Is the PLAC (LP-PLA2) test useful?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Is the PLAC (LP-PLA2) test useful?

Post by CPlus » Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:00 am

My 75 year old mother is on Pauling Therapy (Cardio-C), due to very high blood pressure and cholesterol. A

company that does local health screening is offering her the PLAC test, which measures the enzyme LP-PLA2

which is said to correlate with unstable plaque that is a high risk factor for stroke.

My questions are:

1. Is the theory of 'unstable plaque' correct? Tom Cowan on the Weston A. Price website doesn't think so:

However, he concentrates on explaining heart attacks, not stroke, which is what my mother is more worried


2. Is what the PLAC test measures useful and is it related to Lp(a)? I know that a VAP test measures Lp(a),

but it is very expensive in the UK and much harder to get done than the PLAC test.

3. It appears to me that the PLAC test has been formulated by statin manufacturers to sell statins, as that is

what will be recommended as treatment if the PLAC test is bad. As my mother does not want to take statins, it

may be a worry if the test has a bad result. However, a good result would be helpful to confirm that the

Cardio-C, Ubiquinol, vitamin D, vitamin K2 and dietary changes are doing their job.

Any opinions gratefully received!

Many thanks,


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Re: Is the PLAC (LP-PLA2) test useful?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:11 am

In a word - don't know, but if you are taking any test, the question arises, what would you do differently based on the outcome of the test?
If nothing different, then why undergo the test?

To my simple mind, there are two interesting numbers.

Measured Lp(a)

Total Cholesterol

(If total cholesterol is higher than 180 mg/dl - take more vitamin C.)
(If Lp(a) is high, take more vitamin C, plus take more lysine and proline)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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