Newbie, help please

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Newbie, help please

Post by Lifeseeker » Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:44 pm

Hello Owen,

Truly want to give PT and your recommendations in your book when I can get it, with full commitment. Not enough $ to start everything at once, what are the two best products first I should start with? Taking about 8,000 C ( and going up)from health food store with 6,000 lysine for now rather than do nothing. Feeling slightly better but after two weeks doesn't seem what I'm using is working well, just a gut feeling. Waiting on disability next week to get the better stuff. They have had 6 years their way, over 60 hospital admissions and great pain, misery, side effects and tremendous personal loss, lost everything and everyone. I have always done as I was told. The thought of open heart again I just can't see it. I guess I need some hope. Some history below.

I believe I read somewhere that you check this board often. I could be mistaken I have read so much.

Had a nuclear stress test about a month ago, my cardiologist said he would call me if anything was wrong that night. Shortness of breath on exertion was the issue. I had an MI in 2010, I was in bad shape as I thought it was heartburn and foolishly waited a long time to go get checked. I had been in good shape ( or so I thought) before. Being stubborn when I went I was in full heart failure as well as other organs. Very sick. EF was 10%. I00% blockage in LAD. Collaterals. They said they could do nothing. A lot of medicine, talked about a heart transplant etc. I made it out, started exercising , EF kept improving . Had electrical problems and was given a PM/ defib combo in 2010. Confusing times.

Before I go on, back to the above recent nuclear stress (sorry to jump around this is very emotional) I was called the next morning by the receptionist scheduling me for a cath. Asked to speak to my doctor. Went to the office. Receptionist brought out an electronic presentation about stents. I was very disappointed in my doctor and was and am very scared. It took two more days to talk with him and he said I had a "positive nuke test" . When I asked questions he canceled my heart cath saying if I was not committed to accepting any procedures he deemed necessary during the cath there was no sense in doing it . Last statement was don't go far from the ER. This was an established Doctor of mine who had never been this way. Am I being foolish not having the cath and allowing whatever intervention in blind faith? Some more prior relevant history.

-open heart CABG middle of 2012 after living with the blockage and doing ok.

All tests normal until now.

-was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in 2014, full ab surgery, tumor removal and most of colon. Illeostomy. Chemo for 6 months, heart stayed good, EF of 60. A time of great personal loss.... Had ileostomy reversal in December 2015. Gone downhill since. First time I wasn't back in the gym within weeks. More great personal loss now I'm here.

Before the nuke test I had been in the hospital two times two weeks apart, shortness of breath rapid heartbeat high BP. No chest pain. Three different on call cardiologists jacked my medicine around. For heart was on,
Metoprolol 150 mg (over 4 years)
Enalapril 20 mg
Amlodipine besylaye 10mg
Clonidine.01 mg x 3

These were stopped cold and was put on Coreg, which put me back in the hospital with extremely low BP. Then changed to Atenolol 50mg. Talk about rebound and other crazy withdrawal. My cardiologist does not like this one but my BP has been the most stable ever, could that be the Vit c and lysine in two weeks? Even in bad pill form? All these meds were changed right before the nuke test. Echo was great before that ( I understand it is not as good although I have seen radiologists tech call the nuclear stress test the "unclear ....". Also, during this time my hemoglobin down to 8.8 and ferritin was 2 as they found in a sigmoidoscopy I'm ozzing blood at the anastomoses from my illeostomy reversal. Made it through a recent leukemia scare because of a faulty test a few weeks agoh I had iron infusion x 2 the same time I started the Vit cand lysine. Had to argue with onconlogist,/hematologist about iron infusion.

Sorry to write so much. No chest pain, now walking up to 2 miles with no sob but 4 flights of stairs started sob yesterday at the cancer center. This is better than before. My cardiologist said to make an appointment to discuss medicine options and the urgent cath turned into a 6 week wait for an appt?? Willing to keep reading and doing WHATEVER IT TAKES. It's hard as everyone knows but between all of it I'm scared. I'm am cautiously saying it seems I'm doing better compared to a month ago, just looking for some hope. I will answer anything left out. Thank you very much for any guidance, I know you and others have plenty here already. I seem to get overwhelmed with some of the info. Oh, the graft is a mammary artery, not a vein, read about that making a difference. Thank you

Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:27 pm

Re: Newbie, help please

Post by Lifeseeker » Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:49 pm

Was just reading and now I feel like I asked to much. Reading a post that you said you wrote in the book what you answered on the phone over and over again.

Also saw a post where soneone was asking about lysine causing gallstones. I had those showing up in my CT scans since my first one after the MI. No problems with them though. You and Johnwen replied. I didn't realize there were so many fillers in the pills, but again I'm just doing that until I can get the powder . I'd rather do that than nothing since the cardiologist said what he said. Hopefully I'm doing what I should. Thank you

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