NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by Krikorkap » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:59 pm

OK, I just got my NMR results only moments ago, and need some help understanding this.

My previous panel in late August had seen some staggering results in Triglyceride drop, etc. (From 296 to 106). I have been eating Paleo, and I am still experimenting, so this is journey for me, but since this is my first NMR, I'd like to see what everyone has to say. I am getting tested again in December. Thank you in advance.

Total LDL-C Direct....................................217
Total HDL-C Direct....................................39
Total VLDL-C Direct...................................29
Sum Total Cholesterol................................286
Triglycerides Direct.....................................163
Total Non-HDL-C (LDL+VLDL)......................246
Total APOB100 CALC.................................165
LP(a) Cholesterol.........................................0.0
Sum Total LDL-C.........................................217
Real-LDL Size Pattern..................................B A
Remnant Lipo (IDL + VLDL3).........................39
Consider Insulin Resist / Metabolic.................Yes A
HDL - 2 (Large, Buoyant)...............................9
HDL - 3 (Small, Dense)..................................31
VLDL (Remnant Lipo).....................................16
Lipoprotein (a)................................................<10
Cardio CPR (R).............................................1.5 (on 4/24 it was 6.6, on 8/31 it was 6.5)
UREA Nitrogen (BUN)...................................12
Creatinine......................................................... .74
eGFR Non-AFR American..............................113
eGFR African American.................................131
BUN / Creatine Ration....................................N/A ?
Carbon Dioxide...............................................24
Hemoglobin A1c.............................................5.5
I have NO IDEA what any of these numbers mean. I do understand my CRP, and that is a significant drop.

My current supplement / Rx List. I had STOPPED Cholest Off (Plant Sterols the week preceeding my test). I had started Vitamin D-3 that same week (8000 IU Daily). I also stopped NIASPAN this weekend, as I had told my cardiologist about some muscle weakness. Trying to see if NIASPAN is the cause.

Lovaza 4G
Vitamin D-3 8000 IU
Vitamin C 15000 G
L-Lysine 6G
L-Proline 2G
Magnesium 500 mg
Vitamin E 1000 IU
Grape Seed Extract
CoQ10 400 mg
Baby Aspirin 81mg

My CAC in June was 1104.

I suspect my cardiologist will be alarmed at these numbers..........Any assistance you can offer is appreciated. No sugar coating, but please don't bury me prematurely either! I stress about these things.



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Re: NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by Johnwen » Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:58 pm

Basicly it tells me your alive and well although your cardio is probably going to want you to go on statins. However with a LP(a) of ZERO (OWEN TAKE NOTE OF THE "0" :D )
your risks are slim. Rather then write a 10 page essay on your numbers I'm attaching a link that will answer all the questions as while as why and what?? The blue links at the top take you to other detailed chapters.

http://themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/l ... php#uptake

Now when you confront your Doc about statins your also going to need some info for ammo so here's another link that should open his and your eyes.

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Re: NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:56 am

It is interesting - wonder why there are two Lp(a) reports? Anyway, with a total cholesterol of 286, (optimal is 180 mg/dl), We would normally suggest increasing vitamin C. But with the low Lp(a), that suggests that your vitamin C intake is "adequate."

Why does cholesterol become elevated?

1. Low vitamin C levels. (Vitamin C can be used up fighting infections, or fighting heart disease.)
2. Toxic load - Dr. Levy found research that cholesterol is the body's detoxification molecule, and rises as the toxic load is increased on the body. (Say from mercury in fillings, or drugs/medications).
3. Genetics. Some people have very high cholesterol for no apparent reason.

Why would Lp(a) be so low?

1. Vitamin C blood levels are adequate
2. Serum proline levels are high
3. Genetics - Pauling/Rath patent points out that Lp(a) is apparently a recent genetic development and that levels range a 1000 fold. You may be an unlucky person who cannot make Lp(a) which would magnify your requirement for vitamin C!!!

So, the safest course of action is probably to increase your vitamin C levels to bowel tolerance, (See http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm) and perhaps even add some Lypo-C for extra insurance. And then monitor your total cholesterol number over time.

I would also rethink the aspirin, as it probably is only a toxin at this point, but perhaps wean slowly.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by Krikorkap » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:01 pm


Ummmmm, not sure I understand. I thought no LP(a) is good. Why would I be unlucky? Not sure I follow there.

As for elevated cholesterol, I started eating Paleo about 6 weeks ago, so some think this could be my body purging unncessary fat and triglycerides.


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Re: NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:39 am

Ummmmm, not sure I understand. I thought no LP(a) is good. Why would I be unlucky? Not sure I follow there.

Lets try and clarify. Lp(a) is part of an arterial healing system/process.

I'd have to review your symptoms/condition, but assume that something is "wrong" for you to contact us.

According to Pauling/Rath - Lp(a) acts in human beings (and other forms of life that make no vitamin C on their own) as a surrogate for vitamin C. In other life forms, vitamin C promotes collagen which keeps blood vessels strong and healthy.

Without vitamin C, collagen becomes scarce, and arteries begin to wear down. Lp(a) has evolved to "strengthen" the arteries (think of it like a plaster cast) in we humans to make up for the absence of C/collagen.

But it is a rather recent evolutionary development.

Lets say that you take in little vitamin C - and you do not have the inherited ability to make Lp(a). That would pose a serious problem as your arteries wear down.

On the other hand, if you take in a lot of C (or are one of the few people who probably can make a little of their own vitamin C), and you have the genetic ability to make Lp(a), the zero means that you have enough vitamin C.

A lot of ifs. Since there is almost no known harm from taking almost any amount of vitamin C - it is the safest and surest way to better health, no matter whether you can or cannot make Lp(a).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: NMR Results.....Please help interpret.

Post by Johnwen » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:55 pm

Owen: one is calculated (<10) these are always around figures the other is measured which gives exact figures.

My question: Why are they seeing a Cardo doc? What kind of problems are we looking at.
Also would like to know age not exact just decade is fine. Male of female?

Example; A Calcium of 10 is starting to look like a parathyroid problem. General rule is anything over 10 even if the ranges given are higher should go to a endo. for evaluation. However if it's just a spike on this test a follow up should be preformed after a couple of months to look for a trend. If Up go to endo if it drops just keep and eye on it.

Once we know your main problem then we can see if your LP(a) is a problem as Owen explained or if there is no problem in the circulatory process and your liver is in idle mode.
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