please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by Johnwen » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:03 pm

You keep saying your husband had a Heart Attack in September was this one of his previous ones or did happen in Sept.2012.
If it was a recent event theres no details as to what action the docs had to take this time.
It would be good to know what happen when he got off of statins.
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:47 pm

his first heart attack was in 2005 he had two stents put 2007 he has another stent put in but that one was not a heart attack.. second heart attack was in 2010 when his WBC went to low and the doctors thought plavix was the cause of it, they made him get off plavix for a week and he has a heart attack. one of his older stents closed up. then in 2011 we tried to wean him off lipator and effient so within that year we got him down to only take one lipator a week and supplemented with red rice yeast. Then this past september 2012 he has a major heart attack. both stents that were place in 2005 closed up. He went into cardiogenic shock, his blood pressure was very low and the he had to be air lifted to a hospital with a cath lab, because the hospital we first went too didnt have a 24hr cath lapb. once he got to a cath lab they balloned the stents open and placed an aortic pump in him for four days to help his heart heal and pump. at this time they put him back on lipator and instead of keeping him on effient they put him back on plavix and i still dont know why they did that. I need to find out.
during the time of weaning off lipator he was not supplmenting with vit.c or proline or lysine..we didnt know about this until after his heart attack, he was also eating a diet high in carbs which i'm not a beliver in, he didnt do much excerise except for working in the yard and doing his gardening.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:35 am

Thank you. I look forward to johnwen' reaction to that history.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by Johnwen » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:35 am

So they did a quick fix! This is done to see if there is going to be any further progression or regression in the build up. First of all your doing the right thing buy getting him on PT now. Because the plaque is still unstable and can be dealt with. The heart pump was placed as a comparison to a vacuum cleaner to assure that any debris loosened by the procedure was removed and to bath any damaged tissue with fresh blood and start regeneration of those areas that were necrotized. Hopefully before they scar over.
Next, I would really like to know the area of the LAD that has these problems if they gave you a picture of when the procedure was being done of a before and after shot this will be pretty easy. Before I go on do you have anything like this or do you have a report that describes his procedure??
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:04 pm

what do you mean this was done to see if there is going to be any further progression or regression in the build up? what was done?
and what do you mean by hopefully before they scar over?
the only picture I have is a drawing picture of a heart and marks on the artery that had the stents placed in them. I dont have an acutaly imagine on disk of the before and after of his heart.
I have some notes from the doctor on what they did that night but thats about it? do you want that?

Do you think its better for him to be on plavix which sometimes causes neutropenia for him or on effient which I have been reading may increase cancer?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by Johnwen » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:15 am

what do you mean this was done to see if there is going to be any further progression or regression in the build up? what was done?

once he got to a cath lab they balloned the stents open

This is called an angioplasty if it looked liked an agressive form such as growing outside of the stent another stent would have been placed within the first one.

and what do you mean by hopefully before they scar over?

start regeneration of those areas that were necrotized. Hopefully before they scar over.

When tissue dies from lack of oxygen, scarring replaces the dead tissue and that part of the muscle becomes a hard useless clump that usually ends in a calcium shell over the scarred area.

the only picture I have is a drawing picture of a heart and marks on the artery that had the stents placed in them

If you look at the artery (Drawing) the LAD you will see two other arteries coming from the right side of the LAD. The first is D1 and The Second is D2 we'll use these as marks. The top of the lad where it T's into the Proximal LCX. The area between this t junction and D1 is known as the proximal. The area between D1 & D2 is the Middle and the bottom after D2 is called distal. I'm curious which area the stents where placed in and if they showed any build up in the proximal LCX??
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:21 am

as far as i'm aware of on sept. 2012 they balloned open the two older stents that were closed. I dont think they put another stent on top of an existing one. I'm looking at the drawing of the heart and I need to correct myself. The stents that were placed in mar of 2005 and in july of 2005 were both in the LCA (not the LAD) the location of those stents are in the LCA right before it branches off into the LAD and the DI. I see something the doctor wrote next to that but i can hardly make out what he wrote, i think it says T.O. of stent, then I see another picture someone hand drew that looks like a pic of the heart and inside it they wrote not done. there was no mention of any buildup anywhere else and he said that what they balloned that night looks good. I will ask again, if they placed another stent in there ontop of another one and if there were any buildup in the LCX

These are the two stents that closed up in the last heart attack.

He has another stent that was placed in 2007 in his RCA, passed the SN and then there is another branch but I dont see the name of that artery the stent is placed right after that branch. the doctor wrote right after that No significant ISR.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:28 pm

John, I finally got my husbands blood work results from berkeley heart lab, let me know what you think of his particle sizes and inflammation and Fibrogen?

All measurement is mg/dl

total cholesteral 153
LDL-C 104
HDL-C 40
Triglycrides 47

LDL IIIa+b (%) 14.8 range 13.6-43.0
LDL IVb (%) 1.5 range 1.7-9.8
HDL2b (%) 16 range 7.30
Apo B 74 range <115
Lp(a) extended range 14 range 0-30
homocystine 13.3 range 3.0-15.0
Lp-PLA2 166 range 131-376
crp 0.4 range <=3.0
Firbrinogen 358 range 227-496
Insulin 5 range 3-25
Hemoglobin A1c 5.2 range 4.8-5.9
NT-proBNP 456 range 5-125
what is NT-proBNP ? is really way out of range?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:50 am

I like the Berkeley Lab.

Total cholesterol 153?? Low!! Should be closer to 180 mg/dl - is he still on the statin?

Lp(a) is still a little high (14) but not that bad. Wise to stay on Vitamin C/lysine/proline, Linus Pauling's Lp(a) binding inhibitors.

I defer to johnwen re: other measures.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:49 am

Yes he is still on statin. The doc said he is going to wait and do another cholesteral test in january and if its ok he will lower the dosage on the statin. these were some other test they ran:

ApoE Genotype= 3/3
KIF6 Genotype = Trp/Trp
LPA-Aspirin Genotype= Ile/Ile

LDL I=31
LDL IIa=28.4
LDL IIb=21.5
LDL IIIb-3.8
LDL IVa=2.9
LDL IVb=1.5
Q-LDL IIIa+b= 12.4

HDL3c= 9

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:55 pm

ofonorow, I have a more recent blood test I would like your opinion on.
If you look in this post at the last comment you made on my husbands blood work, you said his total cholestrol was to low at total cholesteral 153
LDL-C 104
HDL-C 40
Triglycrides 47 these were done in Oct.

Now the December results are as follows
Total= 180
LDL= 133
HDL= 34
Triglycrides= 65

We asked the doctor if we could lower his liaptor from 80mg to 40mg and he said he would have if his numbers were like they were in october but once he saw the LDL went to 133 he said no.
Can you tell me why? I mean we already know my husbands lp(a) was 14 in the october blood results and his LDL was pattern A also . Why is he assuming that just because the total LDL increase that it increase in the smaller particles vs the larger particles. the test showed he had pattern A . What was the purpose of getting that extensive cholesterol lab work if he isnt going to take into the account that his Lp(a) was good and that his LDL particle size was good? I dont understand these doctors and I feel like i'm reasearching all this information for nothing because no one is ever going to tell him he can lower his lipator or even get off it for good one day.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:29 am

jpoww wrote:ofonorow, I have a more recent blood test I would like your opinion on.
If you look in this post at the last comment you made on my husbands blood work, you
Now the December results are as follows
Total= 180

That is a Wow!!! 180 total is perfect, and exactly what Ginter's works predicts on optimal vitamin C! (I just love real science)

We asked the doctor if we could lower his liaptor from 80mg to 40mg and he said he would have if his numbers were like they were in october but once he saw the LDL went to 133 he said no.

Idio.... Ah I will control myself since they are practicing what they have been taught or think they know.

Can you tell me why? I mean we already know my husbands lp(a) was 14 in the october blood results and his LDL was pattern A also . Why is he assuming that just because the total LDL increase that it increase in the smaller particles vs the larger particles. the test showed he had pattern A . What was the purpose of getting that extensive cholesterol lab work if he isnt going to take into the account that his Lp(a) was good and that his LDL particle size was good? I dont understand these doctors and I feel like i'm reasearching all this information for nothing because no one is ever going to tell him he can lower his lipator or even get off it for good one day.

I have to leave the answer about your doctor's response to a fellow MD - johnwen.

If it were me - knowing what I think I know - I would never put a statin cholesterol-lowering drug in my body. (If this idea makes you uncomfortable, find Hickey/Roberts new book TARNISHED GOLD, and start reading page 205 through 216! This will explain exactly how much value all the large studies have found in people taking statin drugs - slim to none!)

Another book that was just introduced by David Leake is short and sweet. Cost you $12. He was on statin drugs for 17 years - before finding Pauling's vitamin C/lysine. David researched statin drugs, and I doubt opened minded people would take them after reading his book
A (Patented) Heart Disease Cure That Works!: What Your Doctor May Not Know. What Big Pharma Hopes You Don't Find Out. (Volume 1)

This is the tip of the iceberg. I wouldn't change anything drastically - cold turkey, but if your doctor won't help you wean off statins, find a doctor who will. (Where do you live? Have you considered ACAM.ORG?)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:44 am

I live in Katy, Texas and I have been on and I was looking at the doctors on there and didnt see many choices for one that was a cardiologist also.
I believe saturated fats are safe and good for you. My husband and I avoid all forms of sugar and carbs even grains. We only eat vegetables, meats, fish, poultry and fats. We stay away from ALL vegetable oils, trans fats and hydrogenated fats. The only fats we eat are coconut oil and animal fats. Do you think saturated fat is good for you and causes no harm in CHD? Its known that saturated fats will increase LDL but since my husbands Lp(a) is 14 and his LDL pattern is A which is the larger particles, why do doctors freak out when his total LDL is 133? cant we assume that his LDL is increasing because of the saturated fats which will increase the larger LDL particles which dont cause plaque or clots? why do most doctors assume just because the LDL is increasing that its increasing in the smaller particles? His current doctors was thinking of lowering his lipator but when he saw his LDL went to 133 he said no he cant reduce it..I dont understand why not.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:49 am

Even dr. stephen sinatra said LDL greater than 130 in the presence of documented coronary artery disease in men ages 50-75 indicates that statin therapy is needed.
Since when is statin therapy ever ok??

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:02 pm

ofonorow, I forgot to mention to you that those blood test levels were done on my husband while he is on PT and on 80mg of lipator a day.

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