Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

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Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:14 am

Dr. Levy has been following this forum and wanted to contribute the following for those with calcium build-ups that seem to be unresolved by high dose vitamin C.

Thomas Levy, MD wrote:Hi Owen,

I thought rather than repeat all the points in my books The Toxic Tooth, Death by Calcium, and Stop America's #1 Killer, I thought you might want to link any and all of these frustrated for m members fighting heart disease to the attached article. I feel bad seeing so many individuals remaining unaware of what causes heart attacks.

Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks, period. If this now well-established fact is ignored, no one should be
surprised that the calcium score continues to increase and the almost-inevitable heart attack eventually occurs, no matter what else is done.

They should all read this article. Just because it is in the main subspecialty journal of cardiologists (Circulation) and the information continues to be completely ignored doesn't mean they shouldn't be given the opportunity to assimilate this vital information for themselves.

Best regards,

Dr. Levy


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Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

Post by guitarplayer007 » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:46 am

Great so we basically have to get all teeth removed, root canals, and implants which I have all 3...CENSORED it then

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Re: Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:15 am

Not necessarily. Knowing the cause of the problem is the first step. There may be other less severe ways to deal with the fact that your previous dental work has harmed you. The problem seems to be that the pathogens that develop in the maze that can arise under the teeth, especially after a root canal, produce the most toxic substances known when they take a crap. Its not the bacteria that are poisons, it is the toxins they emit. Second these bacteria live away from the blood supply, which is why normal antibiotics cannot reach and kill them. When the toxins enter the blood stream, vitamin C can help detoxify them (as explained in Levy's Primal Panacea - why vitamin C seems to be the universal detoxifier.)

So how do we kill microbes in the mouth that are not next to the blood supply? I can think of several points of attack based on what we know from this forum.

#1. DMSO/Ozone Gel/H2O2
#2 Oiling
#3 Magnetic Pulsing

DMSO doesn't require a blood supply to permeate tissues - and carry what ever is mixed with it to all points of the body. Presumably the microbes in the mouth are mostly anerobic (oxygen hating) because they don't require a blood supply. DMSO not only promotes oxygen transfer itself, but when mixed with hydrogen peroxide, can keep pigs hearts well and oxygen nourished after a heart attack. (The holistic dentist I am familiar with locally uses ozone gel to "get at" these infections. And she winds up "curing" so many other illnesses that she is worried about losing her dental license for practicing medicine without a license.)

The oiling idea is to grab the bugs and spit them out with sesame seed oil.

Other sites I found looking for above

I have gotten used to the taste of 99.9% DMSO rinsed in the mouth. I usually start by rinsing first with H2O2, but you can "dilute" the DMSO with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse for a couple of minutes. Try to let the DMSO get to all teeth and gums. (Too bad for the little critters).

If you have a magnetic pulser, this would be a good time to use it on the mouth and make the little critters uncomfortable. In the Beck protocol, this was the procedure to move them from the tissues into the blood (where the "zapper" (silver pulser) could kill them)

Then to the oil pulling.

Added: A variant. Sometimes instead of H2O2 - mix some vitamin C with the DMSO - to help detoxify the craps (toxins) deep down.. presumably the DMSO will transfer the vitamin C to places it wouldn't otherwise reach.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

Post by confused1 » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:47 am

ofonorow wrote:Not necessarily. Knowing the cause of the problem is the first step. There may be other less severe ways to deal with the fact that your previous dental work has harmed you. The problem seems to be that the pathogens that develop in the maze that can arise under the teeth, especially after a root canal, produce the most toxic substances known when they take a crap. Its not the bacteria that are poisons, it is the toxins they emit. Second these bacteria live away from the blood supply, which is why normal antibiotics cannot reach and kill them. When the toxins enter the blood stream, vitamin C can help detoxify them (as explained in Levy's Primal Panacea - why vitamin C seems to be the universal detoxifier.)

So how do we kill microbes in the mouth that are not next to the blood supply? I can think of several points of attack based on what we know from this forum.

#1. DMSO/Ozone Gel/H2O2
#2 Oiling
#3 Magnetic Pulsing

DMSO doesn't require a blood supply to permeate tissues - and carry what ever is mixed with it to all points of the body. Presumably the microbes in the mouth are mostly anerobic (oxygen hating) because they don't require a blood supply. DMSO not only promotes oxygen transfer itself, but when mixed with hydrogen peroxide, can keep pigs hearts well and oxygen nourished after a heart attack. (The holistic dentist I am familiar with locally uses ozone gel to "get at" these infections. And she winds up "curing" so many other illnesses that she is worried about losing her dental license for practicing medicine without a license.)

The oiling idea is to grab the bugs and spit them out with sesame seed oil.

Other sites I found looking for above

I have gotten used to the taste of 99.9% DMSO rinsed in the mouth. I usually start by rinsing first with H2O2, but you can "dilute" the DMSO with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse for a couple of minutes. Try to let the DMSO get to all teeth and gums. (Too bad for the little critters).

If you have a magnetic pulser, this would be a good time to use it on the mouth and make the little critters uncomfortable. In the Beck protocol, this was the procedure to move them from the tissues into the blood (where the "zapper" (silver pulser) could kill them)

Then to the oil pulling.

Added: A variant. Sometimes instead of H2O2 - mix some vitamin C with the DMSO - to help detoxify the craps (toxins) deep down.. presumably the DMSO will transfer the vitamin C to places it wouldn't otherwise reach.

I have a few mercury fillings I've had since youth. But at age 53, I still have all my teeth. Does anyone know if this dmso gargle could carry mercury out of the fillings and into my system? Or is it best to let sleeping dogs lie?

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Re: Infected teeth and gums directly cause greater than 90% of all heart attacks (American Heart Association)

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:53 am

Only a guess - but from Boyd Halley's videos - the mercury can be seen vaporizing during chewing. Vitamin C can neutralize the most dangerous form of mercury, but given mercury's relation to Alzhimer's and dementia.. I would seriously consider getting rid of the mercury



Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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