Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lunes Payling
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Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

Post by Lunes Payling » Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:53 am


I am writing to obtain information about protocols for the treatment of high
blood pressure.

If the book mentioned is available for purchase, I'd like to buy a copy.

I have 2 of Linus Pauling's books and one by Tom Levy and have used oral
Vitamin C for years. And once I had a few infusions of intravenous Vitamin C.

Thank you for your response.,



What do we know?

Doctors are taught to measure blood pressure because a small narrowing of the arteries creates an exponential rise in blood pressure. Hypertension an indicator of atheroclerosis - heart disease.

Other problems, such as "hard" (calcified) arteries will also raise blood pressure, but with a different signature.

To the extent the arterial narrowing can be alleviated taking Linus Pauling's protocol, blood pressure would be reduced. If the arteries have become hard/calcified - then the solution is vitamin K, but relief can take a while (and this would depend on the drugs/medications being prescribed - as many block vitamin K - causing arteries to get hard.)

Know that high blood pressure is an evolutionary flight/fight response, so having high blood pressure, say in a doctor's office, is not unexpected and quite natural.

Protocols to naturally lower blood pressure, in addition to vitamin and lysine, and vitamin K include

Magnesium - 300 to 3000 mg (but people have passed out from low blood pressure on 3000, so start slowly)

Vitamin B6 - Bill Sardi reports data that this vitamin works to lower pressure better than drugs (from memory 200 mg)

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Re: Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

Post by skwoodwiva » Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:47 pm

Thanks for the post.
I do all these. I spray Mg "oil" all over my body at bedtime & sun up.
But Moringa leaf powder is what keeps me at 65 to 68 rate & 105/65.

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Re: Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

Post by confused1 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:52 pm

I started taking a combination of cemetery seed extract and olive leaf extract. My bp was high, around 200/125. Within a few weeks it began coming down, but only the diastolic number in the beginning. It was almost down to normal before the systolic number began to move. In fact, the systolic number stayed high so long I was researching causes of isolated high systolic bp. But eventually it came down too and now my bp regularly tests 115/75 with no drugs and no side effects. I quit taking it for a few weeks as an experiment and the systolic number started edging up and the diastolic remained normal. As soon as I started taking it again the number came down. I'm not a doctor so I don't know why this is. Maybe one could chime in. By the way, a month supply of these costs me less than 10$.

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Re: Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

Post by skwoodwiva » Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:35 am

confused1 wrote:I started taking a combination of cemetery seed extract and olive leaf extract. My bp was high, around 200/125. Within a few weeks it began coming down, but only the diastolic number in the beginning. It was almost down to normal before the systolic number began to move. In fact, the systolic number stayed high so long I was researching causes of isolated high systolic bp. But eventually it came down too and now my bp regularly tests 115/75 with no drugs and no side effects. I quit taking it for a few weeks as an experiment and the systolic number started edging up and the diastolic remained normal. As soon as I started taking it again the number came down. I'm not a doctor so I don't know why this is. Maybe one could chime in. By the way, a month supply of these costs me less than 10$.

Hmm, is cemetery a typo?
I do not find anything.

Got to be this, ... p4j58oUAlY

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Re: Protocols for the treatment of high blood pressure

Post by confused1 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:36 am

Lol, stupid auto correct! Should be celery. I will be more diligent with my proofreading. But I actually don't take that product. I get them separately. The celery seed extract is a liquid.

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