90% blockage of left carotid

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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90% blockage of left carotid

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:16 am

Listened to u on Inner Circle interview and made 1st order. Spoke with Rob abt my condition and made another order after 5 week use.

Am 75 and into health since 1968. Lived SE Asia for 20 yrs-white rice to brown rice etc-then 1984 Natural Hygiene course then 1989 nine mths at NH health retreat in TX. Fasted 3X 10-10-15 days. Abt 8 yrs ago helped so called friend by putting my signature on document, he failed and my live became very stressful. Am wondering if this could be a contributing factor to following condition.

21/2 yrs ago took test cause pain in chest etc. Found had 80% blockage in left carotid artery, and 2 dead spots on small arteries on heart. 2011/2 took 30 Chelation IV treatments at my expense with no positive results except toxic minerals lowered. Pain getting worse took tests again Dec 2013 and now 90% blockage left carotid artery and chest pains at times severe.

Don't want to go for surgery and trying to stay away from chemical drugs. Any testaments from people specifically with various heart conditions?? I'm doing 18 grams of vit c(ur Cardio-C product) 4 times a day. Any suggestions that might improve my getting out of this alive??


Sorry to hear about your heart condition, but you are on the right track, in my opinion.

I see from our records that you first ordered the Pauling Therapy in December of 2013 - so you are a newbee - on it for a little over a month. But the dosage you mention is a good one.

What is the frequency of the heart pain these days? How are you feeling, better or worse?

The Cardio-C product was designed for prevention and to provide the very basic therapy - vitamin C, lysine and proline. Pauling himself mentioned other orthomolecular nutrients for heart disease, including and especially vitamin E.

I have combined Pauling recommendations with others and posted this excerpt to my book. You should try to follow this entire protocol for maximum effect. http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/

As far as testimonials, the bulk are at http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/#TESTIMONY but we also have many at our forum (heart disease section) that you can look at.

Please keep us apprised of your progress. Thank you.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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