My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

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My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:44 pm

Others may or may not find this helpful, but after I lost conciousness in my doctors office in July 2021 (during a Chlorite (CDS) IV). I woke up in the hospital. The blood cultures turned up nothing. The infectious disease doctor on the team said it was probably a "mystery virus." She had seen three other cases in the past few weeks. They blamed the loss of consciousness on my adrenal insufficiency.

Since then I have had a low-grade mucous in my bronchial area, creating an infrequent cough. Now more than two years. (I can use an anti-histamine, but I understand that the mucous/cough is the body's way of ridding itself of something unwanted.) The spit up turns a redish black over time as it dries out.

Last Thanksgiving my workout buddy caught something from his grandchildren, and was smart enough to go for an antibiotic which cured him. I got it but was not smart enough, until I finally cried uncle, got the same Antibiotic, and the apparent bacterial infection mostly resolved. I still had the underlying mucous/cough that I couldn't shake without taking an anti-histamine..

Until recently, i.e. after I started using the nicotine patches on myself.

As documented elsewhere, a friend advised me about the studies that were finding nicotine helps Parkinson's patients that had made national news. First I had heard about nicotine being a good thing.

I did enough research to become convinced nicotine by itself is not addictive, and some Parkinson's patients have been wearing patches for years, with only apparent benefit. (I now believe that patient's whose Parkinson's was caused by the venom's in vaccines/ viruses are probably those that benefit the most from these patches.)

My wife w/Parkinson's mental (but not motor) condition improved immediately on the daily nicotine patch.

After the universe directed me to Bryan Ardis (via my holistic dentist) I started wearning the patches myself. I started with gum, but switched to slow release patches after finding that nicotime gum quickly made me naseous. (Gum releases the nicotine dose quickly, and if you have toxins attached to nicotine receptors on cells, you will know it!)

On the patch, and for completeness, after a blood transfusion last April (another story) my cough slowly receeded, but was replaced with edema in my arms and fingers. Last night forgetting the patch, I used the nicotine gum. Wham! I could hardly make it up the stairs, and during the night, all my swelling in the fingers/arms returned.

My thinking is that I have some been "poisoned" with the venom that Ardis warns about, and my vitamin C has been protecting me, thus the low grade cough. The nicotine, especially the patch, started releasing the poisons from the nicotine receptors on cells, leading to the arm/finger swelling. Something about the fast-release gum shocked my system.

Moral: Be careful with the gum if you are sick.

Additionally, during the period of the finger/arm swelling, I started upping my daily vitamin C intake, to something like 1 gram every hour - with no sign of bowel tolerance.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:05 am

Hi Owen.
Firstly i want to thank you for this forum... it has been a huge knowledge and learning base for me. So many contributors here as well so knowledgeable and some who have asked more questions then i have and learned and tried and experimented to become proficient in their knowledge and ALL FOR FREE!

Nicotine patch would perhaps make you feel better as it paralysis the cilia in your lungs so less mucus coming up.

Perhaps more of a heart then a lung issue?

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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:30 am

I appreciate your comments!

Since it is illegal in the United States to tell people that anything other than an approved drug cures disease, this outlet has kept me (sort of) sane!

I think I have figured out what happened, and it seems to prove Bryan Ardis's thesis about the nicotine receptors.

My finger/arm swelling started after I began the nicotine patch, although I have been fighting a low-grade "something" for years, and controlling it with my rather high dose vitamin C regimen.

The instructions on the patch say to wear for 16 (i.e. waking) hours, which I suppose makes sense for smokers. I take the patch off when I go sleep.


That is when all my finger/arm swelling problems problems start, overnight, and I was over thinking that it had something to do with liver detox, which is what I learned the liver does around 3:00 a.m. over night.

I'm going to now wear the patch 24/7 - replacing the patch daily.

I bet a nickle the problem goes away.

If you haven't watched some of the Bryan Artis interviews - especially the one with Mike Adams you should.

My new theory is that nicotine does indeed push the toxins out of the "nicotine" receptors, back into the blood stream. However, if you are fighting some self-replicating little beast, stopping the nicotine stops the protective shield around the cells. In my case, the expelled toxins probably settled into my overnight unprotected arms/fingers.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:03 pm

report after first night wearing the nicotine patch all night.

Not quite an overnight success, but close.

I had hoped I return to completely normal, but I still had a little swelling and weakness around 3:00 a.m.

Until about 8:00 a.m., then wham! Tinnitus, feeling of the problem coming back overwhelming.

Apparently, the patch had released all the nicotine.

I put on a new patch, and the problem promptly went away.

In review, something that (I now know) responds to nicotine first hit me two years ago.

A mucous/cough that I could not shake. It had increased lately, and got so bad at night before the nicotine, when I would lay down, that the cough would keep my wife awake. I had to resort to "musinex" and other antihistamines before going to bed so she could sleep.

Then the mucous slowly started to resolve (but with the pain in the arms/fingers increasing) after starting the -part-time nicotine patch.

Only one night, but the cough now is basically gone, and the swelling is almost gone.

It's almost miraculous..

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:54 am

The universe is strange. Last night, say 2 to 3 am. noticing my wife was awake, I said, "Isn't it wonderful that I am no longer coughing?" (It has been frankly embarrassing that the head of the Vitamin C Foundation has had a persistent, albeit low-grade cough for 2 years!)

Almost immediately, probably from talking, the cough started and wouldn't stop.

I am now wearing two patches.. The 10.5 mg I was wearing, and another full 21 mgs. Coughing stopped
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 08, 2023 11:12 am

Ironically, I have become "addicted" to nicotine!

With the patch on (at the right dosage) I am well. The two year-old contagion (poison?) is completely (and quickly) controlled.

Without it, or when the patch runs out of nicotine - I revert QUICKLY to my 2-year-old condition, with the mucous, cough, weakness in the arms, swelling, and the need for very high oral vitamin C.

So I'm stuck wearing these patches.

But really it is no more an addiction than my daily requirement to have to take vitamin C . It is a dependency. People don't think about the fact that they either eat vitamin C - or die - slowly from a myriad of diseases in a process named scurvy. Very similar situation.

Begs the question, what the hell is going on in me, circa July 2021, that uses the nicotine receptor??? I think I know that it isn't strictly a spike protein... Unless, all the vitamin C I take neutralizes all the common venom symptoms.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:58 am

I'm just sayin

BTW, have you visited our LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE topic yet?

That second Carson show, with Dom Delouise, Burt Reynolds and Art Carney may even be funnier than the first. I should create a poll.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:39 pm

I do now have anecdotal evidence that nicotine does increase testosterone in men.

First heard about this during this interview

I normally." drive "cautiously," my family would say like an "old lady, slowly, head on a swivel looking out for things I didn't see the first time (at least my head is above the steering wheel).

I noticed the other day I was whipping around turns, flooring it and enjoying the feel of acceleration. Even swearing at other bad drivers, etc.

I have been much more, let's say clear thinking, decisive, forceful and prolific.

No effect on libido yet. But there is always hope.

This video interview of Bryan Ardis is the current "state of the art" information about nicotine research and its being the antidote for Covid and the venom inside the Vax's
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:42 am

Thanks to Dr. Bryan Ardis, and the knowledge imparted on the documentary THE ANTIDOTE
I think I know what is causing my condition (an mRNA plasmoid that targets fungus in or near by bronchial tubes), and thus how to finally get rid of it. Kill the fungus that routinely inhabits that area (Candida or maybe it is a form of Valley Fever.) Kill the fungus, and destroy the tiny plasmoids inside the fungus with the mRNA that are tirelessly working INSIDE the plant-microorgamism to make the poison without an off switch. Ouila!

I am hoping that DNA testing of what the cough is spitting up will provide the correct anti-fungal. This same test found the anti-biotic resistant bacteria that was about to cost my an entire foot!

How or why it got inside my body that July of 2021 is another question I may never be able to answer.

I need an extraordinary amount of nicotine and simply cannot afford the high cost to support my habit. I have just discovered the nicotine lozenges. But like the gum, it is fast release, and I feel the "herxheimer" nausea when I use them. (Meaning? To you budding students of Nicotine Therapy) I have patches all over, and have learned to identify the old ones because they become lose over time.

As you watch Ardis on THE ANTIDOTE, and how could you not, I ask you. What is the Antidote? It may not be what you think.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:56 am

You may have noticed my absence. On the Saturday before Halloween my mystery virus and cough turned into a serious case of pneumonia and I have had very attentive people taking care of me ever since.

E and other docs. I did have a duodenum ulcer rupture, which has been cauterized . But my hemglobin keeps dropping.

Vancomyicin initially caused hydrlytic anemia, but has been stopped for awhile

No evidence of internal bleeding, yet I can't hold on to my blood. Maybe 10 transfusion by now.

I did look at my arm, and it was bleeding. No injury. Then same small amount of blood on other arm. Evaporated.

Biggest problem in hospital is convincing doctors vitamin C is essential. Been here long enough to start showing signs of scurvy. Finally got them to give me 250 mg
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by pamojja » Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:40 pm

Sorry to hear. Hope you get better.

Can't believe no-one brings a whole bottle of vitamin to you in the hospital.

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Re: My personal experience with nicotine and "mystery virus"

Post by Blargus » Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:47 pm

Will say some prayers for you hope it clears up soon. Yeah can someone get you some liposomal C?

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