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Constipated on vitamin C and lysine

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:34 am
by ofonorow
My husband has been trying to us the vit c lysine treatment as his blood pressure is slightly high. He is 56 years old. He has not suffered any heart problems so far. When he uses the treatment he gets constipated. He has never had a problem with constipation in his life and usually goes a couple of times a day normally. This is a concern to him. He tries taking it with his meals but even then he does not feel right. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you,


Assuming that nothing else has changed in his diet, your report is very unusual, but not unheard of. (Normally, people find that they have loose stools the more vitamin C they take.)

How much vitamin C and lysine is he trying to take?

My advice would be to increase the vitamin C throughout the day, and see what happens.

Please let us know.

Re: Constipated on vitamin C and lysine

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:38 am
by Johnwen
Time has been short lately so I did a quick search the other day to find a closer place I could purchase some V-c Caps. It turns out instead of just V-c their loaded with all kinds of this and that and they resemble Multi Vitamins more then just V-c. With this in mind it would be a good idea to find out what type of V-c pill this gentleman is taking which I think possibly could be loading him down with other not needed junk. It's possible that the higher dose combinations could be knocking out his natural flora and bogging down his digestive process. In the mean time drink an additonal glass (8oz) of water, YES PLAIN WATER!!! about 10 minutes after he takes his dose drink and see if this helps.

Re: Constipated on vitamin C and lysine

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:00 am
by eDOC
In my experience of treating patients some have complained of being constipated using VC & Lysine.

Following could be the reasons that I have observed which helped rectify the issue:

1. Use IV grade VC from nutri com ( whole sales) which have been using for the past 7 years.
2. Coating of Lysine tabs, which is the company whose Lysine a person is using?
3. Weakened/degenerated myelin sheaths, infuse a few gluta shots, caused by prolonged stressful life style.
4. At times a person's body take a few weeks to adjust specially with Lysine & NAC, after that its tolerates.

Re: Constipated on vitamin C and lysine

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:19 pm
by skyorbit
Make sure he's taking enough water. The reason you get diaerra from Vitamin C is because it sucks water into the colon to help expel it. If you're dehydrated, Vitamin C can actually have a constipative effect because there's no water to pull.