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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:47 pm
by jpoww
ofonorow, my husband is taking 26grams of Powder Vitamin C. If he wants to take half of that as liposomal C how many packets of the liposomal should he take per day?

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:00 am
by ofonorow
Great question. And the answer you are looking for is for his case with respect to heart disease, so I don't think we know for sure. (We are learning that at least for severe bacterial and other infections, there is nothing you can take orally that outperforms the 5-Lypo-C at once protocol.)

I think the best strategy is to find the amount of ordinary ascorbic acid, perhaps with some buffered, that your husband can take without nuisance difficulties, e.g. gas or stomach distress. If that is less or more than 26,000 mg daily, so be it. Almost all the testimonials over the years are with vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid powder (along with lysine and proline powder of course.)

For all we know, a little bit of Lypo-C may work exceptionally well. We do think we know that ascorbic acid powder works.

So once your husband is on a comfortable dosage of ascorbic acid powder daily, I think it is prudent to add Lypo-C, which may have an impact the equivalent of 5000 to 10000 mg of ordinary ascorbic acid powder.

I would take at least one at night before bed. If the comfortable amount of ascorbic acid is only 10,000 mg, then I would take 2 or 3 Lypo-C daily.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:15 am
by jpoww
He takes 26grams of powdered ascorbic acid comfortably with some baking soda in it along with lysine and proline. If he were to take the same amount in lypo-c it would be a little on the expensive side to do that, so he was wanting to try to take half of it as lypo-c.
I keep hearing about how lypo-c gets absorbed better so I was thinking what if he isnt absobing enough of it. On the same note Linus Pauling did his studies with just ascorbic acid and lysine and it worked not using lypo-c.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:21 am
by jpoww
ofonorow, I also have another quesiton for you. My husband and I just got back from the doctors to get his latest blood work results from Berkley.
Just to recap, My husband had this 3rd heart attack last september by mid october he had started the linus pauling therapy. At the end of october he had his first berkley lab work done and his
Lp (a) was 14
LDLIII was 14.8
total cholesterol was 153
LDL-C was 104

Now the results we got today were taken on May 17th and he has been on linus pauling therapy since last october and his results were as follows:

Lp(a) was 20
LDLIII was 16.6
Total cholesterol was 141

My husband did get his lipator reduced from 80mg to 40mg first test was done with 80mg of lipator , second test was done on 40mg of lipator

How can his Lp(a) be higher than it was on the first test being that he has been taking 7,000mg of lysine and 2,000mg of proline daily with 26,000mg of vitamin c????

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:57 am
by ofonorow
The only answer I can think of (johnwen?) based on Pauling's theory is that the 80 mg of lipitor must be harming your husband in some way, and the body produced more Lp(a) to create the "plaster casts." in response

From these reports you posted, without remembering the entire context, he has abnormally LOW cholesterol, dangerously low. His body wants to make more to deal with his condition, yet he is prescribed a drug that depletes this natural substance (as well as CoQ10) which would normally increase as the natural reaction of the body to defend itself.

So with Lipitor pushing on one side of the bag, even at 40 mg, an artificially low cholesterol situation is being produced in the hope this will prevent plaques (I guess). In Pauling's theory, the plaques are a HEALING RESPONSE to damaged and weak arteries. The dosage your husband is taking should, in theory rectify this, but again, I have not studied this, but most of the people who still stay on Lipitor (They haven't read David Leakes or Graveline's books!!!!) are at a dosage around 10 mg. I'll leave the rest of the drug discussion to the expert johnwen. I am not expert on drugs, but I know statins don't work - else 450 studies by Pfiser would have already shown some benefit!!!

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:19 am
by Johnwen
Sounds like the lipator is beating up his kidneys to me.

Could they supply me with these figures from those last two tests.
But first what is his age?

I need his creatinine readings. From both tests would be best, then I can calculate his GFR and see if theres damage being done to the kidneys by the statins.

I posted this before about kidneys and LP(a) but I can't find it now.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:51 am
by jpoww
Johnwen, my husband is 44 yrs old

On the first test done 10/28/2012 a month a 16 days after his 3rd heart attack.
the creatinine (mg/dl) was 0.87 & creatine kinase(u/l) was 100

On the second test done 5/17/2013
the creatinine (mg/dl) was 0.80 & creatine kinase(u/l) was 112

I can scan you the entire results of both test on monday if you would like?
Since his LP(a)'s are higher now, does that mean he is gradually increasing his risk of another heart attack?

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:56 am
by jpoww
Not sure if you need these numbers but just in case

test on 10/28/2012 test on 5/17/2013
crp (hs) (mg/l)= 0.4 crp=0.1
homocysteine 13.3 Homocysteine 9.3
Fibrinogen (mg/l) 358 Fibrinogen 333
NT-pro BNP(pg/ml) 456 NT-pro BNP 4344

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:39 pm
by eDOC
So many meds.........why Lipitor? should avoid statins, use alternative meds.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:45 am
by jpoww
Whar are you trying to say.?

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:27 am
by jpoww
Johnwen, my husband also takes 700mg of CoQ10 daily and is also on 40mg of lipator, 10mg of effient, 5 mg of rampril and 25 mg of metoporol.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:56 am
by jpoww

What could possible cause my husbands Lp(a) to increase from 14 to 20? he has been on linus pauling therapy since last october. According to linus pauling Lp(a) over 20 will start depositing plaque on the artery wall. I'm very worried that my husband's Lp(a) is now very close to that. He just had a heart attack last septemeber. Do you think his body is not absorbing the vitamin c?

His Creatinine levels you request are below:

On the first test done 10/28/2012 a month a 16 days after his 3rd heart attack.
the creatinine (mg/dl) was 0.87 & creatine kinase(u/l) was 100

On the second test done 5/17/2013
the creatinine (mg/dl) was 0.80 & creatine kinase(u/l) was 112

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:30 pm
by Johnwen
I calculated his age at 43 from what you said in your prior posts. If this is correct it shows his kidney function is actually improving which is a good sign so we can rule out the kidneys.
Next I looked at his meds and yes I closed my eyes on the Lipator and looked at what else he's taking and kind of focused on the Praqsugrel (effient) from past experiences. 1St at 10Mg. I hope he weights more then 175lbs. but I actually found a report that deals with LP(a) rise while taking this drug and the fix is quite simple! ASPRIN 81Mg. 2x a day. It actually goes down to DNA changes caused by this drug that causes this.
Ok so I went back and checked his meds and nothing showed he was taking asprin. Of course before he changes or adds anything it would be a good idea to run it past his doc.
Your husband will probably be thrilled he's got to add 2 more pills to the mix! Right??

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:44 pm
by jpoww
my husband is on 81mg of aspirin a day sorry I forgot to mention that and he weights 172lb. what does his weight have to do with the amount of effient he takes? now you go me curious!
He has been on effient since 2011 and before effient he was on plavix since 2005. So I guess my question is, if he was on effient since 2011 and his blood work in october showed Lp(a) of 14 and changed nothing how can his lp(a) go up to 20? are you saying that it will continue to go up as long as he is on effient? the higher his lp(a) the more risk of another heart attack. so effient is going to cause another heart attack?
it doesnt make sense to me. Should the lysine and proline remove Lp(a) regardless of what its caused from?
I know that his doctor will not stop the blood thinners. In 2010 he had to stop his blood thinners for a week because they were trying to find out why his white blood count was so low and within a week of stopping his blood thinners he had a heart attack. They said as long as he has those stents he will be on blood thinners for the rest of his life.

Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:58 pm
by jimmylesante
Taking the Pauling therapy of Lysine/Proline and Vit C may not be enough? Perhaps adding Carnitine, magnesium and other minerals will make a difference? I don't know how they may if any they react to current meds.
Help yourself remedies such as exercise, avoiding carbo(gluten,fructose esp) food and eating lots of fruit and veg.