4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:00 am

I activated this person's forum account but have not seen this question posted yet..

I am already grateful to you for creating and maintaining such an important website. My interest in Vitamin C is personal, critical and immediate. In fact, last night I began the protocol with Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline. I really didn't expect anything immediate and was simply hoping I wouldn't experience bowel intolerance. No problem with the later at all. Very encouraging. I started with 1000mgs of chewable Ascorbic Acid and same of Lysine + 500mg Proline. The most surprising, encouraging and, frankly, exciting thing that occurred was how fantastic I felt when I woke up this morning. I haven't felt this good since I don't know when. For this alone, I will continue the protocol.

A brief snapshot of my situation:

On Nov 13th, I had 4 coated stents installed to mitigate 2 of 3 blockages in my heart. These two blockages were 70% and 85%. The remaining blockage, I'm told, is 100%. I am 53, non-smoker, not overweight, healthy lifestyle guy. I had no idea going into the cath lab that I had such advanced heart disease. I had started seeing a cardiologist for occasional angina symptoms and very high BP. I am now on Plavix 75mg, aspirin 81mg, Amlodipine 10mg, Hydralazine 25mg x 3 day and Lipitor 80mg. I hate being on the Plavix, it gives me nose bleeds and a rash that I just got over. Having started the protocol, I cut the Lipitor in half last night--I'm very confident about that understanding how the Lysine operates. I plan to up my Lysine intake to 6g and Vit C to 10g daily if I can tolerate it.

My main question for you, may I have any reasonable expectation or hope that the protocol might clear the remaining blockage and allow me to avoid bypass surgery--which otherwise looks like the only option. I will not have another stent now that I understand them better. Also, after working into the therapeutic range of the protocol, will it be possible and/or advisable to discontinue the Plavix and aspirin. It certainly seems it should be understanding how the lysine uptakes the sticky LDL(a).

Thank you again for your lifesaving website. You sir, are a blessing to humanity and I am already forever grateful to you.



I was struck by the 80 mg of Lipitor! I am glad you have cut back, and I myself might have done so more gradually, with a target of 0, at least no more 10 mg. (Vitamin C at optimal dosages will effectively control your cholesterol - by putting out the underlying fire.)

Added: I also hate the Plavix (and know two studies were terminated early because the Plavix group was doing worse than the placebo). However, wean drugs gradually!. Do it slowly, and see how you react. if no reaction, then cut the dosage slightly again, and wait days to see how you react to the lower dosages.

So I like your starting and planned protocol of vitamin C and lysine. Perhaps johnwen may comment on the drugs given your position of having stents implanted. (People can do well on the stents, but they usually require more vitamin C.)

The 100% blockage is my only "red flag" to a complete recovery, as in theory, there needs to be blood flow for vitamin C and lysine to reverse the unhealthy condition of your arteries. In any case, I predict you will continue to feel better, and don't make the mistake many others have who feel they have "cured" themselves. They stop taking vitamin C and lysine! Think of where you are now or were a few days ago. That is what you will revert to in about 6 months if you stop the therapy. (You might be able to reduce to a lower maintenance dosage, but unfortunately NOBODY is studying this, so we work based on anecdotes.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by heken123 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:07 pm

I would be careful cutting back on the meds though as I recently did this with 2.5 indapamide and 100mg losartan cut out the indapamide and halved the losatan as I had started the mcdougal diet things were great for the first 2 weeks but then bp rose to 146/117 with a weird sensation in left breast and a bit breathless so had to increase the losartan back up still not coming down so going to restart the indapamide, very disappointed. But I wasn't on the vitamin c or lysine so hopefully it will have a better outcome.

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by Johnwen » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:04 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by heken123 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:35 am

thank you so much for this info I don't know why I need the indapamide as I am always going to the toilet and have no water retention that I can see I also had my kidneys checked this year as had blood in urine for ages. Turned out to be a urine infection but the test kept coming back saying no urine infection which is so annoying. But I've been back on 100mg losarten for about 10 days and my bp is still 146/90 roughly but the sensation I'm getting in my chest is horrible breathless and a uncomfortable feeling in left breast achy rather than pain kept googling and gerd/anxiety keeps coming up but the sensation is in wrong place. I also take acv 6 tablespoon a day for arthritis and that's a diuretic I think. Any help much appreciated

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:01 am

heken123 - can you clarify. Were you the author of the original post? If not you should start (or I will split) you posts into a new topic.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by heken123 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:31 am

No I wasn't the author sorry yes can you split for me please

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Re: 4 coated stents, 100% blockage, "healthy life style"

Post by DFulton » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:16 am


I am the patient in the original post by ofonorow and I am very grateful. I am the one with the recently installed 4 stents. So blessed to get such great information from both Dr. Ofonorow and Johnwen--these guys are simply amazing. As of Friday, my cardiologist adjusted my BP meds t:
Bystolic 5mg
Amlodipine 10mg
Losartan 100mg
and discontinued Hydralazine

My BP is now down to about 141/94--not great but better than it was running. I will ask to switch to brand name Norvasc--great advice. Who would know or expect there's a real difference? Still feeling good and I will wean off the Atorvastatin over the next couple of weeks. Glad to hear I can at least get rid of that one. I believe the AA is helping with the nose bleeds and gum bleeding from the 75mg Clopidogrel and, if I understand the mechanism, makes sense that it does. Johnwen, is it possible to use Unique E, Hawthorne, Garlic and pharma grade Omega 3 to replace the Clopidogrel?

I understand how some amount of blood flow would be needed to clear a blockage via the protocol and my remaining blockage is extensive so I'm not going to hope there--weighing my options but feeling good enough I don't need to do anything immediately.

So far I'm up to 10g AA via mostly chewables, should I go for more? Also, no problem taking the Lysine--is there an advantage to taking it at bedtime as I understand overnight is when the liver really gets busy making cholesterol? Does it make any difference?

Very Sincerely, I cannot thank you all enough.

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