67 yr old male has suffered from CAD for 20 years.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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67 yr old male has suffered from CAD for 20 years.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:09 am

67 yr old male has suffered from CAD for 20 years. Had a 5 Bypass surgery 10 1/2 years ago (all HDL LDL TRIG #s under control). Just found out LP(a) is nearly 200. Niacin (4000) lowered it only 35 pts in 2 months. What dose of V-c and lysine would you recommend (his weight is ~235 lbs)? Am I correct that we should AVOID or use a much lower dose of proline since He has had BYPASS SURGERY? Also, do you recommend IV Vit C therapy in addition to oral doses? Any/all information will be greatly appreciated.
Concerned Wife.

You are a good wife - and a good reader. First, if the Linus Pauling/Matthias Rath theory is correct, your husband's cardiovascular problems are entirely because he has not been supplementing vitamin C. (By now, I am willing to bet my life Pauling was correct.) So job one is to start him supplementing vitamin C - every day - not to skip a single day. (Here is a post on a prudent way to get started with pills,

However, I still remember Jeff Fenalson. He was on his death bed, maybe for the second time, his family came in from all over the country. He survived the night, talked his docs into letting him go home. Did a web search, found PaulingTherapy.com, and instead of starting slow - he immediately started a high dosage, something like 12/14 grams of vitamin C and lysine. This created an obvious miracle, and we have some video of him painting his house later that month (He could hardly walk before.)

So per that "newbie link", work him up to his vitamin C bowel tolerance (onset of diarrhea) and work up to 6,000 mg (6 g) of lysine. I think NatureMade is a good brand. (I do still worry about some of the vitamin C that people are finding.)

We don't recommend IV/C for heart disease. If he cannot tolerate much vitamin C -- leading to his condition -- then the answer may be an equivalent dosage of liposomal vitamin C, but the jury is still out on that too. And remember, if he decides to start with a Tower Lab's Pauling-therapy product (or Inteligent*Vitamin*C's Cardio-C), he can always add baking soda, or sodium ascorbate to the drink to help neutralize the pH. (More on that if he has a "gerd"-like symptoms from taking the large amounts of ascorbic acid.)

The proline caution is not backed up by any evidence, only what I know about the Pauling/Rath theory. I don't think it applies to "old" by-pass graphs, because most people on the PT had some type of by-pass, and all they did was get better. I worry about a new CABG graph, because the entire procedure may rely entirely on Lp(a) strengthening the veins used for the bypass. In your husband's case, especially with that high Lp(a) (which I assume is in nmol/l - not the mg/dl Pauling referred to), I would not be afraid of proline. Note: He makes his own proline anyway, or should, as it is not "essential" like lysine. We must get all our lysine from the diet and need at least 1 gram daily to exist.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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