Vit C and acid reflux

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Vit C and acid reflux

Post by swapwap » Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:53 pm

Hi, I'm new and this is my first post. I have a few questions that hopefully someone can help me with. I have been on the Cardio-C for a couple of months, on an off. I usually take about 6 grams a day when on. I have been alternating being on and off because I started to get reflux and acid problems and tried to determine if it was the C. Since it's the only thing different in my diet it was pretty easy to determine this. I origionally decided to start the cardio-c because my family has a history of blockage in the veins + some mild depression. I currently have about 215 cho and 350 tri readings and thought this would be much healthier than the statins my doctor keep trying to get me to take. I have tried taking some over the counter stuff form my acid reflux to calm my stomach down when taking the cardio-c but was wonder if anyone else has any other suggestions. I have also read where some folks get many other benefits from vitamine c, is the cardio-c the best for me or something else?

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Good Question

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:37 am

My guess is that your stomach is not acidic enough for good health. How old are you?

I suggest you read Jonathon Wright's and Lane Lenard's great book WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU, otherwise what follows may not make a great deal of sense.

In a nutshell, Dr. Wright often finds (after measurement) that people with low stomach acid tend to have more acid reflux (or GERD), and if memory serves, this is because the food isn't well digested, and the valve leading to the esaphogus doesn't close properly unless the stomach is very acidic. As the stomach contents back up the throat, the throat becomes sensitive.

Another advantage of increasing stomach acid (e.g. Betaine HCL supplements) is that the more acidic the stomach, the more vitamin C that is absorbed through the wall of the stomach (Ref: The Ridiculous Dietary Allowance by Hickey/Roberts, )

In your case, you should probably try plain vitamin C and determine whether you experience the same "acid reflux" reaction. (My guess is that you would, and that it is not the Cardio-C per say, but the vitamin C as ascorbic acid.) If only Cardio-C causes the difficulty, then yes, you should look for another product.

If ascorbic acid is causing your problem, I would again suggest reading the Wright book, and see whether taking Betaine HCL with your meals and vitamin C helps.

SOme people report good success taking Cardio-C 30 minutes prior to meals, and this may be because there is nothing in the stomach to "back up the throat."

Finally, you may wish to add some baking soda (bicarb) to your Cardio-C/vitamin C to sooth your esaphogus until your throat is less irritated.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by Dolev » Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:18 am

Dear Swapwap,

Cholesterol 215 is totally normal, unless your LDL/HDL ratio is high. Tryglicerides 350 is high, so take a few fish oil capsules giving a total of 2500 to 3000 mg of EPA + DHA, and I'll bet your Tg drops below 250 in a month or so.

As Owen wrote, anti-acids are strangely the exact opposite of what you need to deal with the reflux. When you neutralize stomach acid, you don't absorb minerals or proteins properly, and you lose the acidic defense against ingested bacteria. Reflux is the result of lack of acid. All that said, reflux must be dealt with, because the material that goes up is more acidic than the esophagus can handle, and can damage it. Try the HCL as Owen suggested, and please get back to us with the results.


Post by swapwap » Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:09 pm

thanks guys, good info. I never thought that reflux means you don't have enough acid. Why in the H___ are the drug pushers on TV advertising something to supress acid if you actually need more....I will research and try this out. As for the fish oils, I'm not a hugh fan of taking 10+ pills a day that is why I tend to like the cardio-c, and as for the refulx, It comes and goes, nothing consistant. I can take 15g of AA, or 5g a day and it doesn't seem to make a difference, then a week later for a couple of days I have to fign the reflux and take a purple pill to control my throat.

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