Failure? Long-time, compliant PT user, has bypass surgery at age 72

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Failure? Long-time, compliant PT user, has bypass surgery at age 72

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:30 am

I asked the customer for details after learning that he had to go in for a cardiac bypass surgery. I don't see much of a flaw in this program, other than the high cholesterol, 252 mg/dl, which indicates that perhaps 6,000 mg of vitamin C was too little.

Hi Owen,

I'll be 72 in December. My diagnosis was 50% LMA block at the bifurcation area, the branch in the arteries, 85% blocked in the left circumflex artery again in the the bifurcation area.

My Lp(a) is very high around 105.

Had angiogram in 2007 which only showed the left circumflex artery at 40%, so 10 years later are the latest results. I've probably been taking your product for nearly 6-7 years. I first stated with one container a month before increasing it too 2 containers. My cholesterol levels prior to surgery were total 252, LDL 150, HDL 80. My workout schedule for the last 10 years as follows, 2.5 at the gym weight lifting, 40 minutes on elliptical machine & Blake split 20 minutes each 3 days a week with 3 more days of walking 2-3 miles at a good cardio level. Healthy diet, mostly morning oatmeal with protein powder, blueberries, banana, teaspoon of smart balance peanut butter, 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil, 2 teaspoons of benefiber. Lunch half turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread or tuna, fruit, humus, salad, I mix it up. Dinner usually Salmon at least 2 times a week, chicken, sushi tuna, with sweet potatoes, broccoli, or asparagus or other vegetables sausage 2links no more than once a week, also a large salad with mixed greens, tomato, olives, feta cheese, with balsamic dressing, salad is usually 5-6 nights with dinner.

I haven't been on any med's, even though my doctor wanted me to take statin, I resisted because I've been taking the following supplements for year, omega 3, 6 capsules a day each with 800 EPA 800 & DHA 400, your Cardio C,4000IU of D, 600mg. of mixed E, 800mg. Of magnesium Taurine and the other mixed, 1100mg. of Turmeric, garlic, 90mcg of vitamin K 2 with nattokinase, a men's sy

Hello Mr Fonorow,

I had bypass surgery on Tuesday. The bypassed the LMA 50% blocked with a Mammary artery and the left circumflex artery 85% blocked with a with 2 veins from my left let which the doctor said were good veins.
So I was thinking about just doing the Cardio C with lysine and hold off for a bit with the proline.

The surgeon said because I was in good shape from working out that should be able to go home tomorrow.

Thank for your encouraging words and getting back to me.

I'm having heart bypass surgery tomorrow morning.
I believe I read somewhere on your site a question about taking the Cardio C with lysine & proline, especially the proline may not be a good idea to take until the artery has a chance to properly heal.

As you know I only have the Cardio C with lysine & proline. I'm wondering if I should just take the C without the others. I was going to ask you to just ship a container of the Cardio C without the lysine & proline if you have that available or if not just ship one of the All C Vitamin.
I need some C to start to take as soon as I get home.

Please ship as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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