Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by exitium » Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:44 pm

Serdna wrote:
stcrim wrote:AFAIK it is in this book where the only data in support of coronary artery calcium plaque reversal by vitamin C is presented. I think that piece of evidence is really very scarce. I think that the unified hypothesis proposed by Dr. Rath has not conclusive experiment results backing it up.

Unfortunatly a lot of the FDA's RDI's are based on a lot less science than Paulings theory is based on. Pauling tried to get funding for a study but was turned down. The sad truth is studies are expensive and vitamins cant be patented so who is going to fund such a study? The doctors with massive school bills to pay off or hospitals with mega million dollar cardio wings? The only one to benefit from proving Paulings/Raths theories are the people who are going to die from not trying his recommendations.

At the end of the day, even in light of their being no double blind scientific studies there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of case histories of people who have used the therapy and reversed heart disease.

Considering there are over 650 studies showing the benefit of vitamin C and its relatively low cost there really isnt any reason why someone wouldnt try it.

While the reversal of plaque in arteries close to the heart doesnt have any studies to back it u p(or I might ad refute it) I believe Dr Bush has significant visual proof showing atheroma and the reversal of it by vitamin C in arteries of the retina.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by studentroland » Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:15 pm

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Serdna » Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:45 am

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by studentroland » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:34 am

Last edited by studentroland on Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:39 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by exitium » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:37 am

Serdna wrote:
tjohnson_nb wrote:Have you heard of Dr. Sydney Bush?
He claims to have seen reversal of deposits in blood vessels in the eye.

Yes, I had read it before his web disappeared. Nevertheless the progression/regression of peripheral plaque may or may not imply a progression/regression of coronary artery plaque. Take a look at Carotid Artery Ultrasound and Prediction of Cardiovascular Risk at page 7 of William R.Ware's research report.

Im not real sure what the article in the link has to do with halting/reversing plaque. It talks about the use of cIMT being used as a marker and how its not accurately predicting the future cardiovascular events. However if your using that as a means to disprove Pauling therapies ability to reverse plaque your kind of comparing apples and oranges. First, reversing plaque is whats being questioned, not the reduced risk of cardiovascular events.

Furthermore the article posted references a study done on 16 other studies. It doesnt appear to take into account the method at which cIMT regression was obtained which is a very important piece of data since so many drugs simply trade one symptom for another problem often with more dire consequences as the original problem it was meant to treat. So, while cIMT may not be an accurate marker in terms of reducing the chance of cardiovascular events in those on various prescriptions drugs, it doesnt accurately convey that cIMT lowered by the Pauling therapy in the absence of prescriptions isnt an accurate marker either.

At the end of the day, the only way doubters are going to really disprove PT is by the same method proponents are going to prove PT and thats a specific study using PT.

Until that happens each of us is going to have to use our own judgement and decide if its worth trying based on what we know and can learn. For me, as an athletic individual, after just 2 weeks on the pauling therapy I have significantly reduced afib, many aches and pains (tendonitis etc) have subsided greatly or disappeared, my daily HRV numbers are improving and I seem to recover faster between bouts of high output exercises in the gym. So it seems to be offering me noticeable benefits that are worth the cost of a few supplements.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Serdna » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:22 am

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by tjohnson_nb » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:29 am

Is PT supposed to address calcified deposits in blood vessels? I was under the impression that it was to prevent and dissolve lp(a) deposits.
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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by exitium » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:39 am

tjohnson_nb wrote:Is PT supposed to address calcified deposits in blood vessels? I was under the impression that it was to prevent and dissolve lp(a) deposits.

My understanding is that calcification happens over the LP(a) deposits after a period of time. Dr Bush reported that he has found evidence that even calcified deposits could be broken down with high dose vitamin C over the course of 2 years.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by tjohnson_nb » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:53 am

'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by studentroland » Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:29 pm

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Serdna » Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:17 am

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by studentroland » Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:16 am

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by VitaWoods » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:20 pm

New question to an old thread...

If I'm just in adding L- Lysine for the first time and I'm already taking at least 10mg of C at day, should I start with 5grams a day, or work my way up?

Also, will this help blood pressure. Mine is high. 145 to 160 /85 to 105 at any given time. I've been diagnosed with lyme and I'm quite sure that's not helping. I have low pulse as well sometimes into the 30s usually around 55. Since I'm 63 and not an athlete, that's not good either. I took lisopril for a few months but it seemed to do very little.


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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:44 am

The general answer to your question is that it is always prudent to work dosages up (and down) and see how your body reacts. If there is no apparent reaction, then slowly increase.

However, I remember the case of Jeff Fenlason (also related in our book and his story is posted on the web). A veteran, he was dying of cardiovascular disease. He was on his death bed, family drove in, and he wasn't expected to live the night. He survived, and got the idea to search the Internet. We spoke, and he decided on his own to go up to something like 14 grams of vitamin C (and a lot of lysine too) that day. This instant high dosage prompted one of the more spectacular "miracle-like" recoveries that I am aware of. (This doesn't mean it is right for everyone, but that in one case of a severely ill CVD patient near death, there is apparently no harm from going straight to the maximum dosage :D Thank you Linus Pauling and associates.)

Unfortunately, Jeff's case also illustrates the common thread that people feeling "cured" forget what got them there, stop the therapy. He became absolutely well, and years later, he even fell in love with and married a very young woman (perhaps 16 years old, he in his sixties) so that may have something to do with his abrupt demise, but I know that once people feel cured, they tend to drop the vitamin C as no longer needed.
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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by ardia » Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:22 pm

Did he drop off the map or did you actually get word that he died? If so, what was the eventual cause?

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