Health Columnist Finds Out He Needs PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Health Columnist Finds Out He Needs PT

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:31 am

I'm a syndicated newspaper columnist with Universal UClick Syndicate. My daily feature is called Health Capsules. It's a combination of a newspaper column and a cartoon panel. As the title suggests, my feature is health related. I've been writing and drawing it for ten years.

Because of my interest in nutrition, and because of my column, I'm always researching various health topics. So I've known for many years about Dr. Pauling's vitamin C therapy, but I didn't know that the day would come when I would personally need the protocol myself.

I recently had a CT chest scan for a lung condition. The results of the scan, in addition to the information regarding my lung condition, revealed "atherosclerotic plague" and "some calcification" in my heart and aortic arch. I was shocked to hear those words because I felt that my years of following an anti-inflammatory diet would protect me from plaque formation. I'm grateful now that I had the CT scan with the added benefit of calling attention to my arterial plaque. Better to learn about this sooner than later.

So I've decided to start on high-dose vitamin C therapy, though I'm uncomfortable about meeting with my cardiologist, because he may want to put a stent in as soon as possible. I'm uncomfortable about telling him that I will be following a therapy that he would consider to be quackery. But I may soon have to have some kind of confrontation with him.

What I would like to do is get some kind of a baseline test to see where I'm at with blood flow presently. Frankly, I doubt that my condition is serious yet. The cardiologist found no noise when listening to my carotid artery, and my pedal pulses were strong.

I feel it would be good to start with a baseline test to determine my present cardiac condition, before I would start on the C therapy. Do you suggest that a digital pulsewave analizer (DPA) test would be a good start? The cardiologist wants to do some kind of a nuclear cardio test with contrast to check my cardiac blood flow.

I wondered if you felt like a DPA would be an adequate test to get a baseline. I know many naturopathic clinics use the DPA for this purpose.

Then I would soon start on the high-dose C therapy. In your opinion, is it common to see a reversal of the condition in three months, or does it normally take much longer? I'm sure it must vary from person to person.

I very much appreciate your opinion, or as I begin the protocol. I will be happy to report back to you with results. Thanks so much for your time and attention.

The calcium scores indicate the need for supplemental vitamin K. (These scores can go to zero on the combination of vitamin C/lysine and a good vitamin K (such as LEF.ORG Super-K). I posted my wife's recent CT scores ZERO - She is 62. (I was a little surprised because she takes about 1/2 the vitamin C daily that I take.)
It may take 6 months to a year to resolve the calcium.

I myself had the nuclear stress test, and again, I would try to get at least six months on the proper (high) dose Pauling therapy (Vitamin C and Lysine) before having the test! (In my case, my heart was "bright all over" (indicating perfect blood flow everywhere) and the Cardiologist told me that he would see me again in "20 years."

Here is a topic that tries to help new people figure out how to start taking vitamin C.

And this is Dr. Johnwen's formula/calculator for the MINIMUM amount of vitamin C to take to fend of cardiovascualr disease:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Health Columnist Finds Out He Needs PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:14 am

Thanks for sending all the protocol info. After reading it, I learned that I'm already on the right track. I started over a week ago with whole food vitamin C tablets, at 1000 mg a day over two doses, along with 1000 mg of lysine. I'll start working my way up to higher doses, then order the Cardio C. I might get a DPA test soon because I would like to see where my blood flow is now, to establish a baseline. After reading your info, I will calculate the dosage of C according to my weight.

I will plan on posting on the forum as I progress with my vitamin C therapy. As you said, it appears that it will take me longer to have "bright" arteries as you have since the CT revealed "calcification", which I understand takes longer to clear out than soft plaques.

Thanks again,

Don't forget vitamin K.

I respect Whole Foods, but I assume their vitamin C (like most) is made in China and we are learning that if Pauling is correct, and that cardiovascular disease is really a low-grade chronic scurvy, that you require L-ascorbates. I don't know whether it is true that Chinese C is 50/50 L- and D- ascorbates, but that may help explain the difference people experience on DSM Quali-C.

And while a slow increase seems prudent, one of our top cases (Jeff Fenalson) was on his death bed, family drove in from around the country, and somehow survived the night. Got out of the hospital, googled and found us. We spoke and he immediately went to a maximum dosage (from memory 14,000 mg - but his testimonials are posted. ) and within 30 days we have video of him painting his house!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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