I heard there was a double-blind study in rats that proves Pauling's theory

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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I heard there was a double-blind study in rats that proves Pauling's theory

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 29, 2024 11:34 am


I subscribe to your product, and recommend it to many people, but some have looked at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.

I heard about Linus Pauling's double blind study on lab rats & vitamin C, those rats deprived of C died of heart attacks from clogged arteries, and those rats given vitamin C died of old age with open arteries.

I have searched the web for the story, and can't find it. If you can provide me a link to it, it would help me send you more business.

Maybe you have a relationship with Dr. Rath (PaulingTherapy.com) and Dr. Rath could post that study on his website (if it's not already there somewhere).

Let me know.

D. L,
Tulsa OK

Good question but I have not heard of such a study in ordinary lab mice and rats.

The problem is that unlike humans, lab rats make their own vitamin C and do not need to supplement.

As Dr. Rath wrote, Animals that make their own vitamin C do not suffer heart disease like we humans.

However, there are now genetically altered mice that cannot make their own vitamin C (GULO-Knockout mice) and these mice do suffer atherosclerosis like humans. The studies you have heard about may be related to these mice

youtube direct link

The study that alerted Pauling to the importance of Lp(a) was conducted at his institute and showed that guinea pigs (who like humans cannot make their own vitamin C) created Lp(a) when deprived of vitamin C.

See first reference


There was such a study conducted in the 1950s - in humans!

The early pioneer, Canadian G.C. Willis did run such experiments, which are described in my book PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT A LICENSE. However, if memory serves, these experiments were run in human subjects. And the amount of vitamin C was low, from 500 to 1500 mg.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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