
The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Post by heken123 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:43 pm

I have high bp was taking 2.5 indapamide and 100mg losartan beginning of last month cut out indapamide and halved losartan as I have started the mcdougal diet also low readings all was going well for about 2 weeks then started getting chest pains on left side. Not sure if this is panic attacks or not. I checked my bp every day sometimes 5 times very worried when it got high 146/117 went to a and e all tests were normal. So anyway went back up to 100mg losartan for last 2 weeks bp still high so I have prescription for indapamide but what I'm trying to do first is stop my addictive bp checking and stop googling symptoms panicking.
WHAT I would like to know please is are the Linus pauling vit c and lysine recommended and what dose should I start with
thank you in advance


Re: newbie

Post by blade » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:44 am

high BP is an issue
but I has a solution

Ie foods high in nitrates will increase the NO in your body and help decrease BP
take a gander at:
Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for
potential health benefits

eat foods high in nitrates like(highest to lowest)

cut how man made carbs(low carb diet will drop BP) ... d-pressure

I have a co-worker who is on Blood pressure meds, yet she eats junk food and smokes, both don't help BP

also keep taking vit C and add in some lysine/proline(eggwhites) and some vit K
try to clear the plaques from your arteries, as this will help NO(nitric oxide) production and allow your BP to normalize
-getting to 10-15% is also going to help as carrying fat on your bodyincreases BP
but eat the high nitrate diet will lower your BP

workhard, if you cheat, you only hurt yourself

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Re: newbie

Post by heken123 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:14 am

thanks blade I'm not taking any vit c at all I wanted to know if the linus pauling one was recommended and how much to take. I'm also on mcdougal diet so basically a vegan diet with no oil. I don't smoke or hardly drink but hbp is in family my dad had many strokes from it, leading to vascular dementia and so does my mum. Does vit c definitely work and how long roughly before I see a difference in my bp thanks
Thanks for info links I will look into this ;-)

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Re: newbie

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:50 am

Welcome heken123.

If Linus Pauling was correct, there is one and only one cause of what we call "heart disease." A vitamin C deficiency. You might start reading at page for the full story.

What this means is that by not supplementing vitamin C, and relying on diet, your body has "protected" you from this insignificant intake of vitamin C. The body adjusts to the low intake by creating "plaster casts" inside your arteries to keep them intact. (If you had been supplementing vitamin C, you would be making enough collagen to keep your arteries strong on their own without the "plaster casts.")

So here you are. And what to do.

First thing is you have to begin supplementing vitamin C. There is no other choice if you want to defeat what we call heart disease.

We created this link to assist people just starting vitamin C:

The Linus Pauling (Matthias Rath) invention of adding lysine may in fact REVERSE the disease that has already been established. You don't want to take lysine (or anything else) without taking vitamin C, and we generally recommend ascorbic acid.

As far as the elevated blood pressure, orthodox medicine teaches that blood pressure is an indicator of arterial passageway narrowing.
A small narrowing of blood flow creates an exponential rise in blood pressure. If the narrowing can be addressed by Pauling's protocol, e.g. vitamin C and lysine, at least 5 grams of each daily, then your blood pressure may drop. However, if it has been around long enough to calcify (really hard plaster casts) we have discovered that you will need to add vitamin K to lower the blood pressure, and this may take up to one year. See:

Bottom line. You are not going to fix what is going on without committing to long-term supplementation with vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: newbie

Post by heken123 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:13 am

ok great thanks so I can see the water I drink aqueo has some fluroide so I need to change as I do drink lots of water.
johnwen's calculations/tables for determining your individualized minimum PT (vitamin C) I can't get my head round that table I'm 12 stone 2 ib. I have been on bp tablets for about two years. So can I just check it could take a year before I see any benefits is that correct? I will get the linus pauling vitamins today.
thanks for all the info


Re: newbie

Post by blade » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:42 am

ofonorow wrote:
As far as the elevated blood pressure, orthodox medicine teaches that blood pressure is an indicator of arterial passageway narrowing.
A small narrowing of blood flow creates an exponential rise in blood pressure. If the narrowing can be addressed by Pauling's protocol, e.g. vitamin C and lysine, at least 5 grams of each daily, then your blood pressure may drop. However, if it has been around long enough to calcify (really hard plaster casts) we have discovered that you will need to add vitamin K to lower the blood pressure, and this may take up to one year. See:

Bottom line. You are not going to fix what is going on without committing to long-term supplementation with vitamin C.

yes and taking the Vit K along with the lysine/proline will work to get any calcifications off your arteries, thus allowing the endothelium to make the Nitric Oxide to regulate BP and give you boners.

ofonorow wrote:[b][color=#000080]
We created this link to assist people just starting vitamin C:

The Linus Pauling (Matthias Rath) invention of adding lysine may in fact REVERSE the disease that has already been established. You don't want to take lysine (or anything else) without taking vitamin C, and we generally recommend ascorbic acid.

I dont like that thread because I find it unclear
why the Summary of the Pauling Therapy is not in the FAQ, I don't know

it needs its OWN FAQ section
then define the problem:
problem is humans don't make vitamin C,
we need vitamin C to make collagen
without collagen, we cannot use collagen to repair the wear/tear on arteries
so instead of collagen, the body uses LDL+protein A(otherwise known as LPA)
LPA is known risk factor for CAD
so get some vitamin C every few hours, as vitamin C is water soluable and needed by the body constantly

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Re: newbie

Post by heken123 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:38 am

thanks blade I am taking Jarrows mk7 vitamin k off to get my vit c proline and lysine today hopefully the proline will do some good for my arthritis?

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Re: newbie

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:04 am

Blade if you want to criticize a post - criticize in that post please . And try to stay on topic. Your posts are still all over, many times not relevant to the question being asked, and often contain bits of erroneous information. I hope it isn't deliberate.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: newbie

Post by blade » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:36 pm

ofonorow wrote:Blade if you want to criticize a post - criticize in that post please . And try to stay on topic. Your posts are still all over, many times not relevant to the question being asked, and often contain bits of erroneous information. I hope it isn't deliberate.

I wasnt trying to criticize a post, just giving my 2 cents worth of what isnt accurate info and giving a solution how that can be fixed
making a new thread to talk about how the info in a post in the thread is not useful to anyone
my post dont contain "erroneous " information, if so, you need to directly point what is wrong out instead of just saying useless generalizations which help no one

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: newbie

Post by ofonorow » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:44 am

Your posts are full of useless information, as if you are inebriated when you write them blade. I don't have time to chase what you say down, but other readers begin to notice and will avoid your posts.

Furthermore, you seem to glob on to a question that we are trying to answer for someone who is seeking help, with questions that are about you.

Please start your own posts with your own questions . If you feel you can contribute to the topic, rather than changing its course, all the better.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: newbie

Post by blade » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:38 am

ofonorow wrote:Your posts are full of useless information, as if you are inebriated when you write them blade. I don't have time to chase what you say down, but other readers begin to notice and will avoid your posts.

Furthermore, you seem to glob on to a question that we are trying to answer for someone who is seeking help, with questions that are about you.

Please start your own posts with your own questions . If you feel you can contribute to the topic, rather than changing its course, all the better.


nah, I don t write "uselesss information"
oh "no time" to point out any of it? really?

in reality my posts contain the opposite, stuff you can use, I tend to post a summary, what to DO, then a link to the source of my info so any one can read where I got my info.
futher more., you write posts as in a prolix manner, using 1000 words when you only need 10.
yet after most of what you write, people say," , "ok, I read that novel, now what can I do? "
lots of " stuff" not stuff I can use. ie telmore stuff? (maybe I've not read it all.zzzzzz)

and yes, I do ask questions about things that help other people in my life, what? a question is still just a question and I don't ask anything very complicated and usually have a notion of the answer.

it's as if you are writing when your blood sugar is too high?
-do you like being insulted?
I don't; I dont attack others., I do defend myself though

do everyone a favor and if you want to try to insult me, use a PM and not derail a thread, because when a thread goes into different tangents, people get confused, ight?

cause "posts" not about the main topic, are what? confusing? if you are interested in topic A and someone makes a post about Topic, B, does that confuse you?
apparently so. so in that vein, I'll just stop doing that/make a different thread :D

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