60% Blockage, Cardiologist OK with high vitamin C!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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60% Blockage, Cardiologist OK with high vitamin C!

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:47 am

I have a 60% blockage of a major coronary artery, which I would like to see
dissolved using your recommended Pauling therapy.
Which of your supplements do you recommend, and how long approximately
should it take to dissolve such a blockage?
yours sincerely Stewart
PS my cardiologist has given me the OK to use high quantities ovf Vitamin C

Sir, you have an EXCEPTIONAL cardiologist. Keep him (or her).

The answer is that it all depends on the amount of calcification and age of the blockages, but over and over and over we had people report that, on the basis of their angina pain or other indications, the therapy at the right high dosage works wonder in as little as 10 days. And as in Pauling's first case, you should expect to feel well in 30 days. Since no one is studying this, please keep us informed. These reports are the only way we learn.

Now the answer to your question is vitamin C and lysine, and here is a protocol to get started on right away - with pills from a drug store:


Our products are designed to make Pauling's high-dosage recommendations easier to take than pills, plus they do not have fillers, making them safer at high dosages, etc. Our Cardio-C is designed for prevention, but at two jars, the vitamin C and lysine dosage in Cardio-C approaches the minimum Pauling recommended therapeutic range. And it includes proline - a potent Lp(a) "binding inhibitor."

Most of the testimonials are for Tower Laboratories Heart Technology which is a good balance of nutrients and price. Here is a page that compares the products:


The very Best product, in my opinion, is Tower's Ascorsine-9. (But they may have removed the vitamin K, so it is a good idea to supplement with Life Extension's Super-K to move calcium from soft tissues back into bones (long story).

A lot depends on what supplements you are already taking, as each version of the Pauling therapy incorporates more heart nutrients, like vitamin E, magnesium, carnitine, creatine, etc.

If it were me, I would probably take myself.

Ascorsine-9: 1 jar/month, 1 serving per day.

Cardio-C/Heart Technology 1 jar/month 1 serving per day. (Together you reach Pauling's minimum vitamin C and lysine dosage.)

Vitamin C powder: Up to bowel tolerance after the previous servings. http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm

LivonLabs Lypo-C at least one packet per day, say before bed, but more if you have trouble with the aboive dosages. (My own father could only tolerate 200 mg of vitamin C - else the pot - and he died young (69) from a massive heart attack.)

Such a protocol provides most of my recommendations in my book http://practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/ which are based on Linus Pauling's recommendations
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 60% Blockage, Cardiologist OK with high vitamin C!

Post by jimmylesante » Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:51 am

Hi Ofonorow
How much Vitamin K is ok too take or in your product for daily consumption? I'm on 2x 45mcg a day

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Re: 60% Blockage, Cardiologist OK with high vitamin C!

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:56 am

Not an expert on Vitamin K - especially dosage. What I think I know I learned from reading articles at Life Extension foundation, articles that are largely based on research in Japan.

Knowledge coalesced at this forum indicates that vitamin K2 has the hormonal effect on calcium (moving it from soft tissues into bones) without having any effect on INR - clotting.

In the anecdote I often tell - the CEO of Tower Laboratories apparently cleared all his calcium on a very small dosage of vitamin K (probably K2 - microgram dosage) daily - for one year.

I often recommend taking 1 Super-K tablet from Life extension

A) Because I trust Life Extension products, if not always their research, and
B) Bbecause it has all forms of vitamin K, as insurance.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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