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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:31 pm
by SonnyCrack
*UPDATE* I cut my Atenenol in half yesterday. BP was better. I did not take it at all today and it's late. I just measured my BP at 121/80. So as far as I can tell, strict adherence to PT and the other supplements has corrected my blood pressure. Thanks for all your work Owen.

Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:51 am
by exitium
What kelp supplement do you use? Since our oceans are so toxic I think its hard to find ocean based kelp supps that are pure or have significant amounts of iodine. IHMO iodine is much like vit C, the fda/rda is significantly lower than what we really need.

Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:11 am
by Johnwen
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
2.48 mIUn/mL
(range) 0.34-4.82 mIUn/mL

Are you sure the range on this TSH test is mIUn/mL and Not mIU/L???
I checked all my books on a conversion and asked the Lab Rats about it???
No one has heard of it, Nor can I find a conversion for it!!
Because the standard Lab Ranges is in mIU/L!
Could you please verify this????

Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:11 pm
by SonnyCrack
@exitium it's a swansons brand of kelp.. Not totally sure of the source but they've always done good for me..

@John, I copied and pasted this directly from my patient portal profile. I don't know what all the letters, ect mean.. Wish I could be of more help.

Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:48 am
by SonnyCrack

I just came from getting my Calcium CT Scan. I'll get results Tuesday. I went to a Walgreens Clinic and got a cholesterol test (not VAP).. Results are not what I'd like but certainly trending in the right direction except for HDL.(Currently over 2 months on PT)

LDL - 176
HDL - 34
Trigs - 192
TC - 248

That is the lowest TC, LDL and Trigs I've ever been tested at. I wonder what happened to the HDL or if it even matters.

Thoughts or comments would be helpful.


Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:10 am
by Georgehaslostweight
Trying to be helpful....

50% of people who die from heart attacks have no elevated cholesterol - what is needed is VLDL and LDLs and HDLs - in other words lipid fractionation. In other words though what you have looks may not be....