28-year-old woman, heart attack, Bypass, 400 mg/dl chol

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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28-year-old woman, heart attack, Bypass, 400 mg/dl chol

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:49 am

Dear Dr Fonorow we have been buying your product cardioade since january 2012 and i also have read your book PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT LICENCE to help my daughter.

Her story is a sad one; she had a heart attack in 2010 at 28 years old and from angiogram resulted that she had diffuse atherosclerosis with multiple blockages some 80 and 90 percent also some 30 and 50 percent all over bypass surgery was very debatable so she was put on meds betablockers ramipril aspirin plavix and crestor 20 mg with the hope that the plaque would decrease from the aggressive statins. She has Familiar Hypercholesterolemia with values around 400 at the time of heart attack and Lpa high more than 2 times what is considered normal. For 1 year with this medication ldl values went very low below 100 but ironically she started to have angina and got worse gradually. the angiogram done in october 2011 showed blockages went from 30 50 80 percent to 99 and 100 percent so she had a trple bypass in november 2011.

1 month after that lad artery that was cleaned and had been bypassed with a thoracica was blocked with blood clots and she had another heart attack; the first one was at the same area so the damage to the left ventricle got bigger. In january 2012 I learned about your products and she started to use cardioade 2 jars monthly approx . I have talked to Sally several times and read your book but i wanted to be in touch with you too. Our daughter's conditions have been good with no angina until today that she experienced angina while walking and was really scared thinking that this may happen again. I called Sally and she suggested to switch to Ascorsine 9 but reading the book again saw the part that talks about venous grafts that s what she has only 2 venous grafts and again surgery was 9 months ago; i would appreciate your opinion, I am waiting anxious ly for your response and i am wondering if there is any possibility
to talk to you on the phone.


Darina Demiri

Remind me - is cardioAde 5 g per serving? If so she is on 10 g vit C per day? She probably does not need more lysine, but probably does require more vitamin C. She may require at least 20,000 grams of vitamin C, maybe even more. You can use this table/formula to help determine her MINIMUM requirement (and the author/cardiologist/med school professor recommends at least doubling the computed amount.) See: http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7593

So my first recommendation is to stay on the CardioAde - and increase vitamin C, first with LivonLabs.com Lypo-C. Assume that one packet is worth 5000 mg (or another serving of CardioAde.) I'd probably start as high as 5 packets daily, even all five at one time, maybe before bed.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 28-year-old woman, heart attack, Bypass, 400 mg/dl chol

Post by valgata » Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:20 am

I have been reading posts here and one other thing comes to my mind from what I have read was a big discussion about Iron issue one blog member posted in this posts viewtopic.php?t=8945. Could this be also similar problem in this case?



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Re: 28-year-old woman, heart attack, Bypass, 400 mg/dl chol

Post by Johnwen » Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:34 pm

and had been bypassed with a thoracica

This one sent me to wiki. 35 years haven't heard of this.
Heres the wiki on it.

Was wondering if they said "Blood Clots." or Hyperplasia???
If it was clots I'm sure she would be on blood thinners.

To me it sounds like she's experiencing Neo-intimal hypeplasia at the graffs.
I talked about this before but in her case in addition to using L-arginine 500mg 2x day
I would also add 10 mg. Policosanol 2x day it can help with the cholesterol and slow endothiel proliferation as does the l-arginine.
These usually form in the first year or around the 10th year.
This along with Owen's Rec's on the Pauling treatment.
If she's on BP meds she needs to be on NAME BRAND Norvasc! For vasio spasms. NOTE: NAME BRAND NORVASC!!! not generic!!!! (amlodipine besylate)

Couldn't find the post where I explaned all this but heres one I posted on the same problem
If I find the exact post I'll link it here.

Here the one I was looking for.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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