Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:26 am

I have had heart problems for about 10 years. I had a heart attack after knee surgery, I had a stent put in I had 100 percent blockage soon after the stent blocked up again and continued to block up every few months Until finally i had a bypass. Three years ago I had another blockage they put in another stent i have had three surgeries in two and a half years . I am getting ready for the fourth one. My doctors have no answers! Oh yes i am only 45, not over weight have never drank or smoked, blood work is VERY good. Have been eating heart healthy since this began! I am looking for some help and answers.

Dear Richard,

Linus Pauling had the answer - you are not making and not supplementing enough vitamin C. (If you are then you would disprove the Pauling/Rath unified theory of Cardiovascular disease.)

What you have should be called chronic (rather than acute) scurvy - a vitamin C deficiency disease.

It is a shame that regular doctors, and especially cardiologists, are unaware of this.

You failed to mention how much vitamin C are you now taking, and how much have you been taking regularly in the past? I have said that as little as 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily may be enough to prevent and reverse heart disease.

You would be wise to follow Linus Pauling's advice. Here is a protocol to help the average person get started and help determine their vitamin C tolerance.

When you know your bowel tolerance taking pills, we can help you select one of our filler-less, high-potency Pauling therapy powders (Drink Mixes) or a liposomal form of vitamin C.

I also wrote a book to answer questions like yours. You might want to study the testimonials at the bottom of
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by Johnwen » Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:01 am

He sure needs to follow Owens advice without delay Cardio C or heart tech NOW!!!
Plus 100mg. min CQ10 200 or 400 mg would be better!!!

When I read this post a thought came to mind. I know at age 45 not to many people pay attention to their Blood Pressure but I'm curious to know if this person has checked or monitored it prior to his problems. Is he watching now after this situation???
Another question :?:
When the docs where digging around in his chest was there any mention of Coronary Anomalies?
When they did the stents it should have been noted if there was. Maybe he could ask his Cardio next time he talks to him.
Sad to say were seeing a whole lot more of 40 something with the same problems many are in excellent shape and otherwise very healthy. :(
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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by Saw » Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:53 pm

Have been eating heart healthy since this began!

Alarm bells are going off!
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:16 am

Hi Owen,
I tried to answer questions but login was not excepted. I have been reading the furoms and have started on vitamin C. I have found Lypo-spheric vitamin C which DR. Levy" whom I also am reading his work" recommends. My biggest problem is which dose of Vitamin C I should be taking, and what else I should take with it.

I also have a root canal, which I am reading about in Dr. levy stuff. Would love your opion on that. There is so much info out there I never knew about and now am over whelmed on what to do. I would love to continue the forum you started if I could get a chance to answer Questions and get more insight.

Thanks for all your help. Richard

I think the answer for prevention is 6000 to 18000 mg vitamin C daily (per pauling) and 2000 to 3000 mg lysine.

For treatment/reversal, up the lysine to 5000 to 6000 mg.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:09 am

Regarding opinion on root canal, Dr. Levy mentioned in email on another matter:
On another note, forum member Richard will surely suffer serious health issues if he does not get that root canal taken out. The CEO of LivOn was in the same situation 6 years ago until he had his one root canal extracted. And he was taking the best and most highly dosed quality of supplements that I have ever seen, including 9 grams of lypo C daily. But one root canal negated it all. No cardiac chest pains since, and some of the atherosclerosis has reversed and regressed. - T. Levy
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:57 am

Hi Owen,

Sorry I am having such a hard time getting registered. I would love to give more info on myself on forum. Thanks for the help so for have found dentist in my area that knows about Dr. Levy and his recommendations on extraction of my root canal already have apt. to talk to him. Now next on my list is all the Meds. my cardioligolist has me on including Plavix. Have read some things on furom not sure if I should be worried with taking vitamin c or not. if I ever get on forum i would like to give a list of meds. I am on and get some options. LIst is long but here it is
folic acid
Oh I am taking
3grams lipo-c
6000mg lysine
300mg CoQ10
does that sound like a good amount or should I change something,would also like to go of meds that I don't need the more I read the more I would like to stop them all!
Thanks Richard

I would not worry about taking too much vitamin C, but rather too little.

See this book excerpt for all the details of my suggested protocol:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by schlinkvs » Wed May 02, 2012 6:25 am

Thanks Owen,
I have been out of town. So here is where I am at. I have found a doctor to remove root canal tooth, trying to research this more and not sure I will know if he knows what hes doing would like Dr. Levy's ideas on what to ask and how to know if dentist I have contacted truly knows how to remove this tooth correctly>

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Thu May 03, 2012 1:48 am

I will query Levy - but the authority on this is Hal Huggins, DDS, retired. You can call his clinic and asked for one of his disciples in your area.

This link should be enough to put you in touch with the Huggins people:

please share what you learn. I can understand removing the toxicity, but I am not clear on what else has to be done to the root canal.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by schlinkvs » Thu May 03, 2012 3:15 am

Hi have found a dentist that was trained by Dr. Huggins. Will be seeing him in a few weeks for complete removal of root canal tooth and mercury filing. Now my work begins on finding a cardiologist that will at least be open to listen to me. I would like to get a handle an all the meds I am on. Any suggestions on where to start with that part?

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by schlinkvs » Thu May 03, 2012 4:39 am

I have been researching the effects of all the drugs I am on. could anyone give me some insight on when and how I should start backing off on at least some of them. I know its early in this since I have only been taking vitamin C and other suppliments for about three weeks and haven't had root canal and filings dealt with yet. My research has convinved me they are not the answer. My doctor will be no help since he is the one insisting I take them. On a good note when I started talking to you Owen I was basicly on my way to yet another surgery. So far I am holding off to soon to say its working still some Angina once in a while but definately doesn't seem to be gatting worse. But I am so much more informed than I was just a few weeks ago. Just wish I had found this info. sooner and not put my life toatlly in the hands of Doctors. Just so excited to find any thing that might work have felt like they had given me a death sentenance since they have completely run out of answers, Except for surgery every few months.
thanks again Owen and Dr. Levy.

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Re: Age 45, doesn't drink/smoke - serious CVD

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 04, 2012 1:41 am

On one hand, finding an ortho-cardiologist is hard. (We know a few, because they purchase large quantities of our products.) You might start with ACAM.ORG - search for physicians in your area, and begin calling.

On the other hand, you don't need a prescription (at least yet!) to follow Pauling's advice.

Most of the people who have recovered and done well were on as many meds as you are on. As they began to feel better, they tried to work with their doctors, pointing out how much better the blood work was, and asking if it made sense to lower the dosage, etc. You don't have to tell them you are on Vitamin C (it would be nice) because I know what kind of irrational reaction this revelation causes in most M.D.s.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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