Keto's Fatal Flaw and the Fat Switch

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Keto's Fatal Flaw and the Fat Switch

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:55 am

Anthony William wrote:Trying to get life-sustaining glucose into organs, muscles and the nervous system while meeting resistance from excess fat is the true, unknown meaning of the term insulin resistance.

Thanks to Dr. Ken Berry's succinct youtube discussion of Keto, we can now say with some authority that the fatal flaw in the keto theory is categorizing carbs as "empty" calories.

This great mistake is put into perspective in Medical Medium, Volume I, Chapter 7:

Anthony William wrote:The fundamental fuel for your body is glucose, a simple sugar that provides all your cells with the energy they need to function, heal, grow, and thrive.

Glucose keeps us going -- and keeps us alive. The central nervous system runs on it, as does every organ in the body, including the heart. Glucose is what we use to build and sustain muscle, and it performs vital functions such as repairing damaged tissue and cells

When you eat food, your body breaks it down into glucose and places it in your bloodstream so it can travel to all your cells. However, your cells can't access the glucose directly. They need some help from your pancreas, which is a large endocrine gland located behind your stomach.

Your pancreas is constantly monitoring your bloodstream. When it detects a rise in glucose levels, it responds by producing a hormone called insulin. Insulin attaches to your cells and signals them to open up and absorb the glucose from your blood. Insulin therefore both allows your cells to get the energy they need and ensures your blood glucose levels remain stable.

We take glucose for granted, and trust that there is correct science behind the widespread advice to limit sugar/carbs and not eat Fruit. Glucose, unlike fat (and protein), has only positive effects. It is a primary nutrient, on the order of water, air and salt.

One problem is that ordinary table sugar is fully half fructose. This turns out to be the key. Fructose in limited amounts (i.e. from fruits) is beneficial. Fructose in very high amounts, on the other hand, especially in the high amounts typical in the modern American diet, signals the liver to create fat. Limiting ordinary cane (table) sugar makes sense. It now seems to me that if all our processed and SAD foods were sweetened with glucose, instead of ordinary cane (table) sugar sucrose, the problem of obesity would likely be solved. However, any diet that throws the baby (glucose) out with the bathwater (table sugar) and recommends against eating fruits, is doomed to fail over time because it starves the body of glucose.

Liver Rescue, P. 250 wrote: .. when a diet goes high-fat (what many call "high protein,"not realizing it automatically means high-fat), it goes no-carb or low-carb, too. You'll hear that its because the sugar that carbohydrates break down into and sugar itself itself cause problems, in part by turning into fat. When low quality carbs in a diet go up, doctors observe that patients' health declines and they don't know why, though it's easy to blame carbs. What no one realizes is that the problem is the combination of sugar with fat. Together, they clash.

It is interesting that terrestrial epidemiological and meta analysis have shown that heart patient outcomes are better on the low-fat (Ornish or Pritikin) diets than on the Keto, Adkins or even Paleo diets. Not only do the high-fat Keto-like diets deprive the brain and liver of their most important nutrient and fuel, high fat intake puts a strain on the liver. All animal proteins contain fat. (Ref MM Liver Rescue).

Liver Rescue, p.251 wrote:Here's the catch with protein. If you were to take out fat from protein sources, people on high-protein, no-carb diets would literally starve to death

In today's world, we learn from the ancient science that contrary to popular beliefs, eating fruits should be encouraged rather than discouraged. I for one now understand that fruits provide glucose in its most useful form, i.e., a myriad of nutrients are bound to glucose in fruits, many with previously unknown antioxidants that offer anti-viral and other health benefiting properties,.

This realization spurned a thought: It has recently occurred to me that the recommended fruits were genetically engineered by an ancient science. This idea is discussed in this post: and that would mean, if true, that the MM books are essentially a "user' guide" for this genetic engineering.

So why are the " fat is good " diets so popular? We all want to lose weight. Burning protein requires water and initially people quickly lose some water weight on the high fat/high protein diets.

And avoiding all sugar would turn off the liver's fat switch (eventually at the expense of all organs).

Liver Rescue, p.252 wrote:blood sugar ... It's what sustains us and keeps us alive: glucose. Beyond that, storage bins of glycogen keep your brain from atrophying, keep your liver strong, and keep other vital parts of your body going to keep you alive. On a high-fat, low-carb diet the heart slowly becomes weary. It yearns for the person to eat the better... [the small amount of fruit now in most hybrid diets] because it desperately needs and wants even the very little sugar they contain. While it won't really be adequate, it will be just enough to keep the heart going - because the heart is a muscle that needs glucose for survival.


A new understanding of the "Fat Switch" in our bodies holds the promise of staying healthy and trim. Fructose, and not glucose, in high amounts, just as Linus Pauling told us, signals the liver to make fat.

youtube direct link

In Linus Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, he identified the sugar fructose (half of table sugar sucrose) as a potential health issue because modern diets contain much more that our bodies have ever had to process in the past. Fruit contains both glucose and fructose too, but as the Medical Medium explains, one has to eat a "hundred pounds of sugar from eating fruits, one thousand pounds of fruit would have to be eaten." In other words, there are very limited amount of high quality sugars in fruits.

Fructose is a Fat On switch.

Thanks to this documentary starting around minute 6,

we learn the mechanism that spurs the liver to manufacturer human fat. The metabolism of the sugar fructose. The video contains a reference to the Johnson book The Fat Switch , which seems to contain the answer for what has caused the epidemic of obesity: The development of cane sugar. If the Johnson book had been widely read, it may have led to curing obesity in America. More companies would sweeten their products with D-glucose (dextrose) than sucrose.

The idea from the documentary is that mammals survived winters by eating fruits during the summer. Eating fruits in the summer creates fat that mammals burn during the winter. (Technically, uric acid prompts the liver to make fat, and fructose helps create uric acid.)

The conundrum is that glucose is good, our body needs it, fructose is good in moderation, but bad when eaten in the same amounts as glucose, and the "cane" or table sugar sucrose (which contains glucose and fructose in equal amounts) is everywhere.

And an argument could be made that even too much glucose would put a strain on the pancreas.

Linus Pauling cites a book by Yudkin book SWEET AND DEADLY. The research informs us that at that time the of Yudkin book, people were eating 100 grams per day of sugar, of sucrose. This means they were eating 50 grams of glucose, and 50 grams of fructose. While our ancestors were accustomed to about 10 grams of fructose. This means that people in modern societies generally eat something like four 4 (to 10 times) times more than they would get simply eating fruit[/u]. Medical medium puts that amount at 10 times.


There are two known metabolic pathways to uric acid, as shown in the above Low Salt, More Fat documentary.

#1. Fructose (makes sense, we store fats when fruits are available) and

#2 LOW SODIUM also turns on the same (uric acid) switch.

Now that we know how to keep the liver from producing fat. And thanks to Anthony William, we know that the liver is where fat is made. (This idea didn't sound right when I first read Anthony William. Also, we eat fat, but that is a different story.)

All coming together into a clear picture or unifying theory.

We know, glucose is like "air and water and salt" to the liver and brain (Thank you Anthony). Everyone on Keto believes that "carbs" are empty calories and that we crave sugar from addiction, like we crave alcohol or cocaine.

If we deprive our body of glucose - say from eating a strick Keto or Atkins dieat - it will adjust to spare glucose for the brain/liver - by making other parts of the body insulin resistant. If muscles become insulin resistant, glucose won't be able to get into muscles, for example, so the body quickly becomes "fat adapted" and burns fat instead of glucose. This is good "insulin resistance" and a few aware N.D.s realize this condition is not necessarily bad. But they don't know why. Now readers here do. The brain and liver cannot burn fat, which is why glucose is not an "empty calorie."

And this is ultimately why keto, by restricting sugar (carbs), can lead to rapid fat loss. The body knows its in trouble from a lack of glucose.

As an aside, glucose intake can be a regulator on how fast people lose weight. Eating less glucose is like pushing on the "fat burning" gas pedal.

However, you can reduce ordinary table sugars, only take glucose and not make fat, and still burn fat, just not as fast. In fact, you can burn both glucose and fat at the same time, in different parts of the body.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:27 pm
Metabolism SPEEDS UP just 8 days after ditching fructose, study claims
Fructose is found in 75 percent of packaged food and drinks
It is converted into fat instead of digesting which adds extra weight to the body
Removing fructose from you diet helps lessen hunger and sugar cravings
One way to ditch fructose is by avoiding flavored yogurt and mixed drinks

Professor Jean-Marc Schwarz and colleagues from Touro University in California said removing fructose from the menu can combat obesity, fatty liver disease and diabetes without the need for medications.

It may be linked to liver conversion of sugar to fat, a process known as DNL (de novo lipogenesis), they said.

Compared to glucose, which metabolizes 20 percent in the liver and 80 percent throughout the rest of the body, fructose is 90 percent metabolized in the liver.

Fructose also converts to fat up to 18.9 times faster than glucose.
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 19, 2020 11:13 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:34 am

Having now read Dr. Richard J. Johnson's wonderful book THE FAT SWITCH, and understanding that a particular sugar, Fructose, is the main fat switch, how in the world do we turn it off?

Fructose is half of cane sugar (table sugar) and if you check food labels, sugar is added to almost everything, meaning fructose is added to almost everything. I thought I noticed that a few Gatorades are sweetened only with dextrose, but I may have missed that they have dextrose AND sugar. (Dextrose is D-glucose - glucose).

Johnson's lab has documented that if fructose is restricted, that the body can make some fructose out of glucose.

His lab has also documented that sugar in water, especially fructose in water (e.g., think regular coke and pepsi with High Fructose Corn Syrup) is many times better at turning on fat production than fructose in solid fruits.

We can understand that a ketogenic (low carb) diet can lead to rapid weight loss because the fructose/uric acid fat switch is turned off. Few or no carbs, little sugar. The flaw, as per the title of this thread, is that both the brain and liver require the sugar glucose, almost as much as they require oxygen or water. Both the brain and liver store glucose in the form of glycogen, which is used during sleep to keep blood sugar (glucose) levels constant. As glycogen stores are depleted, people start to feel unwell. For this reason, many low-carb diets now recommend adding fruits, which is an excellent idea.

The conundrum is that we need adequate glucose for our livers and brains, but we should learn to avoid ordinary table sugar like the plague.

One answer that pops out of this analysis is Jason Fung's fasting, or even intermittent fasting. Fung believes that people lose weight because insulin levels are reduced when no food is eaten. Johnson would argue that people lose weight during fasting because the Fat Switch is turned off by the lack of fructose.

The Anthony William, the medical medium, recommends restricting fat in the diet 20-30% of calories (and also says we eat too much protein.) His advice is to consume mainly solid fruits and vegetables as the staple of a proper diet. William also recommends grazing, eating a fruit and vegetable every 2 hours, to rest the adrenals, (which would otherwise have to produce a steroid to signal the liver to release glyogen/glucose - to keep sugar levels constant.)

There are Fructose-restricted diets, but my guess is that they mistakenly restrict fruit. A future answer may be healthy foods baked with dextrose (glucose) rather than ordinary sugar. Until then, either a keto-starter, to become fat adapted, or some variant of Fung's fasting is probably required to lose weight, and to keep it off.

If others have ideas how to restrict fructose, while not depriving the brain or liver of glucose, I am all ears!

Owen R. Fonorow
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Gary Springer
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by Gary Springer » Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:08 pm

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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by jimmylesante » Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:54 pm

In the USA Today article as soon as i see anyone , in this case Malik saying limit saturated fat----i realise they havent learnt anything since their university days 50 years ago.
Doctors also immediately think ketosis as bad as they have been trained to treat disease and not health.

A ketogenic diet provides plenty of sugar or ketones via fat or protein breakdown. The hrt comes in the first 3-4 days when your body transitions from sugar to ketones. Beyond that you run on ketones which is jet fuel compared to glucose.
The secret to weight loss and ketogenic diet is to measure your fat/muscle mass loss to ensure you are losing fat and gaining lean muscle mass.

Granted many people overdo the proeins and wonder why they are 1)no longer in ketosis(protein broken down into sugars) 2)no longer losing weight.

In reality we are born into ketosis and spend at least 6months or up to 2yrs drinking breast milk alone which is protein fats and lactose----perhaps the best quality ketogenic drink out there :)

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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Fri Feb 07, 2020 9:20 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by jimmylesante » Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:33 pm

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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:56 am

The discussion of the brain utilization of ketones in the above references relies on reference 20

Brain Metabolism during Fasting

Catheterization of cerebral vessels in three obese patients undergoing 5-6 wk of starvation demonstrated that ?-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate replaced glucose as the predominant fuel for brain metabolism. A strikingly low respiratory quotient was also observed, suggesting a carboxylation mechanism as a means of disposing of some of the carbon of the consumed substrates.

Although the fat depot may be massive and glycerol from neural fat can be converted to glucose, net gluconeogenesis from fatty acid carbon has not been demonstrated by mammalian systems. If the central nervous system does maintain an absolute requirement for glucose during starvation, this substrate must be derived from the limited carbohydrate stores...

What we learn from the 'advanced science' source that is the medical medium's, there is a large glucose storage in the brain, on the order of the liver, with a special from of glycogen. In fact, there is enough carbohydrate in the brain to make the brain mostly carbohydrate, rather than mostly lipid.

Three obese patients fasted for over a month, yet, there was glucose measured in the blood (page: 1591 using nmol/l measurements I am not used to.) The argument is that the levels of glucose measured are much lower than would normally be required to power the brain, ergo, the ketones measured must be powering the brain, as they are thought to do powering the rest of the body.

My first question to these authors, why have the Eskimos evolved to not go into ketosis on a high-fat (low carb) diet, and how do their brains get powered if not by ketones?

I would call this a nice try, to explain how the mammalian brain may function during starvation, and I will keep reading the main study to see what animal studies have been done. I did notice this gem

One should note, however, that ketones are incapable of maintaining or restoring normal cerebral function in the complete absence of glucose.

As an aside, the 3 patients in this "study" reminds me of the three patients in the Harvard Testosterone Study that prevents doctors from giving prostate cancer patients testosterone!
Owen R. Fonorow
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Gary Springer
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by Gary Springer » Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:38 am

There is a substantial body of scientific evidence that shows the brain oxidizes ketones for energy when in a fasted state, and an overwhelming body of scientific evidence that the brain is comprised of mostly lipid, with a tiny amount of glycogen that is NOT a substantial source of glucose for most brain function after liver glycogen stores are depleted and the liver begins producing ketones.

As you know, main stream medicine constantly refutes the effectiveness of large doses of vitamin C as a cure and prevention of disease despite many hundreds, if not thousands, of scientific studies that support the fact that they do. The reason they design intentionally flawed studies to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of vitamin C is to sell the alternative; patented poisons that sometimes ameliorate symptoms but which are not designed to cure because with each cure is a loss of cash flow. If a research scientist writes otherwise, his career as a research scientist will be either short lived or must be funded by the tiny pool of money from non-traditional sources, and the latter rarely occurs.

Similarly. It is taught as scientific fact that glucose is the primary source of energy for the body, especially for the brain. However, there are hundreds if not thousands of scientific studies that demonstrate the many curative and health advantages of frequently entering ketosis and for fasting, and the science of ketones, their role in brain function, their antioxidant character, that they oxidize more clean without producing harmful oxygen species in the brain, their general effectiveness in improving health of the nervous system, increasing longevity and providing benefit to epilipsy and many other neurological disorders.
However, anyone who consistantly uses glucose as the primary fuel for the body will indeed have a short life. Only the body that frequently alternates between using glucose and lipids as a source of energy will be able to prevent weight increase to many hundreds of pounds.

If you think the increase of awareness and use of vitamin C would cut into big pharm profits, what do you think understanding and belief by the general population that fasting, intermittant fasting and low carb diets are healthful and often curative, what would that do to the profit of the food and drug industries? Imagine if it were common knowledge that most people would benefit by delaying the timing of the first meal of the day until 12:00! But, despite the rates of obesity in the nation, they continually
hammer home the belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that the body needs that food to jump start calorie burning, thus making eating breakfast an important part of maintaining a healthy weight.

The science is there. But the understanding, like the understanding of the value of vitamin C, is lost in a continual barage of misinformation.

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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:43 am

There is a lot to digest, but focusing on

Similarly. It is taught as scientific fact that glucose is the primary source of energy for the body, especially for the brain. However, there are hundreds if not thousands of scientific studies that demonstrate the many curative and health advantages of frequently entering ketosis and for fasting, and the science of ketones, their role in brain function, their antioxidant character, that they oxidize more clean without producing harmful oxygen species in the brain, their general effectiveness in improving health of the nervous system, increasing longevity and providing benefit to epilipsy and many other neurological disorders.
However, anyone who consistantly uses glucose as the primary fuel for the body will indeed have a short life. Only the body that frequently alternates between using glucose and lipids as a source of energy will be able to prevent weight increase to many hundreds of pounds.

What I learned from Dr. Leung is that ketones only form when CoA is in short supply, and that their presence indicates that the body is inefficiently burning lipids. His experiment showed that 100 people on a year-long 1000 calorie diet did not go into ketosis - so long as sufficient CoA precursor was provided (i.e., 10 g vitamin B5).

Furthermore, Masterjohn research illustrates that fact that the Intuit eskimos have evolved and lost the ability to go into ketosis.

Thirdly, we know that the body tightly regulates blood glucose to a narrow range around 90 mg/dl, and that the pancreas and liver keeps us alive during sleep by maintaining this level of glucose in the blood.

Fourth, the Medical medium tells us something different, that the primary fuel for both the brain and liver is glucose, much like water, air, etc. Glucose is a primary nutrient, and that the brain is "mostly" carbohydrate :-) The studies showing ketosis supports the brain merely show that ketones are present, not that the brain utilizes them for energy. (We could probably add an argument about ketoacidosis...)

From the Medical Medium, it becomes apparently that the body becomes "insulin resistant" to spare glucose for the brain and liver. The muscles and other parts of the body become fat adapted, and burn lipids for energy.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:44 am

I agree that glucose is needed for the brain-or some parts of the brain . But my question is where does the glucose come from? Is it necessary to ingest the glucose or can it be broken down from protein or fat(those innuits) and utilised as and when needed.
Diabetes is a 3 stage disease isn't it, the 3rd stage being the brain .

Ketosis provides the body with enough building blocks that the body can choose how much glucose to make in order to work optimally.
For me personally if i had more than 50g(2x big carrots) of carbohydrate i'd be knocked out of ketosis.
Interestingky and similarly if i had too much eggs and jerky or fat i'd be knocked out of ketosis-because the body would have excess to break down into glucose. I'm guessing how the innuits are not in ketosis because they are eating too much protein/fats.

With regards using ketones as primary fuel for the brain in the absence of glucose why not? It certainly focuses the brain and provides extraordinary amounts of energy-designed so the cave man could chase down their next prey and gorge.
As such i don't think ketosis is a long term thing- and should intermittently be broken up after weeks or months with some carbohydrates such as fruit/vegetable/nuts.
Some of the best triathletes utilise ketosis and glycolysis during their endurance races.

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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by popnowlin » Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:50 am

I'm not a huge fan of "conventional" science. It's been so corrupted by money and politics that it's almost unrecognizable these days. However, if the alternative is information from a spirit guide science wins every time.
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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by johnjackson » Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:15 am

can someone just tell me what ketos flaw is?
is it lack of glucose/fructose?
I thought it was veggies, too much keto foods(high fat/protein) gets you backed up



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Re: Keto's Fatal Flaw

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:10 pm

Flaw is considering glucose as "empty" calories, rather than vital fuel, especially brain and liver fuel it really is. I think i now understand that no nutrients are absorbed without glucose present.

Minor flaws. We need little protein and fat should be plant based and restricted to 20% of calories.

Now that I know that fructose turns on the production of fat in the liver, my weight is 200 lbs, down from over 250 lbs a couple if years ago when i began the vitamin B5 journey.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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