READ FIRST - 'How To' Primer IV vitamin C

Physician Reference and discussion of the methods, protocols and effects of intravenous vitamin C (versus oral or liposomal).

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READ FIRST - 'How To' Primer IV vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:52 am

This forum is mainly for physicians who are new to IV/C and want to know how to start or better their use of intravenous vitamin C.


Dr. Robert Cathcart II, MD: Preparation of Vitamin C for IV Use Video

youtube direct link

Foundation's updated version of Dr. Cathcart's written IV/C prep instructions:

Cathcart's original instructions:


AA versus SA

The common mistake is to use Ascorbic Acid rather than sodium ascorbate for the IV/C. (Dr. Cathcart felt this is because the early Dr. Frederick Klenner, MD, papers used the term "ascorbic acid.") Note: It is possible to use a buffered ascorbic acid, but the pH must be verified to be at least 7.1. The story of a large off-shore clinic who ruined a woman's veins using ascorbic acid:

Shelf Life

The commercial IV/C vials may degrade and do not have the same therapeutic value as sodium ascorbate "made fresh" to Dr. Cathcart's specification's. (See IV/C Primer links above)

Personal experience: It required some convincing before a local doctor would believe there was any difference between a standard commercial vial and the Cathcart sodium ascorbate method. However, after seeing the effect for himself on several patients, he switched to the Cathcart (sodium ascorbate) approach. (At first, he obtained the sodium ascorbate from a Compounding Pharmacy, but now mixes it fresh just prior to the IV/C) . One of his patients was a former patient of Dr. Cathcart, and reported that the IV/C that he had been getting from this doctor (from the commercial vials) were nothing like what he received from Dr. Cathcart. After the switch to sodium ascorbate, the IV/C he receives with the sodium ascorbate IV/Cs are more like he remembered.


While Dr. Levy has found clinically that a 50 gram IV/C is general dosage that works for most conditions for most people, the use if IV/C treatment for cancer changes that ball game - both in quantity and duration (drip speed). The Riordan clinic's recomendations are discussed in this topic:

We gave a series of vitamin C infusions to a 72 year old male who was in excellent physical condition except for slowly progressing, non-metastatic carcinoma of the prostate...From this experiment we observed that a 30 gram infusion was not adequate to raise plasma levels of vitamin C to a level that was toxic to tumor cells (>200 mg/dL for dense monolayers and >400 mg/dL for hollow fiber models). Infusion of 60 grams resulted in a brief (30 min) elevation of plasma levels of vitamin C above 400 mg/dL, while 60 grams infused over 60 minutes immediately followed by 20 grams infused over the next 60 minutes resulted in a 240 minute period in which the vitamin C plasma concentration was near or above 400 mg/dL

Even Dr. Cathcart relied mainly on oral vitamin C for his patients. Note, orally Dr. Cathcart recommended Ascorbic Acid over any mineral ascorbate, even sodium ascorbate. Dr. Cathcart's paper on oral dosing of ascorbic acid to bowel tolerance:

The Foundation's own research has added support to Cathcarts belief. Ascorbic acid orally behaves differently than sodium ascorbate orally. Ascorbic Acid ORALLY can create blood levels that exceed IV/C for a short duration (i.e. the first fifteen minutes.) Our paper has been accepted and is awaiting publication at the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.

If you have questions regarding specific applications of IV/C, e.g. cancer or infectious disease, please post to the appropriate forum.

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Re: Post your questions about IV vitamin C

Post by alblackadar » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:32 am

I am a practicing ER Doc who has been recently dx with Stage 4 Esophageal cancer with Liver mets, I am undergoing traditional chemo but would like to add parenteral Vit C at 75gms twice weekly. Cost is around $125 per 25gms. Veterinary Vit C is $3-6 per 25 gms but has preservatives. Is there any reason not to use this in place of the other?

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Re: Post your questions about IV vitamin C

Post by tnester » Wed May 17, 2017 12:55 pm

My wife had her first Vitamin C infusion along with chemotherapy from our new oncologist. How do I find out just exactly how much and what kind of Vitamin C she got?

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Re: Post your questions about IV vitamin C

Post by Isa » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:53 pm

Hi all. I'm from India. My wife and I have been taking oral vitamin c but my wife has been diagnosed with epilepsy and and she is also on the autistic spectrum. She is on Lamotrigin 250mg and she is also on estradiol. She also has hypoglycemia We noticed that her liver is not using all the vitamins she has been taking. She had jaundice few years back and after that her liver can't handle too much load. I was thinking of giving her cathart's IV C with sodium ascorbate. I have a sodium ascorbate crystal powder by NOW with me. Is this a good C crystal powder? Could some one tell me how to mix them please? because we have only plastic IV bags here glass IV bottles are replaced by plastic bags in our country. Is there anything else I need to be careful when I start IV C? Any other suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

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