!

I'm researching the effect DES (diethylstilbestrol) on the endocrine system.
I talked to an endo about it he looked at me like I had 4 heads and said the famous,
"I DON'T KNOW never heard of it!" I said OK!
This is how mistakes get covered up they don't teach or talk about it then act surprised when their asked or see it first hand. He is on the younger side so I shouldn't be surprised.

My first thoughts were on irridation of the thymus this was a rampent problem in the Chicago area in the late 40's thru the 50's and many times the parents were not informed of the procedure. The docs didn't want to worry them. It was suppose to be a cure all for sudden infant death. Turns out it just made life miserable in their later years. I have a link to basiclly an online book about it. When you get time and ready to digest it I'll post the link.

Have you tried the Rife again to see if it gives you the same reaction? Do you know the fequency your machine is tuned to? This is kind of important because different Feq.s target different pathogens. Maybe it only knock out some and ticked off the others.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:45 am

Johnwen I appreciate you taking an interest in my case very much, and I am as baffled as these medical experts are. I have an outstanding medical team (thank you Lucent Tech/Bell Labs health insurance!) . I just want to avoid the hospital like the plague! (I was thinking that maybe the reason the kreibsiella pneumonia cultured in the July visit was because it was from the hospital workers themselves - and not me! My docs are having doubts that diagnosis was real.)

So DES is a known issue in my early years.

Also I had a big strawberry vaccination on my arm - you can see from my baby pictures/movies.

Never thought/heard about the thymus issue - but wouldn't be surprised (although the family doctor was super cautious - none of us kids ever had our tonsils out, for example. I still have mine, by the way...)

I am still not completely over the "head/chest cold" so no, I haven't tried the Rife machine again. The frequencies were the same ones that gave me the herxheimer when I first purchased the machine. It is an analog machine (feet in water) and so you go through the entire frequency range as you adjust the dials, from 20 to 10000. (The lady who figures I have the M. Gravis brought me a book Lyme/Rife which has a specific set of frequencies for Lyme - and she has given me a bunch of DVDs on Lyme - so just because the standard medical test was negative - I need better tests to be absolutely sure. I had planned to go through the Lyme freqs next time. I also have a second rife machine (was Mike Till's) that I never used and may try if all else fails.)

So now I crave the IV/C - and am sipping ascorbic acid/sodium ascorbate in a water bottle all day long. I don't feel too bad, more tired perhaps and still a little brain "foggy". But the less C in my system, the worse I feel. The shortness of breath/chest pain that put me in the hospital twice seems resolved. Knock on wood.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:14 am

I think I have beaten the respiratory ailment (perhaps an opportunistic secondary bacterial infection that took hold during/after the cold) by using a Nebulizer w/H2O2 (The flem coming up had turned from white, to yellow to green, and my wife and son started the cough...)

I tried this treatment three times yesterday, and my lungs seemed to dry up. Pretty amazing. There is still a little there and I am continuing the breathing through the nebulizer with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

I learned about this from a gentleman sitting next to me while I was having the 100 g vitamin C infusion. He said that he had read about it in one of the newsletters he gets from alternative doctors, and that this doctor claimed this will heal/treat any respiratory infection.

I know a poster at this forum recommended using vitamin C in a nebulizer, and I may try that for its healing properties after I defeat this current infection with H2O2.

The alt. doc I am seeing for the IV/C recommends breathing the H2O2 until the lungs just begin tingling.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:56 am

update: Actually the nebulizer using sodium ascorbate per another post worked better than H2O2.

At one point johnwen, you thought you might have an idea. This "thing" is still hanging on, and symptoms are turning into "arthritis."

As in Cathcart's bowel tolerance talk, that animals only contract viral and other illnesses with bowel tolerances above or exceeding their normal daily endogenous vitamin C production, I believe that what is still hanging on with me is such a virus or microorganism. Apparently, my oral intake is unable to control it, and the symptoms are turning into severe Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Thanks to an idea from "Mike" - whose sister was mercury poisoned, I now have a prescription for 250 g (500 CC) of Cathcart-style sodium ascorbate compounded by a pharmacist! Yea! (http://TheCompounder.COM . PM me for details/pricing. They will overnight.)

And today I am getting 150 g of this Cathcart-style compounded sodium ascorbate IV.

However, it may not be enough. Knowledge from Brownstein's book ARTHRITIS is that early research found a micro-organism, a mycoplasma, is responsible for the joint symptoms (the body is not attacking itself, it is attacking these hard to kill bugs) and I believe I still have such a bug. They are "exposed" to the immune system in joints.

Antibiotic Therapy

Efforts to demonstrate the effectiveness of tetracycline therapy were initiated and first reported over 40 years ago by Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. Two weeks after Brown's death in 1989, NIH requested grant applications for the controlled clinical trials of tetracycline therapy for rheumatoid arthritis which he had been seeking. The preliminary results of the clinical trials, known now as MIRA or Minocycline in Rheumatoid Arthritis, were promising and the NIH requested grant applications for studies of mycoplasma and other infectious agents as causes for rheumatoid diseases in 1993, and a pilot study for intravenous antibiotics for rheumatoid arthritis in 1994.

The result of the MIRA clinical trial stated, "Patients who suffer from mild to moderate RA now have the choice of another therapeutic agent. Not only did the antibiotic significantly reduce symptoms, but side effects were minimal and less severe than observed for most other common rheumatoid treatments".

(Clues this is microbial in origin and not autoimmune: Constant sore through for at least 2 weeks, around tonsils which I still have, my wife contracted (but quickly squelched) a similar cough which indicates a contagion, and I tried lowering my oral vitamin C intake - and the symptoms worsened, etc.)

Dr. Levy mentioned that vitamin K3 might help with infections - Found one supplier and I have it on order.

Value any thoughts.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Jacquie » Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:41 pm

You probably know this already, but vitamins B3 (Hoffer) and B6 (Ellis) can help the symptoms of arthritis. While not helpful for the infection, you may get some relief from the inflammation.

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:36 pm

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