Question on Pauling therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:15 am

I have been notified that taking high doses of Vitamin E can cause Heart failure, I've been taking 800 IU since i started the Pauling therapy on 3/25/17
Now I'm afraid to take it. I read several studies that showed in increased heart failure by 13%
This Heart disease is a pain in my #$% :)

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by pamojja » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:40 am

guitarplayer007 wrote:I read several studies that showed in increased heart failure by 13%
This Heart disease is a pain in my #$% :)

Could you just provide the most concerning study? Usually once you dissect the study the results don't look that spectacular anymore. An increase by 13% most likely is in relative risk, but in absolute risk could mean very little. Like the usual 30% improvement reported by statins use, are actually more a 1 in 83 taking statin (with known CVD) has a decrease 5-year mortality (leaving out the equal risks, at the moment). In absolute risk therefore even less than 1%. Also have serum levels been tested (which could be high for other reasons than supplementation), of terribly unreliable questionnaires? Also in science usually only one marker is tested at the time, while Linus Pauling recommended comprehensive supplementation along with dietary and lifestyle changes.

One reason Vitamin E could cause difficulties is because in high doses alpha-tocopherol replaces gamma-tocopherols. Therefore again very important to supplement with the other isomers of Vitamin E, including tocotrienols. Or maybe they even used synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol?

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by ofonorow » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:21 am

To assuage any fears about vitamin E, I suggest reading Linus Pauling's 1986 book entitled HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, as Linus Pauling devoted and entire chapter to the Shutte Brothers, Vitamin E and heart disease. Linus Pauling long recommended 400 to 800 iu of vitamin E for cardiovascular disease.

We also have to keep in mind the world we live in, where so-called medical 'studies' are really marketing tools used to help keep doctors (ignorant of nutrition) in line and sell pharmaceuticals.

Several authors have pointed to an extensive study conducted by the World Health Organization on thousands of men and women from sixteen nations. The study found that a low level of vitamin E in the blood was more than twice as predictive of heart attack than either high cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Inverse correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortality from ischemic heart disease in cross-cultural epidemiology.

In my lay opinion, one of the most dangerous things a heart patient can do is stop taking a vitamin E supplement. As we have stated for years, in my opinion, the best vitamin E supplement for heart health is the original (mixed tocopherols) UNIQUE-E formula from A. C. Grace.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:50 pm

Thank you

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by ofonorow » Mon May 29, 2017 5:21 am

guitarplayer007 wrote:I have been notified that taking high doses of Vitamin E can cause Heart failure, I've been taking 800 IU since i started the Pauling therapy on 3/25/17
Now I'm afraid to take it. I read several studies that showed in increased heart failure by 13%
This Heart disease is a pain in my #$% :)

Ken, I have noticed your series of posts indicating that you are very concerned about the path you have (apparently) embarked on. I know it can be a scary path, especially when there are no medical doctors who know anything about it. And I know that in the very near future, you will not be alone. I would expect that the vast majority of the 60+ million Americans diagnosed with CVD will feel much like you do. How could "science" be so wrong and medical doctors so "ignorant." Seems impossible.

My first important question is, have you read Vitamin C Cures: Heart Disease (currently Practicing Medicine Without a LIcense.)

I am hoping that this book will answer the questions that someone in your boat is asking. That it will help you look outside the box, because it outlines the science that has been ignored by medicine.

Let me know whether you have read our book. (And the older PMWAL version is about to be released on Kindle).
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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Mon May 29, 2017 11:44 am

I have that book as well as Dr. Raths book

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Mon May 29, 2017 1:56 pm

Im.losing my mind, need to find a meet up group of heart disease patients. Everyone has their own treatment, it's fucking of it. The only thing I know that works for sure and they did real scientific studies that reported in the most established medical journals Is a super strict whole food diet. Dr. Esseslstyn was give 24 heart patients all with advanced CVD. Before going on whole food diet they had a combined 42 cardiac events. After diet not one cardiac event in 12 years except for one person who went back to SAD. If you watch the video he shows heart imagines before and just a few weeks after new way of eating and the increase in blood flow is amazing . Even you don't want to eat that way you should watch the video. I'm open to anything that will prevent me from having a heart attack.

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Mon May 29, 2017 2:00 pm

Here's the video if anyone wants to expand their knowledge of CVD

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by ofonorow » Tue May 30, 2017 6:31 am

I'm trying to understand - you have PMWAL, but have you read it?

The genius of Linus Pauling was finding the single factor that explains everything.

Low vitamin C explains everything.

Other than Vitamin C and Lysine, which are both needed to effect the "miracle," there may not be a single heart protocol that works for everyone.

I am not sure whether you are currently in pain, or have been diagnosed and told that you are in danger. In the beginning, around 1996, the people who found us had uncontrollable pain, heart pain, and their doctors told them there was nothing more that could be done. Their own doctors suggested they search the Internet. It was these people in pain who noticed the relief from vitamin C and lysine right away (within 10 days).

Here are some of the testimonials that should make you feel better. If you like before/after medical records, visit Leake's blog.

it is much harder for someone feeling well, to know whether vitamin C is really the miracle it seems to be. Have you ever laid out the details of your case? If so, I missed it.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Tue May 30, 2017 7:17 am

No I'm not in pain, but it definitely effects my cardio. I only get Angina in my face when I push myself although now sometimes I can get while just lifting heavy garbage bags. The disease has progressed a lot in the last 12 months even though I got a Stent back in 2009. I'm going for a calcium score tomorrow. I'm just saying watch the videomovie in addition wonder why when Dr. Rath did the mouse study they didn't try to see if plaque could be reversed. We know know that Vitamin c in the mouse model prevented plaque from occurring but they didn't test for reversal. I wonder why he doesn't do a study with like 50 people with advanced CVD, they can measure even the slightest improvement in diameter of blood vessels now.
Ps read the book the Blue zones

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by ofonorow » Tue May 30, 2017 9:28 am

You still haven't discussed you own case. You say you got a stent in 2009 - eight years ago? Plain metal or medicated. Medications? Total cholesterol?

Rath's institute has and can run studies, but who cares? Its up to other researchers to test the hypothesis, not Rath. And you are correct, today it would be TRIVIAL to run a trial with 50 people. (Unfortunately for Big Medicine, such a trial would bankrupt most hospitals, and eventually bring down Big Med and Big Pharma)

And I was unaware of "mouse" studies? Mice make their own vitamin C, so the only interesting experiments would the the GULO "knockout" mice, who lose the ability to make their own C. And researchers studying these mice have found a) they rapidly suffer atherosclerosis, and b) giving the vitamin C in the diet protects them.

The first studies were guinea pig as outlined in the 2nd chapter of Sally and my book on the Canadian Willis. Willis ran a study that "proved" not only was vitamin C the only factor, but adding vitamin C to pigs already with atherosclerosis reversed the disease. This work was done in the 1950s.

Pauling/Rath repeated the experiments in guinea pigs to the extent the showed the Lp(a) (apo(a)) does become elevated in guinea pigs deprived of vitamin C and becoming atherosclerotic.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by guitarplayer007 » Tue May 30, 2017 9:37 am

Have you seen this video on Raths mouse study

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Re: Question on Pauling therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:11 am

No I hadn't. Thank you. Terrific link. The fact that these mice are "transgenic" (meaning their ability to make vitamin C has been "knocked out") is what makes them invaluable for heart disease research. GULO knockout mice have been studied for almost a decade, but this may be the first experiments to focus on Lp(a).

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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