Should I move to A-9 - 10% of heart has limited blood flow?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Should I move to A-9 - 10% of heart has limited blood flow?

Post by ofonorow » Tue May 05, 2015 10:56 am


Even as good as I have been feeling taking the Cardio C, I was thinking of moving to the Ascorsine-9 to make sure I get all the other ingredients that are beneficial for the heart.

No argument from me (I designed Ascorsine-9 for Tower Laboratories back in the day..) if you can afford it. Another approach is one jar of A-9, but take any additional vitamin C and lysine separately, e.g the 2nd or 3rd jars as Cardio-C.
I'll retest in Sept. to see how the flow looks in my heart's lower section that was showing reduced flow. It will be interesting to see how the cardiac C has changed the picture. I still have the image in my mind of the lower 10% of my heart having very little blood flow. I had noticed over the years gradually having less stamina, less endurance and tired more often. I have hep C so I thought it was due to the virus. One of hep C's symptoms is low energy level. I only discovered the heart issue when I had an abnormal EKG prior to doing a lumbar injection.

"Abnormal EKG" is a red flag that you may need more vitamin E of the type in the A.C. Grace Unique-E product. See discussion of this kind of vitamin E

How important is it to drink the mixture over an hour as opposed to within a minute. I tend to drink mine first thing in the morning within a minute and the other two times over a longer time period of about three to five minutes. Does drinking it faster reduce the effects?

I don't think it matters. I remember that the CEO of Tower Laboratories and creator of the Heart Technology product used to make a paste, put it into the back of his tongue - and swallowed (rather than drink a glass of Heart Technology).

What is your
thoughts about using the Ascorsine-9?


Makes sense, if you can afford it, as it covers more bases - such as magnesium, taurine and a good form of creatine, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Should I move to A-9 - 10% of heart has limited blood flow?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:11 am

I have much gratitude for your help and for your great product Cardio C. I will be doing follow up testing shortly. Will share with you the news.
I've been feeling great.

For now I want to discontinue the autoship indefinitely. At some point I may start up again but I have a few more canisters to use up.
I am anxious to try the Ascorsine-9 but funds are limited for now. My heart is the most important need right now, so getting it "beefed up"
or healthy as possible for a 57 yr old is my priority.

I wish there was a way to know definitively what caused the blockages, but it seems so many things can be a cause. I am trusting
that God will one day show me the answer. Interestingly another unknown is whether at the time it was discovered was it progressing, static
or regressing. I tend to think it was progressing because after thinking back over 3-4 years I noticed a gradual slowing of my physical activity,
increased tiredness, lower endurance, halos in my vision when straining, etc. All of those have dissapeared to a great degree or completely.

What I am considering as possible contributors are high EMF exposure (I work in a sea of wireless networking environment), chlorine / chloramine
exposure in the shower ( i now use a shower filter), sedentary job ( i now have the ability to stand while working), chemical exposure for a year and
a half of nail polish remover and cleaning agents at work (that changed a year ago after a great deal of complaining), stress (angry individuals
at work for 15 years - both are gone now), glyphosate in many of our foods ( we eat as many organics as possible), a chemical in my home's a/c
ventilation ( there was a type of tape used to join the duct work that contains butyl and it was used on the inside of the air distribution box.)
The Material Safety Data sheet on it indicates there is no harm to humans, but it creates a noticeably strong odor in the summer.
Curiously I noticed my wife began to lose more of her hair in the top following the application of that tape. She has had full black hair until 5 years ago
I noticed the hair loss on top. I am losing more of mine in the front areas as well. Could be other things causing hair loss. I strongly suspect butyl as a problem.
I plan to change it out in the fall. It will cost about $400.

I have this theory about hair loss that I have been trying to formulate for many years. I am 57. I still have most of my hair except for some receding
in the front. I noticed over the years most of the younger men already losing their hair and going bald in their 20's, 30s and 40s. Most of the men of my generation
still have theirs. Two things I believe are significant contributors. Vaccines and the off-gassing of volatile chemicals in the building materials of newer homes. These
have come through observations made from my classmates, men living in Mexico and recent remodeling done to homes of people I know. I have seen a coupe people
I know from the older generation, older than me, that experience a dramatic loss of a nearly full head of hair after one remodeling his home due to flooding and another
moving to a newly built home. I noticed in Mexico that ALL men have a full head of hair, even into 60s and 70s. Its a rare male that is bald. In Mexico ALL the construction
is cinder block and cement. But look at the younger Mexicans in the US and they have receding hairlines at younger ages. I am convinced its multiple volatile chemicals in our environment causing abnormal hormone disruption thats creating hair loss. Curious as to whether you have had these observations or others that you might have thought about in relation to this phenomenon. If its the chemicals then the question is how to get them out of our system.

I take a lot of vitamin C but I noticed recently the GNC brand I says its made in China. I have been looking for a good inexpensive source of non-China
vit C. I failed to mention my diet till now because it has so many variable in it. I have been eating a plant based diet for about 17 years but have only experienced
the symptoms of heart blockages over the last 5 years. I can't think of anything in particular that would contribute to the heart blockages ocurring unless it has
to do with deficiencies like vit E, CoQ10, minerals, etc. The dietary factor turns out to be a very complex issue. I have recently moved towards a more
Mediterrainian diet with occasional meat and eggs. I have avoided meat mostly due to the problem of constipation. Meat slows my digestion. Makes me feel
lethargic. So I am consuming small amounts for now.

There are lots of challenges we face. It take a lot of research and a vigilant mind to keep on top of things. Things are moving at the speed of light now, no longer the
speed of sound.

Grace and peace,

If Linus Pauling was correct - the reason for the blockages was that you were not taking enough vitamin C.

Consider that no matter how devote or what their beliefs, lets say a priest on a sailing ship in the 1500s, there is no protection against deficiency diseases. The priest would suffer scurvy just like all the other sailors if he didn't get fresh fruit with vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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