Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by tjohnson_nb » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:13 am

You can investigate for sure but it is still a good idea to reach BT so you will be sure you are saturating your system no matter what. :)
'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

Vitamin C Expert
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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:44 pm

davids1 wrote:
ofonorow wrote:I too recently noticed that comment by Cathcart while republishing the TITRATING paper as a pdf (still hoping for comments before a post a new edition :D )
Hi Owen,

I glanced at the ".pdf" you created of Cathcart's article [and it looked great to me]. What sort of "comments" were you "still hoping for?"



P.S. As an aside, since all I have is an Acrobat reader, I always convert everything I am able, to an "rtf" format, so I can highlight and annotate it.
Hi Owen,

Okay, I took a closer look, and did find the following "formatting" errors/irregularities [if that is what you were "hoping for"]:

1) Under "INTRODUCTION" [page 2] > third/last paragraph > last sentence: Last line could/should be combined into the line above;

2) Footnote [under chart on page 4] > second sentence beginning with "Perhaps" > could/should be moved back one space;

3) Page 5 > third [complete] sentence beginning with "Patients" > could/should be moved back one space;

4) Under "INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES" [page 5] > third sentence beginning with "However" and fourth sentence beginning with "Admittedly" > could/should be moved back one space;

5) Under "INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES" [page 5] > second paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "had" and "nuisance" have to many spaces between them;

6) Page 6 > first [full] paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "frequently" and "underdose" have too many spaces between them;

7) Page 6 > first [full] paragraph > third sentence/fourth line > the words "especially" and "elderly" have too many spaces between them;

6) Page 6 > first [full] paragraph > fourth sentence/fifth line > the words "Additionally" and "patients" have too many spaces between them;

9) Page 6 > first [full] paragraph > fourth sentence/seventh line > the words "for" and "adequate" have too many spaces between them;

10) Under "ANASCORBEMIA -- ACUTE INDUCED SCURVY" [page 6] > first paragraph > third sentence/fifth line > the words "disease" and "only" have too many spaces between them;

11) Page 7 > first paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "and" and "bacterial" have too many spaces between them;

12) Page 7 > first paragraph > third sentence/fifth line > the words "hay" and "fever" have too many spaces between them;

13) Page 7 > first paragraph > fourth sentence/eighth line > the words "with" and "benefit" have too many spaces between them;

14) Page 7 > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "term" and "ANASCORBEMIA" have too many spaces between them;

15) Page 7 > third paragraph > the first sentence should be "closed up" between the words "other" and "substances;"

16) Page 7 > third paragraph > the first sentence/twelfth line [currently] > the words "or" and "degeneration" have too many spaces between them;

17) Page 7 > third paragraph > the first sentence/thirteenth line [currently] > the words "muscle" and "spasms" have too many spaces between them;

18) Page 7 > fourth paragraph > the first sentence should be "closed up" between the words "result" and "from" and "of" and "patients;"

19) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > second paragraph > third line > third sentence beginning with "For" could/should be moved back one space;

20) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "fully" and "satisfying" have too many spaces between them;

21) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > first sentence/third line > the words "primary" and "disease" have too many spaces between them;

22) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > second sentence/fifth line > the words "had" and "to" have too many spaces between them;

23) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > sixth line > third sentence beginning with "In" could/should be moved back one space;

24) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > eighth line > fourth sentence beginning with "Admittedly" could/should be moved back one space;

25) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > fourth sentence/eighth line > the words "been" and "lucky" have too many spaces between them;

26) Under "THE MISSING STRESS HORMONE" [page 8] > third paragraph > fifth sentence/eleventh line > the words "ascorbate" and "been" have too many spaces between them;

27) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > first paragraph > first line > second sentence beginning with "Cases" could/should be moved back one space;

28) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > first paragraph > seventh line > sixth sentence beginning with "The" could/should be moved back one space;

29) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "generally" and "takes" have too many spaces between them;

30) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > second paragraph > third sentence beginning with "Because" could/should be moved back one space;

31) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > second paragraph > third sentence/third line > the words "caused" and "by" have too many spaces between them;

31) Under "HEPATITIS" [page 9] > second paragraph > fourth sentence/fifth line > the words "orally" and "despite" have too many spaces between them;

32) Under "UNSICK" [page 9] > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > beginning with "If" could/should be moved back one space;

33) Under "UNSICK" [page 9] > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "If" and "he" have too many spaces between them;

34) Under "UNSICK" [page 9] > second paragraph > third sentence/third line > beginning with "He" could/should be moved back one space;

35) Under "UNSICK" [page 9] > second paragraph > fourth sentence/fifth line > beginning with "I" could/should be moved back one space;

36) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > first paragraph > second sentence/fifth line > the words "more" and "sometimes" have too many spaces between them;

37) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > beginning with "Usually" could/should be moved back one space;

38) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > second paragraph > third sentence/third line > beginning with "Solutions" could/should be moved back one space;

39) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > second paragraph > fifth sentence/seventh line > beginning with "Inadequate" could/should be moved back one space;

39) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > second paragraph > sixth sentence/eighth line > beginning with "Quite" could/should be moved back one space;

40) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > second paragraph > seventh sentence/ninth line > beginning with "While" could/should be moved back one space;

41) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "with" and "Ringer's" have too many spaces between them;

42) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > second sentence/third line > beginning with "I" could/should be moved back one space;

43) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > third sentence/fourth line > beginning with "Ascorbate" could/should be moved back one space;

44) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > third sentence/fifth line > the words "chemical" and "processes" have too many spaces between them;

45) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > fourth sentence/sixth line > beginning with "Doses" could/should be moved back one space;

46) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > fifth sentence/seventh line > beginning with "Rate" could/should be moved back one space;

47) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > sixth sentence/ninth line > beginning with "Local" could/should be moved back one space;

48) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > sixth sentence/ninth line > the words "is" and "relieved" have too many spaces between them;

49) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > third paragraph > seventh sentence/tenth line > beginning with "One" could/should be moved back one space;

50) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > fourth paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "suggests" and "that" have too many spaces between them;

51) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > fifth paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "Bowel" and "tolerance" have too many spaces between them;

52) Under "INTRAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR ASCORBATE" [page 10] > fifth paragraph > third sentence/fourth line > the words "use" and "becaise" have too many spaces between them;

52) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > second sentence/first line > beginning with "The" could/should be moved back one space;

53) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "would" and "appear" have too many spaces between them;

54) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > third sentence/third line > beginning with "I" could/should be moved back one space;

55) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > third sentence/fifth line > the words "requiring" and "ampicillin" have too many spaces between them;

56) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > fourth sentence/sixth line > beginning with the word "Cephalosporins" could/should be moved back one space;

57) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > fifth sentence/seventh line > beginning with the word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

58) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > first paragraph > seventh sentence/eleventh line > beginning with the word "Some" could/should be moved back one space;

59) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > second paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "basic" and "antibiotic" have too many spaces between them;

60) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > second paragraph > second sentence/third line > beginning with the word "If" could/should be moved back one space;

61) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > third paragraph > second sentence/third line > beginning with the word "Consultants" could/should be moved back one space;

62) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > third paragraph > third sentence/third line > beginning with the word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

63) Under "BACTERIAL INFECTIONS" [page 11] > fifth paragraph > first sentence/second line > the words "the" and "infection" have too many spaces between them;

64) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 11] > the first sentence should not be separated by a page break;

65) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > second and third lines should be joined;

66) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > third line > sentence beginning with with the word "If" could/should be moved back one space;

67) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fifth line > sentence beginning with with the word "I" could/should be moved back one space, and the sentence should not be separated between the words "had" and "developed;"

68) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > ninth line [currently] > sentence beginning with with the word "I" could/should be moved back one space;

69) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > first [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/second line > beginning with with the word "I" could/should be moved back one space;

70) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > first [full] paragraph on the page > third sentence/fourth line > beginning with with the word "However" could/should be moved back one space;

71) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > third [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/third line > beginning with with the word "If" could/should be moved back one space;

72) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fourth [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/second line > the words "season" and "otherwise" have too many spaces between them;

73) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fourth [full] paragraph on the page > third sentence/second line > beginning with with the word "Many" could/should be moved back one space;

74) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fourth [full] paragraph on the page > third sentence/fourth line > beginning with with the word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

75) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fifth [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/first line > beginning with with the word "A" could/should be moved back one space;

76) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 12] > fifth [full] paragraph on the page > third sentence/third line > beginning with with the word "So" could/should be moved back one space;

77) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 13] > first line > the words "ascorbate" and "when" have too many spaces between them;

78) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 13] > first [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/third line > beginning with with the word "Immunologists" could/should be moved back one space;

79) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 13] > first [full] paragraph on the page > third sentence/fifth line > the words "anterioor" and "uveitis" have too many spaces between them;

80) Under "VITAMIN C AND ALLERGY" [page 13] > first [full] paragraph on the page > second sentence/fifth line > beginning with with the word "All" could/should be moved back one space;

81) Under "CANDIDA ALBICANS" [page 13] > second line > "simul" and "taneously" should be combined;

82) Under "CANDIDA ALBICANS" [page 13] > second line > the sentence beginning with with the word "Ascorbic" could/should be moved back one space;

83) Under "FUNGUS INFECTIONS" [page 13] > second line > the words "expereince" and "that" have too many spaces between them;

84) Under "FUNGUS INFECTIONS" [page 13] > second sentence/third line > beginning with the word "Systemic" could/should be moved back one space;

85) Under "FUNGUS INFECTIONS" [page 13] > second sentence/third line > beginning with the word "It" could/should be moved back one space;

86) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 13] > second sentence/third line > beginning with the word "Burns" could/should be moved back one space;

87) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > fourth line > the sentence beginning with the second word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

88) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > sixth line > the sentence beginning with the word "My" could/should be moved back one space;

89) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > first [full] paragraph > second sentence/second line > the sentence beginning with the word "Humans" could/should be moved back one space;

90) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > first [full] paragraph > third sentence/third line > the sentence beginning with the word "In" could/should be moved back one space;

91) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > first [full] paragraph > fourth sentence/fifth line > the sentence beginning with the word "I" could/should be moved back one space;

92) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > second [full] paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "to" and "vascular" have too many spaces between them;

93) Under "TRAUMA, SURGERY, AND BURNS" [page 14] > second [full] paragraph > second sentence/fourth line > the words "steroid" and "production" have too many spaces between them;

94) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > first line > the words "reasons" and "however" have too many spaces between them;

95) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "Were" could/should be moved back one space;

96) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > fourth line > the sentence beginning with the word "Ewan" could/should be moved back one space;

97) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > sixth line > the sentence beginning with the word "He" could/should be moved back one space;

98) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > eighth line > the sentence beginning with the word "Hopefully" could/should be moved back one space;

99) Under "CANCER" [page 14] > eleventh line > the sentence beginning with the word "Ascorbate" could/should be moved back one space;

100) Second line [page 15] > the sentence beginning with the word "Clinical" could/should be moved back one space;

101) Under "ARTHRITIS]" [pager 15] > second paragraph > first line > the sentence beginning with the word "Ascorbate" could/should be moved back one space;

102) Under "ARTHRITIS]" [pager 15] > second paragraph > second, third, and fourth sentences should have their respective gaps eliminated;

103) Under "SCARLET FEVER" [pager 15] > first sentence/second line > the words "responded" and "within" have too many spaces between them;

104) Under "SCARLET FEVER" [pager 15] > second line > the sentence beginning with the word "I" could/should be moved back one space;

105) Under "SCARLET FEVER" [pager 15] > second sentence/fourth line > the words "toxin" and "responsible" have too many spaces between them;

106) Under "SCARLET FEVER" [pager 15] > fourth line > the sentence beginning with the word "Although" could/should be moved back one space;

107) Under "HERPES: COLD SORES, GENITAL LESIONS, AND SHINGLES" [pager 15] > second line > the sentence beginning with the word "However" could/should be moved back one space;

108) Under "HERPES: COLD SORES, GENITAL LESIONS, AND SHINGLES" [pager 15] > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "Zinc" could/should be moved back one space;

109) Under "HERPES: COLD SORES, GENITAL LESIONS, AND SHINGLES" [pager 15] > third line > the words "herpes" and "however" have too many spaces between them;

110) Under "CRIB DEATHS (SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME)" [pager 16] > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "This" could/should be moved back one space;

111) Under "CRIB DEATHS (SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME)" [pager 16] > fourth line > the sentence beginning with the word "All" could/should be moved back one space;

112) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > first paragraph > second line/second sentence > the words "if" and "there" have too many spaces between them;

113) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > first paragraph > third line/second sentence > the words "sinuses" and "decrease" have too many spaces between them;

114) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > first paragraph > third line/third sentence > the sentence beginning with the word "Should" could/should be moved back one space;

115) Under "]MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > first paragraph > third line/third sentence > the words "chronic" and "problem" have too many spaces between them;

116) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > second paragraph > first line > the sentence beginning with the word "If" could/should be moved back one space;

117) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > second paragraph > second sentence/second line > the words "water" and "then" have too many spaces between them;

118) Under "MAINTENANCE DOSES" [pager 16] > second paragraph > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "Most" could/should be moved back one space;

119) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 16] > first paragraph > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "Acute" could/should be moved back one space;

120) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 16] > second paragraph > second line > the words "this" and "because" have too many spaces between them;

121) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 16] > second paragraph > second line > the sentence beginning with the word "Several" could/should be moved back one space;

122) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 16] > second paragraph > third line > the sentence beginning with the word "A" could/should be moved back one space;

123) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fourth paragraph > second line > the words "I" and "would" have too many spaces between them;

124) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > the first sentence should ahve the gap removed;

125) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > line three [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Apparently" could/should be moved back one space;

126) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > second sentence > the words "suddenly" and "withdrawn" have too many spaces between them;

127) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > fifth line [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Mostly" could/should be moved back one space;

128) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > sixth line [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Patients" could/should be moved back one space;

129) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > seventh line [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Patients" could/should be moved back one space;

130) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > ninth line [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Maintenance" could/should be moved back one space;

131) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > tenth line [currently] > the words "patients" and "who" have too many spaces between them;

132) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > twelfth line [currently] > the words "universal" and "human" have too many spaces between them;

133) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > fifth paragraph > twelfth line [currently] > the sentence beginning with the word "Patients" could/should be moved back one space;

134) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > sixth paragraph > eighth line > the sentence beginning with the word "Patients" could/should be moved back one space;

135) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > sixth paragraph > tenth line > the sentence beginning with the word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

136) Under "COMPLICATIONS" [pager 17] > sixth paragraph > eleventh line > the sentence beginning with the word "Patients" could/should be moved back one space;

137) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > second line > the sentence beginning with the word "Either" could/should be moved back one space;

138) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > fourth line > the sentence beginning with the word "The" could/should be moved back one space;

139) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > seventh line > the sentence beginning with the word "A" could/should be moved back one space;

140) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > ninth line > the sentence beginning with the word "Belfield" could/should be moved back one space;

141) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > ninth line > the words "had" and "similar" have too many spaces between them;

142) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > first paragraph > eleventh line > the sentence beginning with the word "Although" could/should be moved back one space;

143) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > third paragraph > the second sentence should have the gap eliminated;

144) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > fourth paragraph > second line > the word "Compli" and "cations" shouid be joined;

145) Under "CONCLUSION" [pager 18] > fourth paragraph > third line > the words "nutrients" and "will" have too many spaces between them;

146) Under "REFERENCES" [pager 19] > #6 > you may wish to align the web link with the left edge;

147) Under "REFERENCES" [pager 19] > #9 > you may wish to align the web link with the left edge;

148) Under "REFERENCES" [pager 19] > #32 > you may wish to align the web link with the left edge.

That turned out to be a considerably longer project than I thought it would be! Undoubtedly I have missed some [and may have additionally made some errors], but this should get you started.


JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:25 am

Thanks David - I think. Instead of doing it by hand - anyway to do it automatically and send me a new PDF?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by exitium » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:32 am

ofonorow wrote:Thanks David - I think. Instead of doing it by hand - anyway to do it automatically and send me a new PDF?

What did you use to create pdf in first place Owen?

Ascorbate Wizard
Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:37 am

I used open office "word" (Text Writer - export to PDF)

But we r getting off track..

bhope wrote:Hi Owen and johnwen,
I have added the additional supplement recommendations by johnwen and am currently close to 30 grams of Vit C per day (Cardio C - 3 doses/day, plus additional ascorbic acid powder and capsules, along with Lipo C from Vic C Foundation/online store). No hint of any signs of bowel though I am not even taking mega doeses of Vit-C!

I do have around 7 amalgam restorations (no root canals), most are very old except for 2 large fillings that are only about 3 a 4 years. I feel I have no physical signs or symptoms of mercury toxicity as many folks report, but I am wondering if these fillings along with my long history of numerous vaccinations/flu shots are playing a toxic role and negatively impacting my ability to reach bowel tolerance?

Is it time to investigate causes for not reaching BT? In the meantime, continue the supplements I am taking along with increasing Vit C levels each day? Frustrated.

Thank you,

Not to get lost in the PDF issue.

Davids and one other fellow we know of are "well" and yet take over 30,000 mg of vitamin C daily without diarrhea. David reports that he is over 100 grams daily (correct?) but also reports root canals and fillings.

The New mercury fillings (according to Levy/Huggins UNINFORMED CONSENT) say after 1976? (from memory) are much worse than the older ones, in that they are more toxic. I know from my own experience that the military requires (or used to) that all cavities be filled before active duty. That is why I at one time had a mouth full of amalgam - subsequently replaced with ceramic fillings many moons ago.

So you seem to have a healthy appetite for vitamin C - meaning you metabolize if faster than most people, and it is good that you found this out, as you should feel much better getting the ascorbate your body needs. Remind me about your total cholesterol number, as it provides a clue to your vitamin C intake. 180 mg/dl seems to indicate optimal vitamin C intake.

The best guess why you require so much vitamin C (without root canals !?!) is that the amalgam fillings are creating a mercury toxicity... One of the effects of mercury "poisoning" is that it bind in red corpuscles - blocking out oxygen - making people feel tired - less oxygen in their blood.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Location: Portland, OR [previously posted as davids]

Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:27 pm

ofonorow wrote:Thanks David - I think. Instead of doing it by hand - anyway to do it automatically and send me a new PDF?
Hi Owen,

As I mentioned earlier, I only have a [free] Acrobat Reader, and therefore am unable to edit the .pdf file. If you know away around this conundrum, I would be happy to assist.


JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:33 pm

ofonorow wrote:David reports that he is over 100 grams daily (correct?) but also reports root canals and fillings.
I do occasionally go over 100 grams in a 24 hour period, but 75 to 100 is an accurate average [currently]. Yes, I have two root canals and six mercury amalgam fillings. And yes, I feel very "well" indeed [virtually all of the time]!
JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by bhope » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:25 am

Owen and johnwen,
Follow up info on me has been just under 2 years since posting an update/status. My 17 year old son had a routine school physical last month that was to include a lipid profile. He is generally very healthy, good diet, nutrition and exercise. Since my LP(a) was 300 nMol/L, I asked them to also run an LA(a) on him. All of his lipids and other blood work came back 'normal', but his LP(a) was 204 nMol/L. His pediatrician placed a pediatric cardiology consult. I may take him to the cardiology appointment out of curiosity just to see what they will say, or "prescribe". I am still NO on statins for me, although cardiology still strongly emphasizes I take maximum dosage. I am of course thinking vit c supplementation for him, but I wanted to get your recommendations - dosage, form, etc. At least we know early in life for him, unlike me not knowing about my LP(a) status until age 59 - complete with significant CA blockages!
Thank you for your thoughts,

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:36 am

Yes, the Pauling treatment for Lp(a) sounds appropriate for your son - the trick will be "encouraging" him to adopt it and stay on it.

If he is an athlete - perhaps that fact that high dosages of vitamin C and lysine will help better is performance might be a motivation?

If he were my son, i would probably gradually work up to 5000 mg of vitamin C and lysine and add proline (for its Lp(a) reduction effect), or the equivalent of 2 jars of Cardio-C per month. I would monitor the Lp(a) and see whether it lowers, and if it does, see whether reducing to 1 jar monthly keeps it at that level. He may have to be on Lp(a) binding inhibitors for life.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by bhope » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:36 am

Owen - Thank you for these recommendations!

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by soflsun » Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:18 pm

ofonorow wrote:
Just sent in my forum registration.

My urine is already acidic throughout the day, even when adding some baking soda to the Cardio - C. Otherwise, I feel fine.


Is acidic urine dangerous? I don't check...

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by Johnwen » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:53 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by soflsun » Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:17 pm

Thanks John...

Why was Pauling taking baking soda with his AA and Lysine if is doesn't make the urine acidic? I'm just trying to figure this out without damaging my wife or myself.

Thank you.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:01 am

Just a reminder to all, that according to Pauling - kidney stones don't form in neutral pH urine, but can form in either highly alkaline or highly acidic urine - depends on the type of stone (HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER). So yes, kidney stones might form in acidic urine - if you have a tendency to that type of stone. According to Steve Hickey and others, upping magnesium can prevent most kidney stones.

According to Russel Jaffe, MD, PHD, there are too many variables measuring urine pH throughout the day for it to be meaningful, but the first morning urine (which has been in the bladder for awhile) can tell a story. The attempt should be made to measure urine pH on waking, and attempt to have it neutral (about 7) pH.

Depending on the waking urine pH, you might want to add more or less baking soda to your ascorbic acid drinks. Try to adjust to waking urine of neutral. (You also reported a problem with GERD - right, which is another reason to buffer the ascorbic acid going down your throat)

Interesting fact about citric acids - thanks johnwen
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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