Over a year now.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Tue May 27, 2014 8:45 am

If the basic theories are correct - that vitamin C bowel tolerance is based on metabolic need, and how much vitamin C the tissues absorb from the blood, then your C tolerance dropping is a good sign (as is feeling "so well.")

I was interested to read in Dr. Levy's new book DEATH BY CALCIUM, they he personally did regular C-flushes (a program developed by Prof. Russel Jaffe).

This might be an exercise for you to try weekly to compute your current acorbate tolerance (and to detoxify, as the Cleanse/Flush is designed to help with heavy metal and other toxicity)

The idea is to take a maximum one-time amount of vitamin C you can usually handle, from 1 to 10 grams, every 15 minutes.

Jaffee recommends sodium ascorbate for the calibration. I do not see why ascorbic acid wouldn't work as well or better.

There will be a watery discharge (diarrhea-like), usually between hours 2 and 3.

The amount of ascorbate taken to produce the discharge is considered the Calibration level, and Dr. Chong and others claim that Jaffee recommends a daily amount 75% of the calibration. So if your calibration was 40 grams (40,000 mg) then 30,000 would be your recommended daily vitamin C intake.

Jaffee says that for the purposes of detoxification, bowel tolerance is too little too late to force the body to expel toxins.

We can also use the calibration to help determine a good daily amount for the week.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue May 27, 2014 5:34 pm

Hi Owen, some good information which I will get to on one of my days while nearer home. Yes I still feel pretty good I had a little Angina while out walking the Park just yesterday. One spray of nitro and I finished my walk.
However my beta blocker is being switched to 2- 50 mg.doses of Metoprolol to see if it will help my Angina. I guess I'm wondering about Vit C usage. By all accounts my ateries are clear except for 80 per cent and 40 per cent at D1 and LAD. Also small veins and capillaries? who knows. So advice to keep doing what I do. No nobody wants to know about C or statins and I will keep on trucking with info given here. I know the C plus lysene and proline is working and hope to clean out that 80 per cent blockage one of these days. I will also try C-Flush one of these days. Thanks nineboy :wink:

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:36 pm

Well thought I'd report in.
I am feeling pretty good these days and able to walk further each day. Not long in from my morning walk and just about three times around Park this morning. No signs of angina or chestiness and am taking an average 18 plus grams of Vit.C plus all other Pauling theraphy, 6 grams lysene, 1.5 grams proline etc. yes Vit.E too.
Also the Metoprolol seems to be helping me exercise more. Something is giving me my get up and go back. No waking up in the middle of the night with any pain and sleeping so soundly. What can I say take your Vit. C etc. and get back in the game. The weather is great and time to get Out and About. Thanks again everyone. Nineboy. :D :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by exitium » Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:20 am

Sounds like your making great progress!

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by davids1 » Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:11 pm

Hi Nine,

Wow, that is great news!

Please continue to update us on your health situation and experiences.

Best wishes,

JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:01 am

Well I'm back and Angina has still not resurfaced. Just in from a walk and no chest pain or angina. At night I am sleeping right through. However you won't believe it but I ended up with a horrible spring cold. Yes even with the Vitamin C I take. It really crept up on me quietly but boy has it lasted over 2 weeks. Finally I feel I have got over it and it took a strong cough medicine from the Doctor to help get rid of it. I did up my Vit.C intake but somehow missed my chance at the beginning and ended up with some kind of chest infection. Yes no fun.
However through it all No angina though with the Metoprolol I sometimes get pretty dizzy when getting up too fast. So I have to be careful that way. This morning I tested for BT and it arrived at 6 grams of C. So my body seems to be returning a bit more like normal. I do wonder about Metoprolol use and Vit.C but have read no interactions between them. I do take Avapro as well but have stopped statin at this time. Anyway I am feeling much better but realize a simple cold can hit you rather hard. Hope you are all well and enjoying the World Cup. Take care. nineboy. :D :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by tjohnson_nb » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:00 pm

Yeah you really have to be vigilant when you suspect a cold or flu coming on. Its really easy to miss the window of opportunity of stopping it with megadose C. After that the best you can expect is to reduce symptoms and length of infection. BT at 6 gms?? I take 4-6 gms at a time, maybe 6-7 times a day.
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:56 pm

Well I know BT at 6 grams but I took my drink at about 5am when I got up. After being up a few hours all of I sudden it was a rush to the toilet. I am taking 6grams three times a day and it only happened the once. Just like a C flush.
I am still feeling a bit dizzy with this new medication and try to get up slowly from sitting. I've never had this problem before and hope I somehow get used to it eventually. Anginawise I have had no pain and feel better after getting rid of that cold. Anyway onwards and upwards and big games tomorrow. Regards Nineboy :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:00 am

The cold strongly indicates to me a vitamin D deficiency, a deficiency that in my case, could only be resolved with sunshine (20 minutes between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) or a UV/B light in winter.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:58 pm

Owen, Well just in from working in the garden and I saw your recommendation to be out in the sunshine. I will follow that advice and now that I have got my energy back have returned into the garden and we have the sun in our forecast for sure. Not quite so dizzy today and managed to clean up an area I've neglected just lately. Plants seem to be glad to see me back. I am continuing my Vit. C plus intake and seem to have shaken off my angina for now. No waking up at night and back walking the Park. Still have a little breathlessness so not up to my usual yet. Might be the Metoprolol but I plan to be back dancing in the fall. Back to Gym tomorrow as well and hopefully slowly back to my normal speed. Thanks for all your encouragement and I'm glad I found my way here. Take care. nineboy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:35 am

Yes, just checking in. Things are good and Angina still at bay. Just in from my walk and some breathlessness to start then disappears on the way round. Still taking my 18 grams of Vitamin C plus lysene and proline and in general health is really quite good. I still take my first 6 grams C drink around 6am and then space it out throughout the day. Yes sometimes after breakfast I do get a C flush and rush to the toilet. Feels good though. I did try 2 grams every so often the other day and at 16 grams I again had to rush to a toilet. Luckily there was one in the store I was at. Managed to dance at a outdoor event and it felt good to be able to stride out again. Didn't overdue it but hope to be in class sometime in September. I am not so dizzy now when getting up and the Metoprolol seems to be working on my unstable angina. Sleeping right through and feeling fairly normal. Glad I am on Paulings Therapy and my mix seems to be working and helping for now. Hope all is well. nineboy. :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:03 am

Very good! We appreciate these reports. We never know what may happen when people first post - but usually (thank you Linus Pauling) they wind up like this. Again, Contrats.

Regarding the C Flush, in my opinion, it sounds like you are getting better and you may now require slightly less C. We don't advise ever stopping - someone with your history - even if you feel completely cured at some point. The C-Flush can be an indication that at least some of the C made it to the rectum - not the blood. Keep taking it throughout the day, but dialing back 10% in the morning might be an idea. (Perhaps pushing that 10% forward and breaking it up into the smaller doses.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:12 pm

Well yes I am still doing pretty good and have now cut back slightly on Vitamin C first thing in morning. I start with 4 grams then 2 grams at lunch then in afternoon 4 grams and 4 grams before bed seems to be working for me at the moment. plus Lysine, Proline etc. No angina. Slight hiccup as my heart rate jumps down to 44, 42 and then back up to 72 or higher with no activity. Plus up to 116 when just doing watering etc. around the garden. Not all the time but I am seeing my cardiologist in 2 weeks and will discuss then. I think it is probably my medication. So something new but still feel my Pauling regime is the way to Go. No I will keep on this and I'm a Lifer now. Nice to sleep right through at night and no pain. Not sure if I'm one of your picture boys yet. Maybe some day but I am glad I found this site and all the info it supplies. Take care all. Nineboy. :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by jimmylesante » Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:52 pm

Hi Nineboy
Hope you are still going strong. Just wanted to add my tuppence from recent research i have been reading up on.
Some research showed that vitamin K2 reduced a blockage by 50% within a 6 week period.
I always recommend for clients with soft tissue calcium build ups-- Vitamin D(from sun or if necessary from tablet) which allegedly creates a protein that vitamin K2 activates and then the protein goes around the body scavenging Calcium from the arteries and soft tissue and depositing in the teeth and bones. I also recommend magnesium.
Perhaps something you could chat to your cardiologist about and perhaps add to your Vit C,Proline,Lysine regime?
Keep well

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:28 pm

Thanks Jimmy, Yes I am still going strong. Just in from a 2 hour 10k walk and feeling a bit stiff but no angina. I did see the cardiologist and discussed my Metoprolol dosage as I felt it was too much. So now I am on 25mg, 3 times a day and my heart has settled down again, thank goodness. We did discuss a possible Pacemaker too, however I think my dosage was causing my problems. My unstable angina seems to have gone and no pain for a few months now. Fingers and toes crossed on that one.

Of course I am still on my Pauling regime and after reading your comments will look into Vitamin K2. Also reading about Super K that Owen uses and will see if I can get that locally. Yes also I should up my Magnesium to 1 gram I guess, something else for me to check out. Also am reading that pineapple and carrots are good for me as well, both of which I like. So I appreciate everyone's interest and all the reading that can help from this site. For the first time in awhile I am feeling pretty normal again. Just don't forget to take your medication. I did find that out and your body sure tells you pretty d--- quick. Take care. nineboy. :D :D

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