New user - Bloating

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

Moderator: ofonorow


New user - Bloating

Post by cbrown1687 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:39 pm

Hello! I have been spending lots of time reading posts, but haven't written anything myself. I have had a lot of random health problems over the last two years (nothing serious) and have had no help from doctors, and finally was told by a holistic doctor that at least part of my problem was a Vitamin C deficiency.

I started researching and was excited to find that a lot of the problems I've experienced made perfect sense with Vitamin C. I have been under severe stress and have had terrible problems with anxiety for years. This combined with a LOT of drinking and partying from the ages of 18-23 (I am 25 now and take great care of myself) and with a surgery and several infections all thrown together - my vitamin C levels were completely shot, which in turn made me more stressed and vulnerable to more illness, which made my vitamin C levels even lower, and round and round.

So, once I started taking C I started feeling a LOT better and lots of my symptoms vanished or have gotten better.

Now here's the problem - I started off just taking three 500mg capsules per day, and slowly increased. Eventually I was taking about 9g in time- release pill form only. I found some pure Ascorbic Acid powder and decided to try that. I cut back on the pills, only taking two with each meal, and started taking the powder - about 1.50g three times a day. I felt great for two days, and then BAM - I got very sick at work - terrible nausea, and horrible diarreah all day long, and awful flu-like symptoms, chills and achiness. I cut back on the C but didn't stop. The next day, I felt completely fine. I resumed the C back to it's original level and slowly increased it every day with no problems whatsoever. This led me to believe that I had experienced a Herxheimer reaction, not bowel tolerance. i figure I have a lot of toxins/bacteria/viruses in my system from being ill for awhile, and they were all coming out. Especially since I have horrible skin, which makes me think I have lots of toxins, and I had a nagging prostate infection (which is gone) and was also told by a holistic MD that I had a Cytomegalovirus in my liver (?). through Direct Resonance testing.

I felt great for about a week and a half, and was taking about 3g three times a day of powder, with 2g of time-release pills three times a day, and a multivitamin. So, total - roughly 16g. Around this time, I started getting VERY gassy and bloated, but didn't cut back. The next day, the gas was gone, but ever since then (about 4 days ago) I have felt VERY bloated, with a distended belly and some mild cramping, and I never have gas problems so this feeling is new to me. It hasnt' hurt, just been uncomfortable. And I haven't had any diarrhea, in fact, if anything I've had LESS stools than normal, almost mild constipation. I cut back on the C last night and my belly feels more comfortable.

So, questions is, what do I do? I haven't hit bowel tolerance yet, and when I was taking the 16g a day, I felt GREAT - besides this awful bloating.

Any advice would help - sorry to write a novel here! You guys are all great, I enjoy reading your posts and am thankful to have discovered this wonderful vitamin. :D


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Glad you on board

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:56 pm

Congrats on your holistic doctor's correct diagnosis, and your self-correction.

I found

This led me to believe that I had experienced a Herxheimer reaction, not bowel tolerance.

quite interesting. It seems that your body does need to detox - perhaps at a slower pace - and that you have a handle on that. The problem with gas can be handled in at least 2 ways.

Are you rich? (Kidding, sort of. The lipospheric C (Lypo-C) is 100% absorbed, for all intents and purposes, and does not cause gas or bloating. But it aint cheap. Ideally, you would find the level where you experience NO gas and bloating - what ever that is - and then reach the level that makes you feel good by adding packets of Lypo-C.

The second way is to take charcoal and/or methyl-celluse or the other substance recommended by Sherry Lewin (hopefully the post is still available in the Bowel Tolerance forum) that can significanlty reduce the build-up of methane. Yep, ... =lewin+gas

Rather than repeat that post. Why not study the older post, and let us know if there are still more questions. I believe the methane is created in some people based on the contents and organic matter in the gut. I would try to reduce the gas by taking my C more frequently at a lower rate, and probably prior to meals, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


skin issues

Post by cbrown1687 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:16 am

Thanks so much for your quick reply, Owen.

What is the difference between lipospheric C and regular ascorbic acid powder? Is it any less effective? How does it avoid gas, just by better absorption? I'll check around and see if I can locate some. I will definately try spacing my doses out. I didn't seem to have any problems with the time release pills, but I don't want to be ingesting lots of the fillers they contain.

What are your ideas on my skin issues? I had terrible acne all through high school, and after trying every possible treatment, conventional and alternative, I sort of gave up, and around the age of 17, it just disappeared by itself and I didn't have any problems again until about a year and a half ago. A year and a half ago, I took some anti-anxiety medication and was somewhat under the influence of alcohol at the time, and had a terrible skin reaction. My whole body was covered in spots and welts. The dermatologist I went to said I had Eurythmia (sp?) Multiforme and it was a reaction to the medication. Once that started to clear, I suddenly developed a NEW rash, which was much more uncomfortable and looked different, over my whole body. The Dr. said it was viral and I had to let it run its course. It did run its course, but about a month later, I started developing acne all over my shoulders, chest, and upper back which hasn't gone away. All the MD will give is antibiotics which I won't take. I was also getting the occasional acne-like sore in a very um, personal spot, and I asked my urologist about it and he said "it's viral, there's nothing you can do" with no elobaration. STD tests are all clear. I also have had Sebboreic (sp?) Dermatitis for a long time - had terrible dandruff since I was pretty young, and when I was 19, it spread to my face in a psoriasis-like form, and it's very painful and itchy. I have a corticosteroid cream that works like magic, but I don't like to use it.

So, I went to a holistic doctor and asked about my skin. He performed a Direct Resonance test and said I had a Cytomegalovirus in my liver that my body hadn't been able to fight off. Presumably, when I had that drug reaction, my system and liver were so compromised, that I caught this virus and it sort of lodged in. This would explain the skin problems, because, being in my liver, there would be lots of toxins around. He put me on the Rife machine once, but it didn't help.

Ever since that drug reaction, I've had all kinds of symptoms - hair loss, popping joints, an easily bruxated shoulder, vision issues, prostatitis, and severe anxiety. I realized that with all the anxiety and illness, I was very depleted of C, and it was turning into a vicious cycle. Once I started taking it a lot of these issues improved significantly, and I just FEEL great for the first time since this happened. And my anxiety has literally vanished, like my adrenals needed C badly. But my skin has not improved one bit. I also feel very itchy from time to time on different parts of my body - it feels like there are lots of toxins. I've been using a sauna to help flush them with minimal results.

Any advice? Thanks so much for your help.


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Lot to digest

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:43 am

Lot for one message.. Lets see, we offer Lypo-C

The liposomal form is based on a technology perfected long ago (nano particles) to deliver drugs. Seems to work very well for ascorbic acid (which is encased in the liposomes). Read all about it
It works so well that we sometimes wonder whether it has ANY vitamin C, but urine tests show that it does, and that it makes the most sense to use when you are nearing bowel tolerance.

Read HOW TO LIVE LONGER and FEEL BETTER by Linus Pauling and begin following his ENTIRE regimen. Give this some time (3 to 6 months) and I predict over 90% of your problems will clear up or resolve themselves.

In the meantime, try to avoid processed foods (which contain trans fats) and limit empty carbohydrates (junk foods) Doing this will help your body adjust and become healthy.

If you do have a liver virus (and your experience reminds me of shingles - a herpes-type virus) then you might benefit from IV vitamin C to rid your body of this virus. Dr. Levy's CURING THE INCURABLE covers this, but the primary requirement is a doctor (or nurse) who can administer the IV. (I can't tell where you live, but if you live in CA - lots of options). I'd also recommend Sunshine and at least 5000 iu daily of vitamin D3.

The substance quercetin seems to have anti-viral properties, but I would probably use that as a last resort.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


IV vit c

Post by cbrown1687 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:37 am

Thanks so much for your help and sorry my post was so long.

I'd love to try the IV C, but I'm not sure how to look up practitioners. I live in the Boston area, do you know of anyone around here, or a resource to find out?


Conventional Viral treatments

Post by cbrown1687 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:47 am

If I did have this sort of viral infection - is this something I should go to a regular hospital for? I have went for numerous conditions related to this, and have had no success with any of them, and no one even suggested there was a virus, in fact all said there was nothing wrong with me. I figure any sort of allopathic viral treatment would be toxic drugs, and I'd much rather build up my own system through healthy living and supplements/herbs if possible.

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Re: Conventional Viral treatments

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:48 am

cbrown1687 wrote:If I did have this sort of viral infection - is this something I should go to a regular hospital for? I have went for numerous conditions related to this, and have had no success with any of them, and no one even suggested there was a virus, in fact all said there was nothing wrong with me. I figure any sort of allopathic viral treatment would be toxic drugs, and I'd much rather build up my own system through healthy living and supplements/herbs if possible.

It is a waste of time to go to a conventional doctor for a virus, as they have been taught that (at least until recently) there was nothing to be done to rid a virus.. he he he (Now they have these phony anti-viral drugs.)

Anyway, try and begin calling doctors in your area asking if they would give you IVC, or would recommend someone. If you want to read about what is possible, the book by Dr. THomas Levy is CURING THE INCURABLE: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins (2002)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by trillian » Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:38 am

I got very sick at work - terrible nausea, and horrible diarreah all day long, and awful flu-like symptoms, chills and achiness. I cut back on the C but didn't stop

This sounds more like just something you ate than a herx reaction, It could be related but could be just mild food poisoning, a little bacteria or something you ingested.[/quote]

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Post by Dolev » Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:52 pm

The skin is an organ of elimination. When the liver is overburdened or not properly functioning, syptoms will appear on the skin. Search out the various liver cleansing diets and choose a regimen which your intuition tells you is right for you, and add liver cleansing herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion and artichoke. In addition to the advice given by others above.


Post by chrisperry » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:16 am

I just read over this thread and it gave me some needed info about gas and bloating. I'll be doing some reading over the next few weeks.

Also, my skin is absolutely horrendous. Once this cold snap hit the northeastern US, my skin turned to leather. I have had problems with dry, cracked, itchy skin and eczema since I was ten but this has been the worst.

I believe that I have Pauling's Live longer and feel better book at home but have to dig it out. Thanks for the info.

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coconut oil... for dry skin

Post by Cis4me » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:40 pm

Although I can certaintly say Vit. C has made my skin look a bit better and cuts heal probably 50% faster. I can't say it is much help for dry skin, not that I would expect it to in this case.

I have trouble with dry skin in the winter as well. I believe it is mostly due to frequent hand washing since it is almost always confined to my hands/forearms. I've been using coconut oil for over a year now for frying/grilling. I put some on my dry hands a couple of months ago, and at least for me it has got to be the best stuff I have ever used, hands down beating any other lotion or cream. I try to remember to use it everyday, but the effect lasts 2 or 3 days from what I can tell which is handy when you forget. :) All it takes is a very tiny amount, let it melt and rub it all over your hands/arms as much as possible. It won't feel greesy after a couple of minutes.

Other things that help:

1.) Seal as many drafty holes/doors/windows as possible and don't open outside doors unless absolutely necessary as this will keep the humidity in your house up. Heating that cold (and often very dry) air from the outside is the reason why you home is so dry in winter.

2.) Use a humidifier, at least in your bedroom while you sleep.

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Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:16 am

Now that I read this about dry skin, I realize that my winter dry skin is better, and wonder if it is because of the extra vitamin D(3) 2000-3000 iu plus the 20 minutes UV/B light?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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