Strange eye effects?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Strange eye effects?

Post by Montmorency » Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:16 pm

At my last eye test about 18 months ago, I my intra ocular pressure in one eye was borderline indicating potential glaucoma.

I think I was intending to take vitamin C anyway by then, but that certainly spurred me on to definitely take it and take lots.
I had read in HTLLAFB that AA can bring down blood pressure and potentially help with glaucoma.

Before I started taking vitamin C, I would very occasionally get feelings of slight discomfort in the eye in question.

I think once I got on to regular C those feelings seemed to go away, or at least I hardly noticed them.

Well, I'm now bout 3 weeks into PT with all the trimmings. I also happen to be taking iodine in the form of Lugols (also fairly recently).

In the last few days I've noticed a return of that old feeling or something like it.

I was just wondering if this could be a side effect of ocular blood vessel decalcification, or if it's something else?
And wondered if anyone else had had anything like this.

It could possibly be something to do with the iodine, or the PT, or both, or neither, I suppose.

I guess I have to go and have my IOC checked again, at least, whatever it is. (Pretty sure there are no PT-literate opticians round here, unfortunately).

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Re: Strange eye effects?

Post by nineboy » Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:01 pm

Well I was also going to report that I get a feeling Of something in my eye at times. For me it seems if I haven't taken my Vitamin C my usual time or am a bit late with it. I get this feeling as if something is in either eye. After I take my PT it seems to go back to normal. Often wondered about it and I still have very good vision except for reading glasses.
At this moment I have never felt better and since having the pacemaker installed a year ago today, this year has been great. No Angina and I'm back cutting my own grass after about 6 years and cutting and trimming bushes in the garden. I walked the 10k Terry Fox walk last week and apart from legs a bit stiff no chest pain at all. Plus 2 dance classes have started again and no problems. I walk the park nearby just about every day for about an hour. I take my medications, no statins and with my Pauling therapy+ vitamins seem to have found a balance my body is happy with. I eat fairly normal and don't restrict myself too much. Fish, lots of veggies but meat is on the menu sometimes too.Try to keep my sugar down but no way perfect. I have recently started K2 and added it to my regime. I believe in Linus Paulings recommendations plus yes proline too. I have felt no need to go to the doctor and they tell me my pacemaker is only needed 15 percent, my body does the rest. Told me to come back in a year. So onward and upward as they say. I always enjoy updating my knowledge here and johnwen this is one Full metal jacket that says enough is enough. Take care. nineboy. :D :D :D

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Re: Strange eye effects?

Post by Montmorency » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:51 am

Thanks @nineboy. Appreciate your reply. Glad things are going so well.

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Re: Strange eye effects?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:57 am

Thanks both of you for the eye flutter report.

Montomery the only way to know if iodine is involved would be to curtail it and keep a log. If you still have the problem it isn't the iodine. If it stops, you restart iodine, and it returns, we have an answer. Please let us know if you decide to try this. Thank you.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Strange eye effects?

Post by nineboy » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:57 am

Well I was sitting last night and I remembered what my eye doctor told me. Something he said to do regularly simply put a hot cloth over your eyes at night before bed. Keep your eye ducts clear and he used to pop mine on visits. So I lay on the couch with a cloth run under the hot tap and did this twice and my soreness was better. So I know I should be doing it more often but forgot about it. Seemingly your tear ducts as we get older tend to clog up causing a feeling of sore eyes. So something maybe to try. Can only hope it might help. As stated I have no problems with my eyesight and can spot something sweet a mile away. Take care. nineboy.

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