After 2 years, labwork still bad on P. Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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After 2 years, labwork still bad on P. Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:33 am

My name is Marge [deleted] and Sally gave me your email address and suggested I contact you. I have been taking Tower Heart Tech since Sept .2010 and I am still having high readings on my lab work. I have a long history of this problem ,since 1996. I called Sally today to go over what I'm doing and trying to figure out why I'm not getting the desired results and she suggested contacting you. Any advice , suggestions, or corrections to help me will be forever grateful.
As I said, I have been on Heart Tech for 2 years and my lab readings for Sept 6, 2012 are: cholesterol 277, Trig 110, HDL 52, LDL 203 and Lp(a) 421 nmol/L . In Nov ,2009 I learned I had a 90% blockage in my RCA and had a stent put in. After that I was on plavix 9 months and Lipitor for 2 months. I had leg cramps, brain fog and confusion so bad that I stopped taking the Lipitor . In 2010 I came across Heart Tech on my search for help and have been taking it faithfully ever since. I believe what I read about the theory, I just can't get the results other people have gotten.
I am 65 years old, petite frame, 5'height and 109 lbs. I do not have high blood pressure, nor do I have diabetes. My only issues are with the CVD. I have been taking Heart Tech 4 scoops daily for along time and 3 weeks ago uped it to 5 scoops daily, divided into about every 3 hours .I take 1 scoop in 8 oz of purified water. Taking my last scoop at 10 PM
My primary doctor just suggested I try 500 mg of sustained release niacin 2x daily, so I have started that just 2 weeks ago. I was taking 100 mg of regular niacin 3x day but have recently switched to the 500mg . He has me on two supplements by Metagenics: cardiogenics 3x daily, adrenogen 2x daily. I also take Lovaza 1000mg 2x daily.
Unique E by A C Grace 400 mg 1xdaily........ubiquinol coq10 50mg 1x daily....... L carnitine 500 mg1x daily......magnesium 100mg 2x as menaquinone 150 mcg.....
3 mg melatonin at bed time..... I recently went to my cardiologist had echo stress test ,EKG and my heart is strong and all the picture were excellent. I am to have my blood retested in Jan.2013 Hopefully the Heart Tech and Niacin extended will show a improvement. I don't know what else you need to know and I don't want to take up your time with a long letter. I thank you for taking the time to read this and any help you can give.

Thank You, Marge

I think you are doing the correct things, glad you stopped the statin, and I am glad the "heart is strong and pictures were excellent." The problem seems to be "high cholesterol" and I wonder how you feel in general? Have you felt different since you began taking the Heart Technology?

When Sally mentioned the Lp(a) she didn't mention the units, and from memory, 90 nmol/l is "normal", correct?

My first thought is that you may be an individual who requires more vitamin C than even 4 servings of Heart Technology provides (4 x 3000 mg = 12000 mg) I base this on the 277 total cholesterol. On "optimal" vitamin C, your total cholesterol should normalize to 180 mg/dl (unless there is a genetic issue.)

The symptom of high cholesterol is usually "feeling good" but a high measured (rather than calculated) Lp(a) is an indication of an underlying issue. (It might be genetic.)

The good news is that Lp(a) is sticky, but vitamin C, lysine and proline are "Lp(a) binding inhibitors" according to Linus Pauling/Matthias Rath, so even if your numbers for genetic reasons do not lower much, you derive much benefit from taking these Lp(a) binding inhibitors. High levels of these nutrients, according to Pauling, should keep the Lp(a) from sticking to the walls of your arteries and creating plaques.

So my ideas/opinions are as follows:.

1. Keep taking the Heart Technology.

2. Read Linus Pauling's HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, and make sure you are following his basic regimen (on page 14 of the 1986 paperback).

3. Keep taking the nutrients you listed, and perhaps the doctors at our forum can help you wean off the drugs.

4. Do you know your vitamin C bowel tolerance? See: It is possible that you require much more vitamin C than even the average heart patient, perhaps 20,000 or even 30,000 mg. If you do require that much, you can add vitamin C powder to your Heart Tech, and you might even consider a highly bioavailable liposomal vitamin C, such as Lypo-C from

With more vitamin C, including Lypo-C, your cholesterol numbers should come down (unless there is an unknown toxic load on your system.. Elevated cholesterol is not only a symptom of heart disease, but also of toxins in your system.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: After 2 years, labwork still bad on P. Therapy

Post by Johnwen » Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:49 pm

I don't see any big pharma meds here which is great!
But I would like to have a little more info from Marge.

Does she excerice for any extended periods?
Does she consider her Job, Social enviorment, etc. Stressful?
Does she have any post-menapausal symptoms or side effects?
Does she consider herself hyper active or kind of laid back?

The reason for these questions is she's taking adrenogen 2x daily (multi B complex) which is generally given for adrenal fatigue caused by over active adrenals Ie. low grade Cushing's. Yes over production of cortisol will in fact raise Chloestrol. So the adrenals have enough raw material to over produce cortisol.
Also having a stent she could use something to raise her nitric oxide levels. Because her system could be on guard from the foriegn object in the system.
Also like Owen said "Toxic Load," does she have amalgams??
Just some thoughts!!!
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